Willis Valentine TANNER - Abiah TATE
Ancestors of Willis Valentine TANNER
/-John Willis TANNER
/-Valentine TANNER
| | /-John BAKER
| \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Willis Valentine TANNER
\-Martha WALKER
Descendants of Willis Valentine TANNER
1 Willis Valentine TANNER
2 Carrie TANNER
2 Carlo TANNER
Ancestors of Willis Washington TANNER
/-John Willis TANNER
Willis Washington TANNER
| /-John BAKER
\-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Descendants of Willis Washington TANNER
1 Willis Washington TANNER
2 Marian TANNER
2 Joseph TANNER
2 Erasum Oliver TANNER
=Melissia DENMARK
2 Julius TANNER
2 Virginia TANNER
2 Eugene TANNER
2 Courey TANNER
=Sarah A. TAYLOR
Descendants of Mary Elizabeth TANT
1 Mary Elizabeth TANT
=Samuel L. M. D. DAVIS Marriage: AUG 1870, GA
2 William DAVIS
2 Enoch M. DAVIS
2 Sarah J. DAVIS
2 Sadenia A. DAVIS
2 Baby DAVIS
Ancestors of Myrtle Mozelle TANTON
/-Jefferson Asa Davis TAUNTON
/-William Bartilla TAUNTON
| \-Hixie DANIEL
Myrtle Mozelle TANTON
| /-Isaac W. MILNER
\-Samuel 'Sammie' Emma MILNER
\-Martha Emmaline CARTER
Ancestors of W. B. TANTON
/-Jefferson Asa Davis TAUNTON
/-William Bartilla TAUNTON
| \-Hixie DANIEL
| /-Isaac W. MILNER
\-Samuel 'Sammie' Emma MILNER
\-Martha Emmaline CARTER
Ancestors of Xirxes Dalton TANTON
/-Jefferson Asa Davis TAUNTON
/-William Bartilla TAUNTON
| \-Hixie DANIEL
Xirxes Dalton TANTON
| /-Isaac W. MILNER
\-Samuel 'Sammie' Emma MILNER
\-Martha Emmaline CARTER
Descendants of Ada TAPP
1 Ada TAPP
=Joseph Benjamin MORRIS
- Birth: 31 AUG 1859
- Death: 14 MAR 1925
Descendants of Alice TAPP
1 Alice TAPP
=William L. MORRIS
2 James Edwin MORRIS
=Lou HUCKABY Marriage: 8 MAR 1916
=Jamie WINN Marriage: 24 AUG 1912
- Birth: 1801, NC
- Death: BET 1852 AND 1854, Washington Co, GA
Descendants of Benjamin TARBUTTON
1 Benjamin TARBUTTON
=Winifred THIGPEN
=Charley G. WALL Marriage: ABT 1859, Washington Co, GA?
3 Charles S. WALL
3 Sarah W. WALL
3 Wynona L. WALL
3 Augustus Gussie WALL
3 James B. WALL
3 Mattie WALL
3 Susan WALL
3 Lula S. WALL
Ancestors of Mary P. TARBUTTON
/-Benjamin TARBUTTON
\-Winifred THIGPEN
Descendants of Mary P. TARBUTTON
=Charley G. WALL Marriage: ABT 1859, Washington Co, GA?
2 Charles S. WALL
2 Sarah W. WALL
2 Wynona L. WALL
2 Augustus Gussie WALL
2 James B. WALL
2 Mattie WALL
2 Susan WALL
2 Lula S. WALL
- Birth: 1775, VA
- Death: AFT 1824, Morgan Co, GA
Descendants of Elizabeth TARPLEY
1 Elizabeth TARPLEY
2 Elizabeth BENNETT
=Stephen EVANS Marriage: BEF 1803
3 Sophia EVANS
3 Winston W. EVANS
=Elizabeth JACKSON Marriage: 15 MAY 1823, Greene Co, GA Marriage: 15 MAY 1823, Wilkes Co, GA
=Sarah PARK Marriage: 22 JAN 1827, Greene Co, GA
=Nancy SIKES
=Benjamin H. ATCHISON
3 William Bennett EVANS
=Rachael COTTON Marriage: 2 AUG 1827, Wilkes Co, GA
3 Stephen W. H. EVANS
=Emily C. HERRAGE Marriage: 19 DEC 1847, Coweta Co, GA
3 Louisa EVANS
=Samuel Harden DARDEN Marriage: 4 DEC 1823, Wilkes Co, GA
3 Charles G. EVANS
3 Janette EVANS
=John ROBERTSON Marriage: 13 APR 1831, Greene Co, GA
=Jeremiah JACKSON Marriage: ABT 1820, Wilkes Co, GA?
