Weld Family
Generation One
1. John1 Weld died circa 1552 at Long Melford, Suffolk, England.
He was known as The Elder. He resided at Long Melford, co. Suffolk, England.
Known children of John1 Weld include:
2. i. Thomas2 Weld
ii. John Welde resided at Long Melford, co. Suffolk, England.
iii. Margaret Weld.
iv. Margery Weld resided at Long Melford, co. Suffolk, England. She left a will on 19 Sep 1561.
Generation Two
2. Thomas2 Weld (John1) died on 8 Apr 1597.
He was a draper.
Known children of Thomas2 Weld include:
3. i. Edmund3 Welde, born 1559 at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England; married Amye.
ii. Mary Weld was born in 1561.
iii. Prudence Weld was born in 1563.
Generation Three
3. Edmund3 Welde (Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born in 1559 at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England. He married Amye. He died in 1608 at Sudbury, Suffolk, England.
He was a cloth merchant. He resided at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England. He left a will on 5 Dec 1605 at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England; proved 3 May 1608.
Amye was born between 1566 and 1568. She died at England. She may have been Amy Brewster Clark. She left a will on 5 Dec 1605; proved 3 May 1608.
Known children of Edmund3 Welde and Amye were as follows:
i. Daniel4 Welde was born either 1585 or 1586 at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England. He married Alice; 1st wife. He married Ann; 2nd wife. He died in 1666.
ii. John Welde was born circa 1591 at Sudbury, co. Suffolk, England.
iii. Edmund Welde.
4. iv. Rev. Thomas Weld, baptized 15 Jul 1595 at St. Peter's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England; married Margaret; married Judith.
5. v. Joseph Weld, born 1595 at England; married Elizabeth Wyse; married Barbara Clapp.
vi. Benjamin Welde was born circa 1597.
vii. James Welde.
viii. Mary Welde.
ix. Elizabeth Welde.
Generation Four
4. Rev. Thomas4 Weld (Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born circa 1590 at England. He was baptized on 15 Jul 1595 at St. Peter's, Sudbury, Suffolk, England. He married Margaret; 1st wife. He married Judith; 2nd wife. He died on 23 Mar 1660/61 at London, England, at age 65.
He was a clergyman & one of the founders of Harvard. He was graduated 1613 &1618 at Trinity College, Cambridge, England. He resided in 1624 at Terling, Essex, England. He resided in 1632 at Roxbury, MA. He and Margaret immigrated on 5 Mar 1632 to Boston, MA; on ship Wm. & Francis from London, England.
Margaret died circa 1634/35.
Known children of Rev. Thomas4 Weld and Margaret were as follows:
i. John5 Weld was baptized on 6 Jun 1625 at Terling, Essex, England.
He immigrated on 5 Mar 1632 to Boston, MA; on ship Wm. & Francis from London, England. He returned to England.
6. ii. Thomas Weld, baptized 26 Jul 1627 at Terling, Essex, England; married Dorothy Whiting.
iii. Samuel Weld was baptized on 8 Oct 1629 at Terling, Essex, England.
He immigrated on 5 Mar 1632 to Boston, MA; on ship Wm. & Francis from London, England.
iv. Edmund Weld was baptized on 8 Jul 1631 at Terling, Essex, England. He died on 2 Mar 1668 at co. Cork, Ireland, at age 36.
He had 1 children. He immigrated on 5 Mar 1632 to Boston, MA; on ship Wm. & Francis from London, England. He was graduated in 1650 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
v. Daniel Weld married Marie Hinsdale, daughter of Robert Hinsdale and Ann Woodward, on 8 Jun 1664 at Dedham, MA. He died on 16 Dec 1699 at Deerfield, MA.
He and Marie Hinsdale had 7 children. He resided at Medfield, MA. He resided at Roxbury, MA.
5. Joseph4 Weld (Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born in 1595 at England. He married Elizabeth Wyse at All Saints Church, Sudbury, England; 1st wife. He married Barbara Clapp, daughter of Nicholas Clapp and Elizabeth, on 20 Apr 1639 at Roxbury, MA; 1st husband, 2nd wife. He died on 7 Oct 1646 at Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA. He was buried on 7 Oct 1646 at Roxbury, MA.
He and Elizabeth Wyse immigrated circa 1635 to Roxbury, MA. He and Barbara Clapp resided at Roxbury, MA. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. He left a will 4mo 2 1646 at Suffolk Co., MA.
Elizabeth Wyse died in Oct 1638 at Roxbury, MA.
