Melva Lou DEAN - Robert Arthur DEAN

Melva Lou DEAN

Ancestors of Melva Lou DEAN

        /-Melvin DEAN
Melva Lou DEAN
        |                   /-James Andrew Jackson MAJORS
        |         /-Walter Jackson MAJORS
        |         |         \-Martha Jane TILL
        \-Louis MAJORS
                  \-Minnie WELCH

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Melvin DEAN

Descendants of Melvin DEAN

1 Melvin DEAN
  =Louis MAJORS  Marriage: 29 JUL 1939, Alabama
      2 Melva Lou DEAN
      2 Rose Carol DEAN
      2 Brenda Kay DEAN
      2 James Henry DEAN

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Michael DEAN

Ancestors of Michael DEAN

                  /-William DEAN
        /-William DEAN
Michael DEAN
        \-Elizabeth TODD

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Miriah Lou DEAN

Ancestors of Miriah Lou DEAN

                            /-Richard R. DEAN
                  /-Samuel DEAN
                  |         \- CATHERINE
        /-Moses DEAN
        |         |         /-Griffith JAMES
        |         \-Gwendolyn JAMES
        |                   \-Mary Ann GYGER
Miriah Lou DEAN
        \-Narcissa LEWIS

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Miriam DEAN

Ancestors of Miriam DEAN

                            /-William DEAN
                  /-Richard R. DEAN
                  |         \-Elizabeth TODD
        /-Samuel DEAN
        |         \- CATHERINE
Miriam DEAN
        |                   /-William JAMES
        |         /-Griffith JAMES
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Gwendolyn JAMES
                  \-Mary Ann GYGER

Descendants of Miriam DEAN

1 Miriam DEAN
  =William MCGREGOR  Marriage: 25 APR 1797

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Mollie DEAN

Ancestors of Mollie DEAN

                            /-Samuel L. DEEN , Sr
                  /-Samuel L. DEAN , Jr
                  |         \-Gwena
        /-William F. DEAN
        |         \-Millie DUNCAN
Mollie DEAN
        |         /-James N. FINCHER
        \-Louisa Celia FINCHER
                  \-Mary CRAIG

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Moses DEAN

Ancestors of Moses DEAN

                            /-William DEAN
                  /-Richard R. DEAN
                  |         \-Elizabeth TODD
        /-Samuel DEAN
        |         \- CATHERINE
Moses DEAN
        |                   /-William JAMES
        |         /-Griffith JAMES
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Gwendolyn JAMES
                  \-Mary Ann GYGER

Descendants of Moses DEAN

1 Moses DEAN
  =Narcissa LEWIS  Marriage: ABT 1830
      2 Mary Hillis DEAN
      2 Miriah Lou DEAN
      2 John DEAN

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Moses DEAN

Ancestors of Moses DEAN

        /-Greenberry DEAN
Moses DEAN
        |                   /-Robert WILSON
        |         /-Joseph WILSON
        |         |         \-Eleanor CAROTHERS
        \-Ellen WILSON
                  \-Nancy FERGUSON

Descendants of Moses DEAN

1 Moses DEAN
  =Mary Ann ROWLETT  Marriage: 25 OCT 1849, Marshall Co, TN

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Nancy DEAN

Ancestors of Nancy DEAN

        /-Joseph J. DEAN
Nancy DEAN
        |         /-Robert WOODYARD
        \-Malinda T. WOODYARD
                  \-Rachel T.

Descendants of Nancy DEAN

1 Nancy DEAN
  =Charles RUTLEDGE  Marriage: 23 DEC 1845, Chambers Co, AL
      2 Joseph RUTLEDGE
      2 Mary Melinda RUTLEDGE
        =Aulcy L. RUTLAND
      2 Mary RUTLEDGE
      2 George RUTLEDGE
      2 Wilbur RUTLEDGE
      2 Epsie RUTLEDGE
        =Fleet WILLIAMS
            3 Felix WILLIAMS
      2 Felix RUTLEDGE
        =Mattie PRESTON  Marriage: 1883, Hopkins Co, TX
            3 Daniel Tillman RUTLEDGE

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Nancy DEAN

Ancestors of Nancy DEAN

        /-Greenberry DEAN
Nancy DEAN
        |                   /-Robert WILSON
        |         /-Joseph WILSON
        |         |         \-Eleanor CAROTHERS
        \-Ellen WILSON
                  \-Nancy FERGUSON

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Ancestors of Nara DEAN

                            /-William F. DEAN
                  /-Samuel L. DEAN
                  |         \-Louisa Celia FINCHER
        /-Erastus Josephus DEAN
        |         |         /-Henry TAUNTON III
        |         \-Amanda Parthessro TAUNTON
        |                   \-Temperance M. DAVIS
        \-Mollie GOODMAN

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Descendants of Nora DEAN

1 Nora DEAN
  =Grover Preston NOLAN
      2 Alvin J. NOLAN
      2 Ned D. NOLAN

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Oliver C. DEAN

Ancestors of Oliver C. DEAN

        /-Jeptha DEEN
Oliver C. DEAN
        |                   /-Jesse MERCER
        |         /-James MERCER
        |         |         \-Millicent HORN
        \-Melinda MERCER

Descendants of Oliver C. DEAN

1 Oliver C. DEAN
  =Frances C. BERRYMAN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1858, Madison Co, GA

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P. A. Susan DEAN

Ancestors of P. A. Susan DEAN

                            /-Samuel L. DEAN , Jr
                  /-William F. DEAN
                  |         \-Millie DUNCAN
        /-Samuel L. DEAN
        |         |         /-James N. FINCHER
        |         \-Louisa Celia FINCHER
        |                   \-Mary CRAIG
P. A. Susan DEAN
        |                   /-Henry TAUNTON II
        |         /-Henry TAUNTON III
        |         |         \-Nancy
        \-Amanda Parthessro TAUNTON
                  |         /-Vincent H. DAVIS
                  \-Temperance M. DAVIS
                            \-Izora TAUNTON

Descendants of P. A. Susan DEAN

1 P. A. Susan DEAN
  =John E. BALLARD
      2 John H. BALLARD
      2 Thomas O. BALLARD
      2 William R. BALLARD
      2 Lara B. BALLARD

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Reuben Joseph DEAN

Ancestors of Reuben Joseph DEAN

                            /-Samuel L. DEAN , Jr
                  /-William F. DEAN
                  |         \-Millie DUNCAN
        /-Henry B. DEAN
        |         |         /-James N. FINCHER
        |         \-Louisa Celia FINCHER
        |                   \-Mary CRAIG
Reuben Joseph DEAN
        \-Isabella M. MCCLENDON

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Richard DEAN

Ancestors of Richard DEAN

                            /-William DEAN
                  /-Richard R. DEAN
                  |         \-Elizabeth TODD
        /-Samuel DEAN
        |         \- CATHERINE
Richard DEAN
        |                   /-William JAMES
        |         /-Griffith JAMES
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Gwendolyn JAMES
                  \-Mary Ann GYGER

Descendants of Richard DEAN

1 Richard DEAN
  =Cynthia Elizabeth JENKINS
      2 Samuel DEAN
      2 Melissa Catherine DEAN
        =Thomas Anderson YOW
            3 Cynthia Jane YOW
            3 Richard Dempsey YOW
              =Mary ADERHOLD
            3 Elizabeth YOW
              =Madison Mitchell MCMURRY  Marriage: 28 JAN 1864
            3 Thomas Russell YOW
              =Cynthia Elizabeth DEAN  Marriage: 17 OCT 1878, Dean Home Place, Franklin Co, GA
            3 Eppe Morris YOW
              =Blanche Marie RAY
            3 Mary Malinda YOW
              =Allen Brady DAVIS
            3 Sarah Sally Lucy YOW
            3 Samuel Dean YOW
      2 Emily Caroline DEAN
        =Abe HESTER
      2 Russell DEAN
        =Mary Melinda CRAIG  Marriage: 23 AUG 1849, Pickens District, SC
            3 Henrietta Catherine DEAN
              =Jule J. DAVIS
            3 Richard Arthur DEAN
              =Lucy Iola BROWN  Marriage: 11 APR 1895, Martin, GA
            3 Infant Son DEAN
            3 Cynthia Elizabeth DEAN
              =Thomas Russell YOW  Marriage: 17 OCT 1878, Dean Home Place, Franklin Co, GA
            3 Lucinda Sally DEAN
              =Milton W. THOMPSON  Marriage: ABT 1883
            3 Emily Melissa DEAN
              =James Marion LAWRENCE  Marriage: ABT 1883
            3 Margaret Susan DEAN
              =James K. Polk AKERS
      2 Elizabeth Ema DEAN
        =Enoch BREAZEALLE

