Generation One 1. Sampson Mason; m. Mary Butterworth circa 1651; bur. 15 Sep 1676 at Rehoboth, MA. He left a will on 22 Oct 1672; proved 17 Nov 1676. Mary Butterworth left a will on 8 Jan 1712/13 at Bristol Co., MA; proved 6 Dec 1714. She died on 29 Aug 1714 at Rehoboth, MA. Known children of Sampson Mason and Mary Butterworth were as follows: i. Noah Mason; b. 26 Oct 1651-08 Feb 1651/52 at Dorchester, MA; baptized 22 Feb 1651/52 at First Church, Dorchester, MA; m. Martha; 1st wife; m. Sarah Fitch, daughter of John Fitch and Mary, 6 Dec 1677; 2nd wife; d. "2 Mar 1699/1700." He was a shoemaker. He and Sarah Fitch had 8 children. He left a will at Bristol Co., MA; proved 16 Apr 1700. ii. Sampson Mason; b. circa 1654 at prob. Dorchester, MA; m. Abigail 14 Jul 1735. He was a shoemaker. iii. John Mason; b. circa 1656 at prob. Dorchester, MA; m. Content Wales, daughter of John Wales and Elizabeth, 15 Oct 1679; d. 18 Mar 1682/83; no issue; bur. at Dorchester, MA. He was a shoemaker. iv. Samuel Mason; b. 12 Feb 1656/57 at prob. Rehoboth, MA; m. Elizabeth Miller 2 Mar 1682; 1st wife; m. Lydia Tabor, daughter of Philip Tabor and Lydia Masters, 4 Nov 1718; 2nd wife, 2nd husband; d. 25 Jan 1743/44 at age 86; bur. at Kickemuit Cemetery, Warren, RI. He was a shoemaker. He and Elizabeth Miller had 4 children. He left a will on 4 Jul 1742 at Bristol Co., MA; proved 21 Feb 1743/44. v. Sarah Mason; b. 15 Feb 1657/58 at Rehoboth, MA. vi. Mary Mason; b. 7 Feb 1659/60 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Rev. Ephraim Wheaton, son of Robert Wheaton and Alice Bowen, 7 Jan 1684/85; d. 15 Nov 1727 at age 67. She and Rev. Ephraim Wheaton had 9 children. vii. James Mason; b. 30 Oct 1661 at Rehoboth, MA. He resided at Boston, MA. viii. Joseph Mason; b. 6 Mar 1662/63 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Anne Daggett, daughter of John Daggett and Anna Sutton, 12 Mar 1683; 1st wife; m. Lydia Bowen, daughter of Obadiah Bowen and Mary Clifton, 4 Sep 1686; 2nd wife; d. 19 May 1748 at age 85; bur. at Warren, RI. He and Lydia Bowen had 4 children. He resided at Swansea, MA. He left a will on 26 Mar 1748 at Warren, RI; proved 4 Jul 1748. ix. Bethiah Mason; b. 15 Oct 1665 at Rehoboth, MA; m. John Wood, son of Thomas Wood and Rebecca, 23 May 1688; 1st wife; d. before 1712. She and John Wood had 9 children. 2. x. Isaac Mason, b. 15 Jul 1667 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Hannah. xi. Isaac Mason; b. 15 Jul 1667 at Rehoboth, MA. xii. Pelatiah Mason; b. 1 Apr 1669 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Hepsibeth Brooks, daughter of Timothy Brooks and Mary Russell, 22 May 1694; d. 29 Mar 1763 at age 93; bur. at Swansea, MA. He was a tanner and a shoemaker. He resided at Swansea, MA. He and Hepsibeth Brooks had 11 children. xiii. Benjamin Mason; b. 20 Oct 1670 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Ruth Rounds, daughter of John Rounds; d. either Aug 1740 or Sep 1740. He and Ruth Rounds had 3 children. He was a farmer. He left a will on 22 Aug 1740 at Bristol Co., MA; proved 16 Sep 1740. xiv. Thankful Mason; b. 27 Oct 1672 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Thomas Bowen, son of Obadiah Bowen and Mary Clifton, 17 Jun 1684. She and Thomas Bowen had 13 children. She was living in 1743. Generation Two 2. Isaac Mason (Sampson1); b. 15 Jul 1667 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Hannah; d. 25 Jan 1741/42 at age 74. He and Hannah resided at Rehoboth, MA. He resided circa 1706 at Swansea, MA. Hannah died after 1741. Known children of Isaac Mason and Hannah were as follows: i. Hannah Mason; b. 9 Jan 1694 at Rehoboth, MA; d. 26 Feb 1697 at age 3. ii. Mary Mason; b. 26 Jan 1695 at Rehoboth, MA; d. 5 Mar 1697 at age 2. 3. iii. Isaac Mason, b. 26 Dec 1698 at Rehobeth, MA; m. Mary Fiske. iv. Sampson Mason; b. 24 Feb 1700 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Experience Lewis, daughter of Thomas Lewis and Elizabeth Brooks, 26 Sep 1723; 1st husband; d. before 25 Oct 1731. He and Experience Lewis had 4 children. v. Hezekiah Mason; b. 6 Jun 1704 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Rebecca Martin, daughter of Melatiah Martin and Rebecca Brooks, 23 Jul 1730; 1st husband; d. 4 Apr 1738 at age 33. He and Rebecca Martin had 4 children. vi. Nathan Mason; b. 10 May 1705 at Rehoboth, MA; m. Lillis Hale, daughter of John Hale and Hannah Tillinghast, 26 Aug 1731; 1st husband; d. May 1758; bur. at Swansea, MA. He was a blacksmith. He resided at Swansea, MA. He and Lillis Hale had 13 children. 