Known children of Joseph4 Weld and Elizabeth Wyse were as follows:
i. John5 Weld was born on 28 Oct 1623 at Sudbury, England. He married Margaret Bowen, daughter of Griffith Bowen and Margaret Fleming, on 24 Dec 1647. He died on 20 Sep 1691 at Roxbury, MA, at age 67.
He left a will on 19 Jun 1676; proved 28 Apr 1692.
7. ii. Elizabeth Weld, born circa 1625 at England; married Edward Denison.
iii. Mary Weld was born circa 1627 at England. She married Daniel Harris, son of Thomas Harris and Elizabeth, circa 1648.
iv. Hannah Weld was born circa 1629 at England.
v. Thomas Weld was born circa 1632 at England. He died on 9 Sep 1649.
vi. Edmund Weld was born on 14 Jul 1636 at Roxbury, MA.
Barbara Clapp married Anthony Stoddard on 24 Jul 1647; 2nd husband, 1st wife, date of agreement. She died 2mo 15 1655.
Known children of Joseph4 Weld and Barbara Clapp were as follows:
i. Sarah5 Weld was born on 21 Dec 1640 at Roxbury, MA. She was baptized on 31 Dec 1640 at Roxbury, MA. She married John Frank.
ii. Daniel Weld was born on 18 Sep 1642 at Roxbury, MA. He was baptized on 25 Sep 1642 at Roxbury, MA.
iii. Joseph Weld was born on 6 Feb 1644/55 at Roxbury, MA. He was buried on 7 Dec 1645 at Roxbury, MA.
8. iv. Marah Weld, baptized 2 Aug 1646 at Roxbury, MA; married Comfort Starr.
Generation Five
6. Thomas5 Weld (Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was baptized on 26 Jul 1627 at Terling, Essex, England. He married Dorothy Whiting, daughter of Rev. Samuel Whiting, on 4 Jun 1650 at Roxbury, MA. He died on 17 Jan 1682/83 at Roxbury, MA, at age 55.
He immigrated on 5 Mar 1632 to Boston, MA; on ship Wm. & Francis from London, England. He resided at Roxbury, MA. He left a will on 13 Jan 1682; proved 6 Feb 1682.
Dorothy Whiting was born in 1628. She died on 31 Jul 1694 at Roxbury, MA. She immigrated on 26 May 1636 to Boston, MA. She resided at Lynn, MA.
Known children of Thomas5 Weld and Dorothy Whiting were as follows:
i. Samuel6 Weld was baptized on 20 Jul 1651. He was buried on 26 Aug 1653 at Roxbury, MA.
9. ii. Rev. Thomas Weld, born 12 Jun 1653 at Roxbury, MA; married Elizabeth Wilson; married Mary Savage.
iii. Samuel Weld was born on 10 Aug 1655 at Roxbury, MA. He married Susanna Polley, daughter of John Polley, on 23 Jun 1683. He died on 2 Sep 1737 at age 82.
iv. John Weld was born on 9 Oct 1657 at Roxbury, MA. He died on 25 Jul 1686 at age 28.
He was a weaver.
10. v. Edmund Weld, born 29 Sep 1659 at Roxbury, MA; married Elizabeth White.
vi. Daniel Weld was born at Roxbury, MA. He was baptized on 16 Mar 1662. He was buried on 25 Jun 1663.
vii. Dorothy Weld was born on 28 Apr 1664. She married William Denison, son of Edward Denison and Elizabeth Weld, on 12 May 1686; 1st husband. She married Samuel Williams on 28 Apr 1720; 2nd husband. She died in 1740.
She left a will on 29 May 1740.
viii. Joseph Weld was born on 3 May 1666 at Roxbury, MA.
He left a will on 8 Apr 1690; proved 11 Mar 1695.
ix. Margaret Weld was born on 29 Nov 1669 at Roxbury, MA. She married Nathaniel Brewer on 17 Mar 1690.
She and Nathaniel Brewer had 2 children.
7. Elizabeth5 Weld (Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born circa 1625 at England. She married Edward Denison, son of William Denison and Margaret Chandler, on 30 Mar 1641. She died on 5 Feb 1716/17 at Roxbury, MA.
She and Edward Denison had 11 children.
Edward Denison was baptized on 3 Nov 1616 at Stratford, England. He died on 26 Apr 1668 at Roxbury, MA, at age 51. He immigrated in 1631 to Roxbury, MA; on the ship 'Lyon.'
