Cooke Family
Generation One
1. Mordecai1 Cooke married Susannah 1648; 2nd husband; he died before 1667.
He resided at 'Mordecai's Mount', Gloucester Co., VA. He immigrated in 1639 to Elizabeth City Co., VA.
Susannah married Michael Peasley; 1st husband.
Known children of Mordecai1 Cooke include:
i. John2 Cooke resided at 'Beechley', Gloucester Co., VA.
ii. Giles Cooke.
2 iii. Hon. Mordecai Cooke, born circa 1649; married Frances Ironmonger.
3 iv. Thomas Cooke, born 1651; married Mary.
Generation Two
2. Hon. Mordecai2 Cooke (Mordecai1) was born circa 1649; he married Frances Ironmonger, daughter of William Ironmonger and Elizabeth Jones, circa 1670; he died circa 1718.
He resided at 'Mordecai's Mount', Gloucester Co., VA. He was Sheriff of Gloucester Co. He was a member of the House of Burgesses between 1696 and 1702 at Virginia. He was a Justice between 1702 and 1717 at Gloucester Co., VA.
Frances Ironmonger was born circa 1654. She was living in 1695.
Known children of Hon. Mordecai2 Cooke and Frances Ironmonger were as follows:
4 i. Elizabeth3 Cooke, born circa 1671; married Richard Buckner.
5 ii. Frances Cooke, born 1673; married Gabriel Throckmorton.
6 iii. Mary Cooke, born circa 1680; married Thomas Booth.
7 iv. Mordecai Cooke, born circa 1685; married Frances Whiting.
v. John Cooke was born circa 1690; he married Elizabeth Booth, daughter of Mordecai Booth and Joyce Armistead; he died 1776 at 'Cedars', Gloucester Co., VA.
He resided at 'Cedars', Gloucester Co., VA. He and Elizabeth Booth had 4 children. He left a will on 8 Mar 1776.
vi. Susannah Cooke was born 7 Dec 1693; she married Hon. Henry Fitzhugh, son of Col. William Fitzhugh and Sarah Tucker, 24 Feb 1718; she died 21 Nov 1749 at age 55.
She and Hon. Henry Fitzhugh had 8 children.
3. Thomas2 Cooke (Mordecai1) was born 1651; he married Mary; he died 1712.
He resided at 'Warham', Gloucester Co., VA. He resided at 'Woodbury', Gloucester Co., VA.
Known children of Thomas2 Cooke include:
i. Thomas3 Cooke was living in 1749.
ii. Benjamin Cooke married Margaret.
He and Margaret resided at Gloucester Co., VA.
8 iii. Mordecai Cooke III, born 1680; married Elizabeth Buckner.
Generation Three
4. Elizabeth3 Cooke (Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born circa 1671; she married Richard Buckner, son of John Buckner and Debora Ferrers, circa 1689; she died 1748.
Richard Buckner was born in 1662. He died in 1733. He resided at Essex Co., VA. He was County Clerk between 1703 and 1712 at Essex Co., VA. He was Clerk of the House of Burgesses in 1714 at Virginia. He left a will; proved 4 Mar 1733.
Known children of Elizabeth3 Cooke and Richard Buckner were as follows:
i. John4 Buckner.
ii. William Buckner.
iii. Philip Buckner.
9 iv. Elizabeth Buckner, born 1690; married Mordecai Cooke III.
v. Maj. Richard Buckner was born circa 1720 at Virginia; he married Elizabeth Aylett, daughter of William Aylett; he died Dec 1777 at Virginia.
5. Frances3 Cooke (Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born 1673; she married Gabriel Throckmorton, son of John Throckmorton and Frances Mason, 1690.
She and Gabriel Throckmorton had 7 children.
Gabriel Throckmorton was born in Jul 1660 at Gloucester Co., VA. He died in 1737. He resided at Ware River Parish, Gloucester Co., VA. He was Sheriff of Gloucester Co.
Known children of Frances3 Cooke and Gabriel Throckmorton were:
6. Mary3 Cooke (Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born circa 1680; she married Thomas Booth, son of St. John Booth, circa 1700; she died 21 Jan 1723.
She and Thomas Booth had 10 children.
Thomas Booth was born in 1663 at Lancashire, England. He died on 11 Oct 1736. He resided at Ware Oarish, Gloucester Co., VA.
Known children of Mary3 Cooke and Thomas Booth were:
11 i. Mordecai4 Booth, born 1703; married Joyce Armistead; married Elizabeth Todd.
7. Mordecai3 Cooke (Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born circa 1685; he married Frances Whiting, daughter of Francis Whiting and Mary Perrin; he died 1748.
He resided at 'Mordecai's Mount', Gloucester Co., VA.
Frances Whiting was born on 17 Dec 1713. She died on 8 Dec 1762 at age 48.
Known children of Mordecai3 Cooke and Frances Whiting were as follows:
i. Capt. Mordecai4 Cooke married Sarah Smith, daughter of Augustine Smith and Sarah Carver, 6 Nov 1735; 1st husband; he died before 1770.
He and Sarah Smith had 3 children. He was educated in 1732 at William & Mary College, Williamsburg, VA.
ii. Elizabeth Cooke married Capt. Francis Tomkies, son of Dr. Charles Tomkies and Mary Alexander.
She and Capt. Francis Tomkies had 10 children.
12 iii. Frances Cooke, married Sir John Peyton Bart.
iv. Susannah Cooke married Capt. John Perrin before 1748.