4. vii. Oliver Mason, b. 20 Aug 1706 at Swansea, MA; m. Martha Cole. viii. Hannah Mason; b. Mar 1710 at Swansea, MA; m. Samuel Lewis, son of Thomas Lewis and Elizabeth Brooks, 27 Dec 1727. She and Samuel Lewis had 4 children. ix. Benjamin Mason; b. 10 Apr 1711 at Swansea, MA. x. Mary Mason; b. 21 May 1713 at Swansea, MA; m. Nathan Bowen, son of Hezekiah Bowen and Elizabeth Landon, 18 Dec 1737. She and Nathan Bowen had 5 children. Generation Three 3. Isaac Mason (Isaac2, Sampson1); b. 26 Dec 1698 at Rehobeth, MA; m. Mary Fiske, daughter of Joseph Fiske and Elizabeth Haman, 9 Jan 1723/24; d. 1731/32. He left a will on 24 Feb 1731/32; proved 21 Mar 1731/32. Mary Fiske was born on 19 Apr 1684, recorded Swansea, MA. Known children of Isaac Mason and Mary Fiske all b. at Swansea, MA, were as follows: i. Caleb Mason; b. 28 Nov 1724; m. Martha Mason, daughter of Oliver Mason and Martha Cole, 6 Apr 1748; d. 3 May 1808 at age 83. He and Martha Mason had 9 children. He resided at Swansea, MA. He was Captain of the 1st Company of Militia in 1767 at Swansea, MA. He left a will on 24 Jul 1807 at Bristol Co., MA; proved 7 Jun 1808. ii. Robe Mason; b. 20 Nov 1726; m. Nathan Wood, son of John Wood and Charity Thurber, 20 Jan 1744; 1st wife. She and Nathan Wood had 9 children. 5. iii. Noah Mason, b. 21 Mar 1729; m. Lydia Lancaster. iv. Isaac Mason; b. 6 Dec 1731; m. Deliveramce Knight; 1st husband. He and Deliveramce Knight had 2 children. 4. Oliver Mason (Isaac2, Sampson1); b. 20 Aug 1706 at Swansea, MA; m. Martha Cole, daughter of Ebenezer Cole and Mehitable Luther, 19 Dec 1728; d. 11 Dec 1787 at age 81; bur. at Swansea, MA. He was a carpenter. He and Martha Cole had 8 children. He left a will on 3 Apr 1787 at Bristol Co; proved 1 Jan 1788. Martha Cole was born on 1 Mar 1709 at Swansea, MA. Known children of Oliver Mason and Martha Cole include: i. Martha Mason; b. 15 Nov 1729 at Swansea, MA; m. Caleb Mason, son of Isaac Mason and Mary Fiske, 6 Apr 1748; d. 8 Feb 1796 at age 66. She and Caleb Mason had 9 children. Generation Four 5. Noah Mason (Isaac3, Isaac2, Sampson1); b. 21 Mar 1729 at Swansea, MA; m. Lydia Lancaster, daughter of Edward Lancaster and Lydia Pierce, 24 Jun 1752; d. 26 Jan 1791 at age 61; bur. at North Burying Ground, Providence, RI. He was a carpenter/joiner. He was a trader. He was an innkeeper. He was Constable from 1756 to 1757 at Providence, RI. Lydia Lancaster was born was born on 27 Apr 1732. She died on 12 Aug 1816 at age 84. She was buried at North Burying Ground, Providence, RI. Known children of Noah Mason and Lydia Lancaster all b. at Providence, RI, were as follows: i. Isaac Mason. ii. Benjamin Mason. iii. Jabez Mason; m. Molly Mason, daughter of Amos Mason and Jane Buffum, 1 Dec 1793; 1st husband. He and Molly Mason had 1 child. iv. Mary Mason; m. Aaron Lewis, son of Thomas Lewis and Ruth Norton; d. 18 May 1814. She and Aaron Lewis had 4 children. v. Elizabeth Mason; b. 10 Mar 1755; m. Capt. William Page 12 Aug 1773; d. 18 Jan 1845 at age 89; bur. at North Burying Ground, Providence, RI. She and Capt. William Page had 5 children. vi. Lydia Mason; she probably married Henry Peirce, son of Joshua Peirce and Mary Horton, 8 Jun 1777. 6. vii. Abigail Mason, b. 2 Dec 1758; m. Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook. viii. Nancy Mason; she probably married Caleb Eddy 10 Jun 1790. ix. Sally Mason; b. circa 1765; m. Gideon Bailey 10 Jun 1790; 1st husband; m. Capt. Daniel Stillwell; 2nd husband; d. 27 Oct 1845. Generation Five 6. Abigail Mason (Noah4, Isaac3, Isaac2, Sampson1); b. 2 Dec 1758 at Providence, RI; m. Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook, son of Capt. Jonathan Philbrook and Dorothy Weld, Aug 1782; d. 21 Feb 1850 at age 91. She and Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook resided at Pomfret, CT. She and Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook resided at Gardiner, ME. She and Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook resided at Providence, RI. Capt. Thomas Weld Philbrook was born on 9 May 1760 at Boston, MA. He was a private during Revolution. He was a sea captain. He died on 6 Aug 1814 at age 54. He died on 2 Aug 1841 at Providence, RI, at age 81. Go to Elizabeth Starr Marshall Go to Henrietta Armitt Brown Go to Abigail Mason Go to Marshall Genealogy Family Index Go to Marshall Genealogy Bibliography Go to Marshall Genealogy Page