

The text of this page was begun 23 June 2001 and revised 5 Nov 2002-- rak.

According to Beratz, p.356, Rosenberg [Russian name: Umet] was a Bergseite daughter colony founded in 1852, whose population in 1912 was 3000.

For the exact location of Rosenberg, click on the Saratov Area Map.

For a report on a visit to the village in May 2001, click on  Rosenberg 2001.  To visit the official Rosenberg web-site, click on    

My Rosenberg Ancestral Families


9.  Maria Katarina (17 March 1850-29 Dec 1916) m. David KRAUS.

18. Johann Adam (1813-1855) m. Maria Sybil Unknown.

Maria and David probably were married in Rosenberg where she lived with her parents and where the parish church for Alexandertal was.  Unfortunately the Rosenberg church records are apparently lost.  Following their marriage in 1869 until they left for the US in 1876, they lived in Alexandertal -- so I was told by all of my older relatives in the 1960's.

According to the Dahlinger Family Chart (hereafter DFC) done by Dr. Pleve, Johann Adam, his wife and children, moved from Galka to Rosenberg in 1852.


19. Maria Sybil (1809-aft.1857) wife of Johann Adam DAHLINGER.

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