She and Capt. John Perrin had 3 children.
v. Anne Cooke married Thomas Debnam.
She and Thomas Debnam had 2 children.
8. Mordecai3 Cooke III (Thomas2, Mordecai1) was born 1680; he married Elizabeth Buckner, daughter of Richard Buckner and Elizabeth Cooke, circa 1706; he died 1715.
He resided at 'Woodbury', Gloucester Co., VA. He was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1714 at Virginia.
Elizabeth Buckner was born in 1690. She died in 1770.
Known children of Mordecai3 Cooke III and Elizabeth Buckner were as follows:
13 i. Jemima4 Cooke, born 1707; married Thomas Chilton.
14 ii. Elizabeth Cooke, born 1712; married William Pickett.
iii. Mordecai Cooke was born circa 1718; he married Mary Hayes.
He resided at Gloucester Co., VA.
Generation Four
9. Elizabeth4 Buckner (Elizabeth3 Cooke, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born 1690; she married Mordecai Cooke III, son of Thomas Cooke, circa 1706; she died 1770.
Mordecai Cooke III was born in 1680. He died in 1715. He resided at 'Woodbury', Gloucester Co., VA. He was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1714 at Virginia.
10. Maj. Robert4 Throckmorton (Frances3 Cooke, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Mary Lewis 1720; 1st wife; he married Sarah Smith, daughter of Augustine Smith and Sarah Carver; 2nd husband, 2nd wife.
He and Mary Lewis had 4 children.
Mary Lewis died in 1748.
Sarah Smith was born in 1717. She married Capt. Mordecai Cooke, son of Mordecai Cooke and Frances Whiting, on 6 Nov 1735; 1st husband. She resided at 'Shooter's Hill', Middlesex Co., VA. She and Capt. Mordecai Cooke had 3 children.
Known children of Maj. Robert4 Throckmorton and Sarah Smith include:
i. Capt. Mordecai5 Throckmorton, married Mary Peyton.
11. Mordecai4 Booth (Mary3 Cooke, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) was born 1703; he married Joyce Armistead; 1st wife; he married Elizabeth Todd; 2nd wife.
He and Joyce Armistead had 3 children.
Known children of Mordecai4 Booth and Joyce Armistead include:
i. Elizabeth5 Booth married John Cooke, son of Hon. Mordecai Cooke and Frances Ironmonger; she died 1783.
She and John Cooke had 4 children.
12. Frances4 Cooke (Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Sir John Peyton Bart., son of Thomas Peyton and Frances Tabb, 1750; 1st wife.
She and Sir John Peyton Bart. resided at 'Isleham', Gloucester Co., VA.
Sir John Peyton Bart was born circa 1720 at Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co., VA. He married Mary Dick, daughter of Charles Dick, after 1786; 2nd wife, 2nd husband. He died on 25 Mar 1790 at Virginia.
13. Jemima4 Cooke (Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) was born 1707; she married Thomas Chilton, son of Capt. John Chilton, 1723; she died 1796.
She and Thomas Chilton resided at Westmoreland Co., VA. She and Thomas Chilton had 7 children.
Thomas Chilton was born in 1699. He died in 1765. He was Sheriff at Westmoreland Co., VA. He resided at Coples Parish, Westmoreland Co., VA. He resided at 'Currioman', Westmoreland Co., VA. He was Sheriff of Westmoreland Co. He left a will on 4 Sep 1765.
14. Elizabeth4 Cooke (Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) was born 1712; she married William Pickett, son of John Pickett and Mary, 1728; she died after 1777.
She and William Pickett resided at Hamilton Parish, Fauquier Co., VA.
William Pickett was born in 1700 at Essex Co., VA. He died in 1766. He resided at King George Co., VA. He resided at King and Queen Co., VA. He left a will on 26 Sep 1766; proved 24 Nov 1766.
Additional Generations
20. Col. Martin5 Pickett (Elizabeth4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) married Ann Blackwell.
22. Rebecca Courtenay6 Peyton (John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Edward Carrington Marshall.
23. Mildred6 Pickett (Martin5, Elizabeth4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) married William Clarkson.
25. Rebecca Peyton7 Marshall (Rebecca6 Peyton, John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Jaquelin Ambler Marshall.
26. Eliza Letitia Steptoe7 Clarkson (Mildred6 Pickett, Martin5, Elizabeth4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) married Dr. Jaquelin Ambler Marshall.
28. Jaquelin Ambler8 Marshall III (Rebecca7, Rebecca6 Peyton, John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Eliza Randolph Turner.
30. Jaquelin Ambler8 Marshall (Eliza7 Clarkson, Mildred6 Pickett, Martin5, Elizabeth4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Thomas2, Mordecai1) married Rebecca Peyton Marshall.
32. Charles Turner9 Marshall (Jaquelin8, Rebecca7, Rebecca6 Peyton, John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Julia McIlvaine Spencer.
35. Julian McIlvaine10 Marshall (Charles9, Jaquelin8, Rebecca7, Rebecca6 Peyton, John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Henrietta Armitt Harrison.
41. John Randolph11 Marshall (Julian10, Charles9, Jaquelin8, Rebecca7, Rebecca6 Peyton, John5, Frances4 Cooke, Mordecai3, Mordecai2, Mordecai1) married Deborah Lynn Reilly.
Pedigree Base - Marshall
28 - Jaquelin Ambler Marshall III
14 - Elizabeth Cooke
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