This page was started 23 April 2001 -- rak.
Anyone who studies the history of our branch of the Casebolt family will quickly reach the conclusion that this man was perhaps the most beloved and influential (within the family) of us all. He was widely known as a kindly, loving, and caring human being who would go out of his way for anyone in need. In succeeding generations virtually every Casebolt family in this line in every generation has had a Lin, Linn or Lynn in loving memory of him.
An elder cousin, Mrs. Dewey Pipes, who when she was a young girl knew him, explained to me in the 1960's that he also may have been one of the very strongest of us spiritually and in terms of character. According to her observation my great grandfather was sorely afflicted with manic depressive syndrome, many years before it could be properly diagnosed and treated -- that all his life he waged a long, painful and successful battle against it. Then, tragically, in his 40's he contracted typhoid fever. He almost beat that too, but ultimately the mind-bending effects of the fever became too much additional weight for him to bear -- and he committed suicide -- although, thanks to an alert brother-in-law he was not immediately successful. Cousin Jean Feaster sent me the following obituary on 28 March 2001:
The Cedar Vale Commercial, December 6, 1895, page 2: Attempted Suicide. One of the most shocking news that has reached this city for some time was the report that on Thanksgiving night that L.F. Casebolt had attempted suicide. He went to the barn and with a rope made of binding twine succeeded in suspending himself by the neck to some of the cross timbers. It happened however, that his brother-in-law, who was visiting there at the time, went to the barn and discovered Mr. Casebolt before he was dead and immediately cut him down and gave the alarm to the neighbors. Physicians were hurriedly sent for and all that was possible was done to restore him to consciousness, but all in vain. He died at one o'clock Saturday morning in great agony. Mr. Casebolt, up to last September was a man of far above the average in physical and mental capacity, but he was taken down with typhoid fever while away on a business trip near Kansas City. He went through a very severe siege being delirious a great deal of the time, and as he was about ready to start home, he took a relapse and had another very sick spell. When after sufficiently recovering again, as he thought, he started home and arrived here about three weeks ago, but in a very feeble condition and apparently in an unbalanced state of mind which is the only cause that can be attributed for this rash act.
In the death of Mr. Casebolt, the community loses one of its best citizens, one who had acquired a comfortable home and a host of friends during his fourteen years residence on Grand Creek. He leaves a sorrowing wife and five lovely children to remember him as only a kind father and husband cherished in the memory of those who are left behind. The funeral services were held at the residence Sunday morning. Elder Lyon of the Christian Church conducting the services. While the A.O.U.W. of this city took charge of the burial.
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