Welcome to the OHDELAWA
mailing list signup page!

This list is designed to provide a discussion forum for anyone who has an interest in Genealogy related primarily to Delaware County, Ohio.

When you join the Delaware County, Ohio Discussion/Mail List, you can share your research tips, get help from others and discuss ideas on research and resources for the county.

You can join in either mail mode or digest mode. To Subscribe/Unsubscribe you need to send an Email with either the word SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE as the only word in the body of the message , and leave subject line of the message blank.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the mail mode list here!

If you joined the list, you will receive a copy of your message as e-mail, as well as messages that other researchers have posted.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the digest mode list here!

No matter which method you use to subscribe/unsubscribe, please make sure your Email address is correct.

To Post A Message to both lists, send it to [email protected]. Messages sent there will appear in both places.

You will also receive a welcome message with instructions that reinforce how to post messages to the list. Your posted messages will be shared with other Delaware County researchers.

This is a valuable research tool, so be sure to get on the list NOW!

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