"Ohio Lands - A Short History"
Additional Reading
Brumbaugh, Gaius, Marcus. Revolutionary War Records, Volume 1, Virginia. Washington D.C., Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, 1936.
Bell, Carol Willsey. Ohio-Lands: Steubenville Land Office 1800-1820. Youngstown: Carol Willsey Bell, 1985.
Bell, Carol Willsey. Ohio-Guide to Genealogical Sources. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1988.
Berry, Ellen T. and David A. Early Ohio Settlers - Purchasers of Land in Southeastern Ohio, 1800-1840. (Marietta Land Office), Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1984.
Berry, Ellen T. and David A. Early Ohio Settlers - Purchasers of Land in Southwestern Ohio, 1800-1840. (Cincinnati Land Office), Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986.
Berry, Ellen T. and David A. Early Ohio Settlers - Purchasers of Land in East and East Central Ohio, 1800-1840. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989.
Carstensen,Vernon, ed. The Public lands: Studies in the History of the Public Domain. Madison, 1963.
Clark, Marie Taylor. Ohio Lands: Chillicothe Land Office, 1800-1829. Chillicothe: Marie Taylor Clark, 1984.
Clark, Marie Taylor. Ohio Lands: South of the Indian Boundary Line. Chillicothe: Marie Taylor Clark, 1984.
Downs, Randolph C. Evolution of Ohio County Boundaries. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications No. XXXVI, Columbus: OA&H Society, 1927. Reprinted 1970.
Dyer, Albion Morris. First Ownership of Ohio Lands. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1911. Reprinted 1982.
Gates, Paul W. History of Public Land Law Development. Washington D.C.: Public Land Law Review Commission, 1968.
Hulbert, Archer B.,ed. Ohio in the Time of the Confederation. 2 Vols. Marietta: Marietta College, 1917.
Hulbert, Archer B. The Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company. 2 Vols. Marietta: Marietta College, 1917.
Peters, William E. Ohio Lands and Their History. 3rd Ed., Athens: W.E. Peters, 1930. Reprinted.
Riegel, Mayburt Stephenson. Early Ohioans� Residences from the Land Grant Records. Mansfield: Ohio Genealogical Society, 1976.
Rohrbough, Malcom J. The Land Office Business. NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Treat, Payson, J. The National Land System 1785-1820. New York, 1910.
Sherman, Christopher E. Original Land Subdivision. Volume III, Final Report - Ohio Topographic Survey. Columbus: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 1925. Reprinted 1982. Wall Map separate.
Smith, Clifford Neal. Federal Land Series, Volumes 1-4. Chicago: American Library Association, 1972-1987.
Smith, Alma Aicholtz. The Virginia Military Surveys of Clermont and Hamilton Counties, Ohio 1787-1849. Cincinnati: Alma Aicholtz Smith, 1985.
White, C. Albert. A History of the Rectangular Survey System. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1982.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the use of illustrations from C.E. Sherman�s Original Land Subdivisions, found on pages 2,5,8,11,14,16,19,21,26,35,38, and 67. To the many researchers who provided advice and suggestions for this publication, sincere Thanks and grateful appreciation for all your help. Constructive comments are always welcome.
Copyright 1994 by the Ohio Auditor of State All Rights Reserved.
FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. Researched and written by
Thomas Aquinas Burke, Internet Address F491.3 B86 1994 977.1
Eighth Edition - September 1996
"Ohio Lands - A Short History"
ReTyped & Graphics Rescanned December 1997
by Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman
Email at Maggie Stewart
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