Kimler Surname Homepage

The Kimler Surname Homepage

Welcome to the Kimler Surname Homepage. This page focuses on the family of John Kimler, but information will be added about other lines that include Kemler, Kemlar, Kemmler, and other spellings. Kimler appears to be an uncommon name in the United States as evidenced by the infrequency that it appears in the US Census. A sampling of the 1990 US Census reveals that the surname Kimler ranks #25,459 (in other words, there are 25,458 surnames that occured more frequently). Even more uncommon are Kemler (#31,735) and Kemmler (#71,453).

I am not a professional genealogist so I can't guarantee my information. I consider my information as a place for other Kimler researchers to start or to gather leads. I am not able to put all my data on these pages, so please feel free to contact me with quests for more information, updated information, additions, and sources.

If you do not agree with what I have displayed here, please don't dash off a "nasty gram" to me. However, I would love to include your information, too. My database is set up so that I can enter all information I obtain in it. Sometimes, this results in multiple or conflicting dates, questions about info that I include as "my NOTE:", etc.


Here is my Kimler line that traces back to Germany. In time, I hope to post information about any other Kimler lines that there might be. Each name is linked to a more extensive discussion of the lineage.

John Kimler (Kimbler) - John came to the New World between 1750 and 1753 and was Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia. added 02/07/00


I don't have a query page; however, there are a number of resources on the Internet that include query pages. The place to start is at Rootsweb. At this time (01/04), there are not seperate resource pages for Kimler or related surnames. However, you can use the search feature at the following site to check for Kimler or related surnames:

'K' Surnames at Rootsweb

You can post queries or information at the Kimler Message Board

Kimler Message Board

Kemler Message Board

Kimbler Message Board

There are currently (01/04) no mailing lists at Rootsweb for Kimler or related surnames. You can check for mailing lists here:

Rootsweb mailing lists

There is not a Kimler Family Genealogy Forum at, but the Kimbler or Kemmler Family Genealogy Forums at are places to read or place queries for the Kimler surname. These are located at:

Kimbler Family Genealogy Forum

Kemmler Family Genealogy Forum

Visit RootsWeb Visit Visit

Please use my new email address, thanks. (Jan 2004)
email address

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Updated using CuteHTML on 01/26/04.