1895 Map of Ohio
(Click on Thumbnail for Large Map)

Map modified with permission of Ray Sterner from
Columbiana, Trumbull


Mahoning County Courthouse
120 Market Street, Youngstown OH 44503
(330) 740-2130 or 330-740-2314
Department of Health
Division of Vital Statistics
7th Floor, City Hall
South Phelps Street
Youngstown OH 44503
Birth & death records 20 Dec 1908 until the present. |
Youngstown city deaths from 1892 to 20 Dec 1908. |
Includes vital records for the county and cities of Youngstown, Canfield, and Sebring |
For a certified copy of a birth or death entry, from City Hall, the cost is $7.00 plus a business size, self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). A noncertified copy is $2.50 plus the SASE. City Hall needs at least a month and year date as the records are filed chronologically.
Campbell Health Department
351 Tenney Avenue, Campbell OH 44405
Struthers Board of Health
6 Elm Street, Struthers OH 44471
Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County
(Incorporated as Reuben McMillan Free Library Association)
305 Wick Avenue, Youngstown OH 44503-1003
(330) 744-8636
fax: (330) 744-2258 (Office)
fax: (330) 744-3355 (Library)
Genealogy & Local History Page
The following is an excerpt from the library's gopher site regarding research requests. Please e-mail or call to verify costs.
"Brief searching of the catalog, local biography file and indexes to the major local histories can be searched upon patron request. Those requiring more extensive research, advice or instruction are referred to local genealogical organizations and researchers. Costs for photocopies are 10 cents per page with a $5 service charge to mail copies and a $10 service charge to fax copies to a patron.
Mahoning County borders the state of Pennsylvania about 50 miles southeast of Cleveland. Mahoning is an Indian word meaning "at the licks".
The city of Youngstown was settled by and named for John Young from New York State. The discovery of local iron ore deposits initiated the city's growth as a world center for steel manufacturing. Youngstown is the center of the fourth largest steel-producing district in the nation.
County Health Department has birth & death records; Probate Judge has marriage & probate records; Clerk of Courts has divorce & civil court records; County Auditor has land records. At the Mahoning County Courthouse, cost for a certified copy of a birth or death entry is $1.00 with a SASE. (Noncertified copy costs $.50 plus the SASE.) On the envelope, designate: Probate Dept.for births, deaths, guardianships, marriages, probate records (wills & estates); Recorder's Office for deed records, grave registrations, soldier's discharges. At the Department of Health Division of Vital Statistics vital records for the county and cities of Youngstown, Canfield, and Sebring are kept. A certified copy of a birth or death entry, from City Hall, costs $7.00 plus an SASE. (A noncertified copy costs $2.50 plus the SASE.) The City Hall needs at least a month and year date as the records are filed that way. For more detail see below.
There are no birth or death certificates prior to 20 Dec 1908!
Records at the Mahoning County Courthouse:
(This is from a paper that the Courthouse Gave Me on my visit.)
At the Probate Office:
A book titled "Births, Deaths and Marriages" located in the marriage department in which these events were recorded for one year: 1 April 1856 through 31 March 1857.
Marriage records since the county's beginning in 1846. (NOTE: Parents names were not required until Jan. 1, 1899)
Birth & death records from 1 April 1864 until 20 Dec 1908
Guardianship records
Wills and Estates since 1846 are on microfilm and microfiche. Original Probate Records from 1846 through ca 1900 are at the
Mahoning Valley Historical Society Archival Library
At the Recorder's Office:
Soldier's discharges dated from the Civil War
Deeds are copied from microfilm at $1.00 per page
Land Records
Grave Registrations
Records at the Department of Health at City Hall, in Youngstown:
Birth & death records after 20 Dec 1908 until the present
Youngstown city deaths from 1892 to 20 Dec 1908
The city of Campbell Board of Health started in 1932
The city of Struthers Board of Health started in 1909
Marriage Records for Mahoning County:
Type of Record: M/DAR
Dates: 1846 - 1865
Roll/Call Number: GR 1399
Type of Record: CD-Rom
Dates: 1846 - 1848
Bibliography (Includes detailed sources for all the information on this and the connected pages.) |
Hixson Plat Maps, Ohio Townships W. W. Hixson & Company, Rockford, Illinois
(These plat maps were published without dates or copyright notice,
but are believed to be from the 1920s and 1930s. The W. W. Hixson
Company published an Ohio Atlas around 1925 with individual County
maps and Township plat maps.) |
Vital Statistics (Includes Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, Land, Will & Estate Records.) This is an area
that explains where to look for vital records in the state of Ohio. |
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Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman