Louis Edward TANNER - Missoura J. TANNER

Louis Edward TANNER

Ancestors of Louis Edward TANNER

                            /-John Madison TANNER
                  /-Addison Warren TANNER
                  |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        /-Burk Herbert Bert TANNER
        |         |         /-Jesse HINTON
        |         \-Fannie Fan HINTON
        |                   \-Susan Malelda HALL
Louis Edward TANNER
        \-Nettie Inez FINCH
                  |         /-Sampson Warren FINCH
                  \-Frances Missouri FINCH
                            \-Dorothea TANNER

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Louisiana A. TANNER

Ancestors of Louisiana A. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-John Madison TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Louisiana A. TANNER
        |         /-Andrew WALKER
        \-Grace A. WALKER
                  \-Naomi MOORE

Descendants of Louisiana A. TANNER

1 Louisiana A. TANNER
  =Edward William DAVIS  Marriage: ABT 1871
      2 C.? DAVIS
      2 John W. DAVIS
      2 Thomas DAVIS
      2 Webster DAVIS
      2 Anna DAVIS
      2 Laura DAVIS
      2 Martha DAVIS
      2 Eddie DAVIS
      2 Walter DAVIS

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Ancestors of Lyman D. TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-Thomas Dove TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-John W. Dawson Doss TANNER
        |         \-Martha Patsy WALTERS
        \-Emily HOWELL

Descendants of Lyman D. TANNER

1 Lyman D. TANNER
      2 John B. TANNER

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Ancestors of Lyza? TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-John Madison TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Richard Bryon TANNER
        |         |         /-Andrew WALKER
        |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        |                   \-Naomi MOORE
        \- JANE

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Ancestors of M.? TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-John Madison TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Richard Bryon TANNER
        |         |         /-Andrew WALKER
        |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        |                   \-Naomi MOORE
        \- JANE

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Madison P. TANNER

Ancestors of Madison P. TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-John Madison TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Richard Bryon TANNER
        |         |         /-Andrew WALKER
        |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        |                   \-Naomi MOORE
Madison P. TANNER
        \- JANE

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Ancestors of Maggie TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-Valentine TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Joseph E. TANNER
        |         \-Martha WALKER

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Ancestors of Mamie TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-John Madison TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Addison Warren TANNER
        |         |         /-Andrew WALKER
        |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        |                   \-Naomi MOORE
        |                   /-Robert HINTON , Sr
        |         /-Jesse HINTON
        |         |         \-Mary Polly H.
        \-Fannie Fan HINTON
                  \-Susan Malelda HALL

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Margaret A. TANNER

Ancestors of Margaret A. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-John Madison TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Margaret A. TANNER
        |         /-Andrew WALKER
        \-Grace A. WALKER
                  \-Naomi MOORE

Descendants of Margaret A. TANNER

1 Margaret A. TANNER
  =Hughey HINTON?  Marriage: 10 AUG 1880, Jackson Co, MS

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Margaret L. TANNER

Ancestors of Margaret L. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-Valentine TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Margaret L. TANNER
        \-Martha WALKER

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Ancestors of Marian TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-Willis Washington TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        \-Martha BLACKLEDGE

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Marietta TANNER

Ancestors of Marietta TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-Valentine TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Marietta TANNER
        \-Martha WALKER

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Martha Ann Patsy TANNER

Ancestors of Martha Ann Patsy TANNER

        /-John Willis TANNER
Martha Ann Patsy TANNER
        |         /-John BAKER
        \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER

Descendants of Martha Ann Patsy TANNER

1 Martha Ann Patsy TANNER
  =William Price GOFF

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Martha Missouri TANNER

Ancestors of Martha Missouri TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-Thomas Dove TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Martha Missouri TANNER
        \-Martha Patsy WALTERS

Descendants of Martha Missouri TANNER

1 Martha Missouri TANNER

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Mary A. Mollie TANNER

Ancestors of Mary A. Mollie TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-John Madison TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Andrew Jackson TANNER
        |         |         /-Andrew WALKER
        |         \-Grace A. WALKER
        |                   \-Naomi MOORE
Mary A. Mollie TANNER
        |                   /-Samuel DAVIS
        |         /-James DAVIS
        |         |         \-Susannah Susan GOFF
        \-Mary Ann DAVIS
                  |         /-Jeremiah PIERCE
                  \-Nancy A. PIERCE

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Ancestors of Mary E. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-John Madison TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        |         /-Andrew WALKER
        \-Grace A. WALKER
                  \-Naomi MOORE

Descendants of Mary E. TANNER

1 Mary E. TANNER
  =Wiley Edward DAVIS  Marriage: 18 OCT 1866, AL?
      2 Lucy E. DAVIS
      2 Henry J. DAVIS
      2 Anna E. DAVIS
      2 Albert R. DAVIS
      2 Abner C. DAVIS
      2 James M. DAVIS
      2 Houston DAVIS
      2 Mary J. DAVIS
        =Benjamin F. LUNDY  Marriage: 7 SEP 1908, Mobile Co, AL
      2 Loula DAVIS
      2 Wiley R. DAVIS

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Ancestors of May C. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-John Madison TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        |         /-Andrew WALKER
        \-Grace A. WALKER
                  \-Naomi MOORE

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Maybelle TANNER

Ancestors of Maybelle TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-Valentine TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Lewis E. TANNER
        |         \-Martha WALKER
Maybelle TANNER
        \-Clonia PIERCE

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Merlie A. TANNER

Ancestors of Merlie A. TANNER

                            /-John Willis TANNER
                  /-Valentine TANNER
                  |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
        /-Lewis E. TANNER
        |         \-Martha WALKER
Merlie A. TANNER
        \-Clonia PIERCE

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Missoura J. TANNER

Ancestors of Missoura J. TANNER

                  /-John Willis TANNER
        /-John Madison TANNER
        |         |         /-John BAKER
        |         \-Mary Dorothea Polly BAKER
Missoura J. TANNER
        |         /-Andrew WALKER
        \-Grace A. WALKER
                  \-Naomi MOORE

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