Known children of Elizabeth5 Weld and Edward Denison include:
i. William6 Denison was born on 18 Sep 1664. He married Dorothy Weld, daughter of Thomas Weld and Dorothy Whiting, on 12 May 1686; 1st husband. He died on 23 Mar 1717/18 at age 53.
He was graduated in 1681 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA. He left a will on 19 Mar 1717/18.
8. Marah5 Weld (Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was baptized on 2 Aug 1646 at Roxbury, MA. She married Comfort Starr, son of Dr. Thomas Starr and Rachel, at Boston, MA. She died in 1688.
She and Comfort Starr resided at New London, CT. She and Comfort Starr resided at Middletown, CT.
Comfort Starr was born in 1644 at Scituate, MA. He was baptized on 7 Jun 1646 at Second Church, Scituate, MA. He died on 18 Oct 1693 at Middletown, CT. He resided at Boston, MA. He resided at New London, CT. He resided at Middletown, CT.
Generation Six
9. Rev. Thomas6 Weld (Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 12 Jun 1653 at Roxbury, MA. He was baptized on 12 Jun 1653. He married Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Rev. John Wilson and Sara Hooker, on 9 Nov 1681; 1st wife. He married Mary Savage, daughter of Capt. Habijah Savage and Hannah Tyng, on 22 May 1700 at Cambridge, MA; 2nd wife. He died on 9 Jun 1702 probably at Dunstable, MA, at age 48.
He resided at Dunstable, MA. He was graduated in 1671 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
Elizabeth Wilson was born circa Sep 1656. She died on 19 Jul 1687.
Known children of Rev. Thomas6 Weld and Elizabeth Wilson were as follows:
i. Elizabeth7 Weld was born on 13 Oct 1682. She died; young.
ii. Thomas Weld was born on 7 Feb 1683. He died on 21 Jul 1704 at Braintree, MA, at age 21. He was buried on 22 Jul 1704 at Roxbury, MA.
He was graduated in 1701 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
iii. Eleazar Weld was born on 5 Jan 1684. He died on 11 Apr 1686 at age 2.
iv. John Weld was born on 5 Feb 1685. He died on 25 Jul 1686 at age 1.
Mary Savage was born on 27 Aug 1667 at Boston, MA. She died on 2 Jun 1731 at Attleborough, MA, at age 63. She resided at Boston, MA.
Known children of Rev. Thomas6 Weld and Mary Savage were as follows:
i. Samuel7 Weld was born on 4 Mar 1700/1. He died on 18 Jan 1715/16 at Roxbury, MA, at age 14.
He was also known as Farewell Weld.
12. ii. Rev. Habijah Weld, born 2 Sep 1702 at Dunstable, MA; married Mary Fox.
10. Edmund6 Weld (Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 29 Sep 1659 at Roxbury, MA. He married Elizabeth White, daughter of Lt. John White and Elizabeth Bowles, on 10 Nov 1687 at Roxbury, MA. He died before 14 Apr 1747 at Suffolk Co., MA.
He resided at Roxbury, MA. He was a cooper. He left a will on 18 Jun 1744; proved 14 Apr 1747.
Elizabeth White was born on 22 Mar 1667. She died on 20 Dec 1721 at Roxbury, MA, at age 54; smallpox. She resided at Brookline, MA.
Known children of Edmund6 Weld and Elizabeth White were as follows:
i. Elizabeth7 Weld married Elias Parkman, son of William Parkman and Elizabeth, on 13 Nov 1718; 2nd wife.
She and Elias Parkman had 2 children.
ii. Dorothy Weld married Harbottle Dorr, son of Edward Dorr and Elizabeth Hawley, on 8 Apr 1724.
She and Harbottle Dorr had 3 children.
iii. Samuel Weld was born at Roxbury, MA. He died on 29 Mar 1698.
iv. Joseph Weld was born at Roxbury, MA. He died on 21 Feb 1693/94 at Roxbury, MA.
13. v. John Weld, born circa 1690 at Roxbury, MA; married Esther Waldo.
14. vi. Edmund Weld, born 23 Jun 1695 at Roxbury, MA; married Clemence Dorr.
vii. Thomas Weld was born in Nov 1702 at Roxbury, MA.
He was graduated in 1723 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
11. Joseph6 Starr (Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Abigail Baldwin.
Generation Seven
12. Rev. Habijah7 Weld (Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 2 Sep 1702 at Dunstable, MA. He married Mary Fox, daughter of Rev. John Fox and Mary Tyng, on 17 Oct 1728 at Woburn, MA. He died on 14 May 1782 at Attleborough, MA, at age 79.
