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- 1656 Will of Robert Hubbard, gentleman of Essex (Part I)
- 1708 Court Record from the Manor of Elmsted in Kent
- Inventories of Henry and Mary Lushington
- 1610 Will of Sir Richard Lechford of Shellwood, Surrey - Part II
- 1610 Will of Sir Richard Lechford of Shellwood, Surrey - Part I
- 1674 Inventory of Alice Cruse of Brushford, Somerset - Part II
- 1674 Inventory of Alice Cruse of Brushford, Somerset - Part I
- 1582 Court Document, Doughtye v. Langcake, Cumberland - Part II
- 1598 Will of William Swanson of Hallaton, Leicestershire
- 1582 Court Document, Doughtye v. Langcake, Cumberland - Part I
- 1559 Will of William Leng, Nether Catton, Yorkshire
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