- Birth: 8 MAY 1692, North Farnham, Richmond, VA
- Death: 1765, Charlotte Co, VA
- Partnership with: Mary CAMP
Marriage: 5 JAN 1733/34, King & Queen Co, Va
- Child: Thomas TARPLEY Birth: 28 OCT 1734, North Farnham, Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Child: Lucy TARPLEY Birth: 17 AUG 1736, North Farnham, Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Child: Mary Minnie TARPLEY Birth: 30 OCT 1740, North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Child: Nancy Ann TARPLEY Birth: 6 OCT 1750, North Farnham, Parish, Richmond Co, VA
Descendants of James TARPLEY
=Mary CAMP Marriage: 5 JAN 1733/34, King & Queen Co, Va
2 Thomas TARPLEY
=Mary CAMP Marriage: 3 APR 1759, Culpepper Co, VA
=Daniel STEPHEN Marriage: Richmond Co, VA
2 Mary Minnie TARPLEY
=John CAMP Marriage: 30 JAN 1764, Lunenberg Co, VA
3 Annie Naomi CAMP
=John HILL Marriage: 1782
3 Winifred CAMP
3 Thomas CAMP
=Susan WAGNER Marriage: ABT 1780, Rutherford Co, NC
3 James CAMP
3 Abner CAMP
=Elizabeth RAGSDALE Marriage: 1798
3 Starling CAMP
=Anna HELMS Marriage: 25 DEC 1800
3 William CAMP
=Sarah Elizabeth REEVES Marriage: 1792
3 Kessiah CAMP
=Benjamin ARNOLD Marriage: 9 FEB 1795, Greenville Co, SC
3 John CAMP
3 Sarah CAMP
2 Nancy Ann TARPLEY
=Thomas CAMP Marriage: 1763, Richmond Co, VA
3 Bradford CAMP
=Mary Drucilla CAMPBELL Marriage: 1796, Greenville Co, SC
3 Larkin CAMP
=Margaret BREWSTER
3 Sarah CAMP
=John C. CALHOUN Marriage: 8 DEC 1793, Laurens Co, SC
3 Hosea CAMP
=Elizabeth KENNEDY Marriage: 11 JUL 1806, Jackson Co, GA
3 Sherwood CAMP
=Lydia KENNEDY Marriage: 11 JUL 1806, Laurens, Sc
3 Burwell CAMP
=Betsy MOORE Marriage: 1801
3 Thomas CAMP
3 Nancy CAMP
Ancestors of Lucy TARPLEY
| /-Thomas CAMP
| /-Thomas CAMP
| | \-Sarah
\-Mary CAMP
\-Catherine BARRON
Descendants of Lucy TARPLEY
=Daniel STEPHEN Marriage: Richmond Co, VA
- Father: James TARPLEY
- Mother: Mary CAMP
- Birth: 30 OCT 1740, North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Death: 17 AUG 1789, 96th Dist, SC
- Burial: Lebanon Ch C., Princton, 96 Dist, Sc
- Partnership with: John CAMP
Marriage: 30 JAN 1764, Lunenberg Co, VA
- Child: Annie Naomi CAMP Birth: 1760, NC
- Child: Winifred CAMP Birth: 1764, , NC
- Child: Thomas CAMP Birth: 1765, Orange, NC
- Child: James CAMP Birth: 1768, Orange, NC
- Child: Abner CAMP Birth: 12 JUL 1770, Rutherford, NC
- Child: Starling CAMP Birth: 24 NOV 1771, Rutherford, NC
- Child: William CAMP Birth: 1773, Rutherford Co, NC
- Child: Kessiah CAMP Birth: 20 APR 1777
- Child: John CAMP Birth: ABT 1783
- Child: Sarah CAMP Birth: 1783
Ancestors of Mary Minnie TARPLEY
Mary Minnie TARPLEY
| /-Thomas CAMP
| /-Thomas CAMP
| | \-Sarah
\-Mary CAMP
\-Catherine BARRON
Descendants of Mary Minnie TARPLEY
1 Mary Minnie TARPLEY
=John CAMP Marriage: 30 JAN 1764, Lunenberg Co, VA
2 Annie Naomi CAMP
=John HILL Marriage: 1782
3 Sarah HILL
3 Peggy HILL
3 William HILL
3 Nancy HILL
3 Eliza HILL
3 John HILL
3 Winifred HILL
3 Richard HILL
3 Carter HILL
3 Lucy HILL
3 Susan HILL
3 Elizabeth HILL
2 Winifred CAMP
2 Thomas CAMP
=Susan WAGNER Marriage: ABT 1780, Rutherford Co, NC
3 Elizabeth CAMP
=Joseph CAMP Marriage: 1799, Laurens Co, SC Marriage: 1799, Laurens Co, SC
3 William CAMP
3 Patience Druscillia CAMP
=David THOMPSON Marriage: 28 OCT 1810, Jackson Co, GA
3 Violet CAMP
3 Nancy CAMP
=Job SMITH Marriage: 10 AUG 1817
3 John CAMP
