
18x19 Johann Adam and Maria Sybil Dahlinger, m. about 1831

This page was begun on 4 November 2002 -- rak.

All the information we have on these two as a couple comes from the Dahlinger Family Chart which is almost totally derived from the 1857 Rosenberg census.  J. Adam had died by the time this census was taken.  I think it very likely that he may have been the only one in the household with a bit of Russian.  Without him, I think the Russian census taker had a very difficult time and several of the names and ages may have been a bit scrambled.  We have direct evidence that two of the birth years are pretty far off.  For instance, my great grandmother claimed to have been born on 17 March 1850 and her brother, Friedrich, is said (I am not certain on what basis this is said) to have been born 13 April 1832.  The birth years as indicated by the census are shown below with contrary information in square brackets.  Information taken from American sources is printed in blue.  All their known children probably were born in Galka and were:

Johann Heinrich b. 1833.

Female b. bef 1840, m. a Weimer bef 1857 [their son Gottlieb b. abt. 1860 went in 1892 with his wife to Marion Co, KS].  Their arrival on July 4, 1892 in Tampa, KS was long remembered in our family.

Johann Gottfried b. 1837, m. Charlotte b. 1837.

Georg Friedrich b. 1838 [13 April 1832], m. Katharina Ehrlich of Sherbakovka.  They went to Marion Co, KS in 1876.

Georg Adam b. 1843.

Johann Georg b. March 1844.

Maria Catharina b. 1846 [17 March 1850], m. abt 1869 in Rosenberg David Kraus of Alexandertal [my great grandparents].  They went to Marion Co, KS in 1876 on the same ship to the US as brother Friedrich.  These two siblings' families lived next to each other in Marion County for years.

Georg Jacob b. 1849.

Julianna Elisabeth b. 1851-52.


We know that this is the right family for my ancestors from evidence given in Maria Katharina's obituary which explains how she was raised solely by her mother because her father died when she was a small child and her mother did not remarry.  According to the 1857 census J. Adam died in 1855.  That would have been when his daughter Maria Katharina was 4- or 5-years-old according to the birth date she claimed.  All other Rosenberg Dahlinger families were intact with both mother and father present.

To get back to J. Adam, click on him.  To get back to M. Sybil, click on her. To get to Mary (Dahlinger) Kraus, click on her.