Alexandertal Map

Map of Alexandertal Area

This page was begun 8 April 2001 -- rak.


A map showing clearly the location of Alexandertal and its neighbors was published in the AHSGR Journal Vol.6, no.2 (Summer 1983), p. 13 and is reproduced in part here:

} {Times New Roman} 12 B #0000ff RT 0 " text="(281,352) (480,378) {<--Astrakhan postal highway} {Times New Roman} 12 B #ff0000 LT 0 " border="0" src="alexan1.gif" u-originalsrc="alexan1.gif" u-overlaysrc="_overlay/alexandertalmap.htm_txt_alexan1.gif" startspan -->

An (e) after a colony's name indicates it was Lutheran, a (k) indicates it was Catholic.

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