2 James CAMP
3 Robert CAMP
3 Merritt CAMP
3 Eli CAMP
3 Joseph CAMP
3 John CAMP
=Winifred MATTOX
2 Abner CAMP
=Elizabeth RAGSDALE Marriage: 1798
2 Starling CAMP
=Anna HELMS Marriage: 25 DEC 1800
2 William CAMP
=Sarah Elizabeth REEVES Marriage: 1792
3 Nancy CAMP
=John Thompson BROWN
3 Amarinda CAMP
3 Ossimus CAMP
3 William CAMP
3 John Lay CAMP
3 Hosea T. CAMP
3 Little Berry CAMP
2 Kessiah CAMP
=Benjamin ARNOLD Marriage: 9 FEB 1795, Greenville Co, SC
2 John CAMP
3 Elizabeth CAMP
=John CHANDLER Marriage: ABT 1805, Newberry Co, SC
2 Sarah CAMP
Descendants of Nancy TARPLEY
=Nathaniel CAMP
2 Winnie CAMP
- Father: James TARPLEY
- Mother: Mary CAMP
- Birth: 6 OCT 1750, North Farnham, Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Death: 1814, Walton Co, GA
- Partnership with: Thomas CAMP
Marriage: 1763, Richmond Co, VA
- Child: Bradford CAMP Birth: 5 SEP 1764, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Larkin CAMP Birth: 1767, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Sarah CAMP Birth: 1773, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Hosea CAMP Birth: 1775, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Sherwood CAMP Birth: 9 MAR 1777, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Burwell CAMP Birth: 1779, Laurens Co, SC
- Child: Thomas CAMP Birth: 1781, Laurens Co, S. C.
- Child: Nancy CAMP Birth: 1786, Laurens Co, SC
Ancestors of Nancy Ann TARPLEY
| /-Thomas CAMP
| /-Thomas CAMP
| | \-Sarah
\-Mary CAMP
\-Catherine BARRON
Descendants of Nancy Ann TARPLEY
1 Nancy Ann TARPLEY
=Thomas CAMP Marriage: 1763, Richmond Co, VA
2 Bradford CAMP
=Mary Drucilla CAMPBELL Marriage: 1796, Greenville Co, SC
2 Larkin CAMP
=Margaret BREWSTER
2 Sarah CAMP
=John C. CALHOUN Marriage: 8 DEC 1793, Laurens Co, SC
2 Hosea CAMP
=Elizabeth KENNEDY Marriage: 11 JUL 1806, Jackson Co, GA
2 Sherwood CAMP
=Lydia KENNEDY Marriage: 11 JUL 1806, Laurens, Sc
2 Burwell CAMP
=Betsy MOORE Marriage: 1801
3 William Louis CAMP
3 Edwin CAMP
3 Brown CAMP
3 Grace CAMP
3 Marion CAMP
=Agnes Grace NOLAN Marriage: 1832
3 Mary KEMP
=Isaac NOLAN Marriage: 29 SEP 1835, Henry Co, GA
2 Thomas CAMP
2 Nancy CAMP
- Father: James TARPLEY
- Mother: Mary CAMP
- Birth: 28 OCT 1734, North Farnham, Parish, Richmond Co, VA
- Death: 8 AUG 1788, District 96, S. C.
- Partnership with: Mary CAMP
Marriage: 3 APR 1759, Culpepper Co, VA
Ancestors of Thomas TARPLEY
| /-Thomas CAMP
| /-Thomas CAMP
| | \-Sarah
\-Mary CAMP
\-Catherine BARRON
Descendants of Thomas TARPLEY
1 Thomas TARPLEY
=Mary CAMP Marriage: 3 APR 1759, Culpepper Co, VA
Ancestors of Thelma Marjorie TARRANT
/-William Myers TARRANT
Thelma Marjorie TARRANT
| /-James Thomas ANSLEY
| /-Benjamin Calhoun ANSLEY
| | \-Charlotte SEARCY
\-Mary Elizabeth Lizzie ANSLEY
| /-James Heard GILMORE
\-Nancy Vannie GILMORE
\-Martha Camilla CARTRIGHT
Descendants of Thelma Marjorie TARRANT
1 Thelma Marjorie TARRANT
=John Joseph MULVEHILL Marriage: 2 DEC 1946, Houston, Harris Co, TX
2 Sharon Louise MULVEHILL
- Birth: 10 FEB 1877, Fincastle, Henderson Co, TX
- Death: 10 DEC 1954, Jacksonville, Smith Co, TX
Descendants of William Myers TARRANT
1 William Myers TARRANT
=Mary Elizabeth Lizzie ANSLEY Marriage: 9 APR 1900
2 Thelma Marjorie TARRANT
=John Joseph MULVEHILL Marriage: 2 DEC 1946, Houston, Harris Co, TX
3 Sharon Louise MULVEHILL
Descendants of Abiah TATE
1 Abiah TATE
=Rhoda Caroline WALL