He resided at Attleboro, MA. He was a minister at First Church of Christ, Attleborough, MA. He resided at Martha's Vinyard, MA. He was graduated in 1723 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
Mary Fox was born on 27 Oct 1706 at Woburn, MA. She died on 7 Jan 1799 at age 92. She resided at Woburn, MA.
Known children of Rev. Habijah7 Weld and Mary Fox all born at Attleboro, MA, were as follows:
i. Mary8 Weld was born on 4 Sep 1729. She married Dr. Cardee Parker.
She and Dr. Cardee Parker had 3 children.
ii. Judith Weld was born on 16 Oct 1730. She died on 13 Sep 1767 at age 36; unmarried.
16. iii. Dorothy Weld, born 13 Dec 1731; married Capt. Jonathan Philbrook.
iv. Elizabeth Weld was born on 8 Apr 1733. She married Rev. Oakes Shaw. She died on 6 Jun 1772 at age 39.
She and Rev. Oakes Shaw had 3 children.
v. Lucy Weld was born on 15 Jun 1734. She married Rev. Oliver Noble on 15 May 1760. She died circa 1782.
She and Rev. Oliver Noble had 8 children.
vi. Thomas Weld was born on 5 Oct 1735. He died on 17 May 1736; infancy.
vii. Dr. Thomas Weld was born on 15 Sep 1736. He died on 24 Dec 1756 at Brookfield, MA, at age 20.
He was member of the Crownpoint Expedition in 1756.
viii. Sarah Weld was born on 9 Jun 1738. She married Rev. Timothy Alden on 22 Nov 1770. She died circa 13 Nov 1796.
She and Rev. Timothy Alden had 6 children.
ix. Samuel Weld was born on 1 Jun 1740. He was born on 9 Jun 1740. He died on 30 Jun 1740; infancy.
x. Hannah Weld was born on 27 Apr 1741. She married Rev. Caleb Fuller, son of Young Fuller, on 28 Oct 1762. She died on 14 Jan 1805 at Hanover, NH, at age 63.
She and Rev. Caleb Fuller had 9 children.
xi. Anna Weld was born on 19 Aug 1743. She married Rev. Ezra Weld, son of John Weld and Esther Waldo, on 9 Feb 1764. She died on 10 Jul 1774 at age 30.
xii. Katherine Weld was born on 21 Jan 1744/45. She died on 28 Mar 1746 at age 1.
xiii. Dr. Samuel Weld was born on 6 Nov 1746. He died on 15 Jun 1767 at age 20.
He was a physician.
xiv. Dr. John Weld was born on 1 Jul 1748. He married Huldah Sabin, daughter of Capt. John Sabin, on 16 Apr 1772; 1st husband. He died on 9 Feb 1777 at age 28; smallpox.
He and Huldah Sabin had 3 children. He was a physician.
xv. Eunice Weld was born on 18 Sep 1750. She married Eliphaz Day, son of David Day and Ruth Whipple; 2nd wife.
13. John7 Weld (Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born circa 1690 at Roxbury, MA. He married Esther Waldo, daughter of Daniel Waldo and Susannah Adams, circa 1727. He died on 24 Jul 1763 at Pomfret, CT.
He and Esther Waldo had 5 children.
Esther Waldo was born on 8 Jan 1698 at Chelmsford, MA. She died on 11 Jan 1777 at Pomfret, CT, at age 79.
Known children of John7 Weld and Esther Waldo include:
i. Rev. Ezra8 Weld was born on 13 Jun 1736. He married Anna Weld, daughter of Rev. Habijah Weld and Mary Fox, on 9 Feb 1764.
14. Edmund7 Weld (Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 23 Jun 1695 at Roxbury, MA. He married Clemence Dorr, daughter of Edward Dorr and Elizabeth Hawley, on 8 Jul 1725 at Roxbury, MA. He died on 13 Jun 1748 at Milton, MA, at age 52.
Clemence Dorr was born on 17 Jul 1700 at Roxbury, MA. She died on 8 Dec 1766 at Roxbury, MA, at age 66.
Known children of Edmund7 Weld and Clemence Dorr were as follows:
i. Samuel8 Weld was born on 14 Apr 1726 at Roxbury, MA. He married Hannah Rogers on 22 Jun 1749. He died in 1773 at Roxbury, MA.
He and Hannah Rogers had 7 children.