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Richard Arthur DEAN

Ancestors of Richard Arthur DEAN

                            /-Samuel DEAN
                  /-Richard DEAN
                  |         \-Gwendolyn JAMES
        /-Russell DEAN
        |         |         /-Francis JENKINS , Sr
        |         \-Cynthia Elizabeth JENKINS
        |                   \-Dorothy Henrietta ORM
Richard Arthur DEAN
        |                   /-John Neon CRAIG
        |         /-Arthur R. CRAIG
        |         |         \-Catherine WILSON
        \-Mary Melinda CRAIG
                  |         /-John GRESHAM
                  \-Lucinda Parthenia GRESHAM
                            \-Martha HOLBERT

Descendants of Richard Arthur DEAN

1 Richard Arthur DEAN
  =Lucy Iola BROWN  Marriage: 11 APR 1895, Martin, GA
      2 Winnie Mary DEAN
      2 Russell Yow DEAN
        =Lucille ROARKE
      2 Margaret Ruth DEAN
        =Fred Raymond TERRELL
            3 William Dean TERRELL
              =Nina Beth SHEPPARD  Marriage: 28 JUN 1959, Millen, GA
      2 Robert Arthur DEAN
        =Margaret HUFF
      2 Sarah Elizabeth DEAN
        =John Dexter JONES  Marriage: 21 JUN 1932, Martin, GA
      2 Richard Brown DEAN

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Richard Brown DEAN

Ancestors of Richard Brown DEAN

                            /-Richard DEAN
                  /-Russell DEAN
                  |         \-Cynthia Elizabeth JENKINS
        /-Richard Arthur DEAN
        |         |         /-Arthur R. CRAIG
        |         \-Mary Melinda CRAIG
        |                   \-Lucinda Parthenia GRESHAM
Richard Brown DEAN
        |                   /-Elbert Jackson BROWN
        |         /-John Dozier BROWN
        |         |         \-Sarah Presley MCCURRY
        \-Lucy Iola BROWN
                  |         /-John Harber ADERHOLD
                  \-Winnie Rebecca ADERHOLD
                            \-Sarah Wilson ROBERSON

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Richard R. DEAN

Ancestors of Richard R. DEAN

                  /-William DEAN
        /-William DEAN
Richard R. DEAN
        \-Elizabeth TODD

Descendants of Richard R. DEAN

1 Richard R. DEAN
      2 Samuel DEAN
        =Gwendolyn JAMES  Marriage: ABT 1773, PA
            3 John DEAN
              =Polly HILLHOUSE
            3 Miriam DEAN
              =William MCGREGOR  Marriage: 25 APR 1797
            3 Joseph DEAN
              =Elizabeth EDMONDSON
            3 Richard DEAN
              =Cynthia Elizabeth JENKINS
            3 Samuel DEAN
              = LUCINDA
            3 Griffith DEAN
              = MARY
            3 Moses DEAN
              =Narcissa LEWIS  Marriage: ABT 1830
            3 Aaron DEAN
              =Mekey DAY
            3 Mary DEAN
              =Joseph WILLHOUSE
      2 William DEAN
      2 John DEAN

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Robert Arthur DEAN

Ancestors of Robert Arthur DEAN

                            /-Richard DEAN
                  /-Russell DEAN
                  |         \-Cynthia Elizabeth JENKINS
        /-Richard Arthur DEAN
        |         |         /-Arthur R. CRAIG
        |         \-Mary Melinda CRAIG
        |                   \-Lucinda Parthenia GRESHAM
Robert Arthur DEAN
        |                   /-Elbert Jackson BROWN
        |         /-John Dozier BROWN
        |         |         \-Sarah Presley MCCURRY
        \-Lucy Iola BROWN
                  |         /-John Harber ADERHOLD
                  \-Winnie Rebecca ADERHOLD
                            \-Sarah Wilson ROBERSON

Descendants of Robert Arthur DEAN

1 Robert Arthur DEAN
  =Margaret HUFF

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