Generation One 1. Hugh Kensey; m. Margaret; d. 1667. He resided at Anne Arundel Co., MD. Known children of Hugh Kensey and Margaret were: 2. i. Elizabeth Kensey, m. Thomas Sparrow; m. Richard Johns. Generation Two 2. Elizabeth Kensey (Hugh1); m. Thomas Sparrow; 1st husband; m. Richard Johns 1675; 2nd husband; m. Richard Johns 7 Jun 1676; 2nd husband; m. Richard Johns 7 Jul 1676; d. 12mo 1 1715. Thomas Sparrow resided at the Cliffs, Calvert Co., MD. He died in 1674. Richard Johns was born on 29 Mar 1650 at Bristol, England. He immigrated in circa 1670 to Calvert Co., MD. He resided at The Cliffs, Calvert Co., MD. He was a Quaker preacher. He died on 16 Dec 1717 at The Cliffs, Calvert Co., MD, at age 67. Go to Elizabeth Starr Marshall Go to Margaretta Sergeant Large Go to Ann Thomas Go to Elizabeth Sparrow Go to Elizabeth Kensey Go to Marshall Genealogy Family Index Go to Marshall Genealogy Bibliography Go to Marshall Genealogy Page