17. ii. Elizabeth Weld, born 25 Jul 1727; married Ebenezer Stevens.
iii. Edmund Weld was born on 12 Jan 1728/29 at Roxbury, MA. He married Sarah. He died at Roxbury, MA.
He was a tanner. He and Sarah had 11 children. He was living on 5 Apr 1783.
iv. Dorothy Weld was born on 7 Apr 1730. She married John Reynolds on 5 May 1753.
She and John Reynolds had 5 children.
v. Joseph Weld was born on 30 Oct 1732 at Roxbury, MA. He married Mary Ruggles on 17 Dec 1757; 1st husband. He died on 27 Sep 1765 at age 32.
He and Mary Ruggles had 4 children.
18. vi. Edward Weld, born 5 Feb 1734/35 at Roxbury, MA; married Hannah Church.
vii. Clemence Weld married Paul Spear on 25 Aug 1758.
15. Samuel7 Starr (Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Elizabeth de Jersey.
Generation Eight
16. Dorothy8 Weld (Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 13 Dec 1731 at Attleboro, MA. She married Capt. Jonathan Philbrook, son of Jonathan Philbrook and Elizabeth, on 7 Aug 1759; 2nd wife. She died on 2 Feb 1810 at age 78.
Capt. Jonathan Philbrook was born in 1721 at Greenland, NH. He was baptized in 1722. He married Mary Card; 1st wife. He died in 1801 at Clinton, ME. He was a mariner. He resided at Boston, MA. He was a miller. He resided circa 1761 at Gardner, ME. He resided at Clinton, ME.
17. Elizabeth8 Weld (Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 25 Jul 1727. She married Ebenezer Stevens, son of Lt. Erasmus Stevens and Persis Bridge, on 9 Jul 1750 at Roxbury, MA. She died after 1793.
She resided at Roxbury, MA.
Ebenezer Stevens was born on 21 Oct 1726 at Boston, MA. He died in 1763. He resided at Roxbury, MA. He resided at Boston, MA.
18. Edward8 Weld (Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 5 Feb 1734/35 at Roxbury, MA. He married Hannah Church, daughter of Dea. Benjamin Church and Hannah Dyer, on 7 Apr 1757 at Boston, MA. He died on 19 Feb 1809 at Boston, MA, at age 74.
He resided at Boston, MA.
Hannah Church was born circa 1733 at Boston, MA. She died on 14 Sep 1804 at Boston, MA.
Known children of Edward8 Weld and Hannah Church were as follows:
i. Elizabeth9 Weld married Ebenezer Turrell Andrews in 1808; 2nd wife.
22. ii. Benjamin Weld, born 22 Apr 1758 at Boston, MA; married Abigail Perkins.
iii. Edward Weld was baptized on 13 Jan 1760 at Salem, MA. He died; young.
iv. Hannah Weld was baptized on 6 Mar 1763 at Marblehead, MA. She died on 19 Sep 1842 at age 79; unmarried. She was buried at Central Burying Ground, Boston, MA.
v. Giles Weld was baptized on 31 Mar 1765 at First Church, Marblehead, MA. He married Hannah Farrar on 14 Jun 1787. He died before 27 Feb 1809.
He resided at Boston, MA. He and Hannah Farrar had 6 children.
vi. Mary Weld was born on 7 Aug 1768 at Marblehead, MA. She married Isaiah Thomas Jr., son of Isaiah Thomas and Mary Dill, on 4 May 1797. She died on 26 Apr 1825 at Boston, MA, at age 56.
She and Isaiah Thomas Jr. had 12 children.
vii. Hermione Weld was baptized on 14 Jan 1770 at Marblehead, MA. She married Ebenezer Turrell Andrews on 22 Dec 1791; 1st wife. She died in 1807.
She and Ebenezer Turrell Andrews had 2 children.
19. Elizabeth8 Starr (Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married William Redfield.
Generation Nine
20. Thomas Weld9 Philbrook (Dorothy8 Weld, Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Abigail Mason.
21. Maj. Gen. Ebenezer9 Stevens (Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Lucretia Ledyard.
22. Benjamin9 Weld (Edward8, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 22 Apr 1758 at Boston, MA. He married Abigail Perkins, daughter of Col. William Perkins and Abigail Cox, on 9 Sep 1792 at Boston, MA. He died on 14 Mar 1839 at Brunswick, ME, at age 80.
He was Deputy Collector of Customs at Boston, MA.
Abigail Perkins was born on 10 Jan 1773. She died on 20 Jul 1840 at age 67. She was known as Nabby.
Known children of Benjamin9 Weld and Abigail Perkins were as follows:
i. Benjamin Lincoln10 Weld was born on 14 Sep 1793. He died on 21 Nov 1827 at age 34. He was buried at Central Burying Ground, Boston, MA.
He was a lawyer. He was graduated in 1811 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
ii. Charles Weld died in 1837; at sea in the wreck of the steamer Home between New York and Charleston.
He was graduated in 1816 at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.
26. iii. Abigail Perkins Weld, born 21 Mar 1799 at Boston, MA; married John Austin Stevens.
iv. Albert Weld was born on 23 Mar 1801 at Boston, MA.
v. Eliza Ann Weld was born on 14 Nov 1803. She died on 17 Apr 1813 at age 9.
vi. Dr. Eugene Weld was born on 10 Aug 1805 at Boston, MA. He died on 21 Jan 1849 at New Iberia, LA, at age 43.
He was a physician. He was graduated in 1825 at Bowdoin College, ME. He was graduated at New York Medical School, NY. He resided in 1834 at New Iberia, LA.
vii. Emmeline Weld was born on 5 Aug 1807.
23. Samuel9 Redfield (Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Ann Heritage.
Generation Ten
24. Mary Kennedy10 Philbrook (Thomas9, Dorothy8 Weld, Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married George Washington Hoppin.
25. John Austin10 Stevens (Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Abigail Perkins Weld.
26. Abigail Perkins10 Weld (Benjamin9, Edward8, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) was born on 21 Mar 1799 at Boston, MA. She married John Austin Stevens, son of Maj. Gen. Ebenezer Stevens and Lucretia Ledyard, on 30 Sep 1824 at Brunswick, ME. She died on 3 Sep 1886 at New York, NY, at age 87.
She resided at Brunswick, ME.
John Austin Stevens was born on 22 Jan 1795 at New York, NY. He died on 19 Oct 1874 at New York, NY, at age 79. He was President of The Bank of Commerce of New York at New York, NY. He was graduated in 1813 at Yale College, New Haven, CT.
27. William10 Redfield (Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Deborah Skill.
Additional Generations
28. Charlotte Augusta11 Hoppin (Mary10 Philbrook, Thomas9, Dorothy8 Weld, Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Frederick Brown.
29. Lucretia Ledyard11 Stevens (John10, Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married John Gustave Richard Heckscher.
30. Anna Maria11 Redfield (William10, Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married John Wesley Frazier.
31. Henry Armitt12 Brown (Charlotte11 Hoppin, Mary10 Philbrook, Thomas9, Dorothy8 Weld, Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Josephine Lea Baker.
36. Stevens12 Heckscher (Lucretia11 Stevens, John10, Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Henrietta Armitt Brown.
37. John Wesley12 Frazier Jr. (Anna11 Redfield, William10, Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Carrie Yaeger.
40. Henrietta Armitt13 Brown (Henry12, Charlotte11 Hoppin, Mary10 Philbrook, Thomas9, Dorothy8 Weld, Habijah7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Stevens Heckscher.
51. Lucretia Stevens13 Heckscher (Stevens12, Lucretia11 Stevens, John10, Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Joseph Harrison Jr.
55. Hulda Yaeger13 Frazier (John12, Anna11 Redfield, William10, Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Willard Hunter Wanger.
83. Henrietta Armitt14 Harrison (Lucretia13 Heckscher, Stevens12, Lucretia11 Stevens, John10, Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Julian McIlvaine Marshall.
97. Lynn Alden14 Wanger (Hulda13 Frazier, John12, Anna11 Redfield, William10, Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Charles Edmund Reilly Jr.
139. John Randolph15 Marshall (Henrietta14 Harrison, Lucretia13 Heckscher, Stevens12, Lucretia11 Stevens, John10, Ebenezer9, Elizabeth8 Weld, Edmund7, Edmund6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married Deborah Lynn Reilly.
164. Deborah Lynn15 Reilly (Lynn14 Wanger, Hulda13 Frazier, John12, Anna11 Redfield, William10, Samuel9, Elizabeth8 Starr, Samuel7, Joseph6, Marah5 Weld, Joseph4, Edmund3 Welde, Thomas2 Weld, John1) married John Randolph Marshall.
Pedigree Base - Marshall
40 - Henrietta Armitt Brown
37 - John Wesley Frazier Jr.
36 - Stevens Heckscher
20 - Thomas Weld Philbrook
19 - Elizabeth Starr
18 - Edward Weld
17 - Elizabeth Weld
6 - Thomas Weld
5 -Joseph Weld
4 - Thomas Weld
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