Emma Elvira CAMP - George W. CAMP

Emma Elvira CAMP

Ancestors of Emma Elvira CAMP

                            /-John CAMP
                  /-James Seaborn CAMP
                  |         \-Winifred MATTOX
        /-William Harden CAMP
        |         \-Elizabeth A. PARISH
Emma Elvira CAMP

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Emma Saphronia CAMP

Ancestors of Emma Saphronia CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-William CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-Benjamin Austin CAMP
        |         \-Catherine WEBB
Emma Saphronia CAMP
        \-Elizabeth JENNINGS

Descendants of Emma Saphronia CAMP

1 Emma Saphronia CAMP
  =Wiley H. BAGWELL

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Ethel CAMP

Ancestors of Ethel CAMP

                            /-John CAMP
                  /-James Seaborn CAMP
                  |         \-Winifred MATTOX
        /-Robert Gran CAMP
        |         \-Elizabeth A. PARISH
Ethel CAMP
        |         /-John MEGGS
        \-Louvenia MEGGS
                  \-Celia ROUNDTREE

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Eugene Alston CAMP

Ancestors of Eugene Alston CAMP

                            /-Benjamin CAMP
                  /-Joseph CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth DYKES
        /-Benjamin CAMP
        |         |         /-Thomas CAMP
        |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        |                   \-Susan WAGNER
Eugene Alston CAMP
        \-Winifred Washington ARNOLD

Descendants of Eugene Alston CAMP

1 Eugene Alston CAMP
  =Annie Elizabeth GAITHER  Marriage: 30 NOV 1874

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Eunice Gertrude CAMP

Ancestors of Eunice Gertrude CAMP

                            /-Andrew CAMP
                  /-Wesley CAMP
                  |         \-Nancy MADDOX
        /-Walter Colquitt CAMP
        |         |         /-Benjamin LASSETER
        |         \-Mariah LASSETER
        |                   \-Elizabeth HILL
Eunice Gertrude CAMP
        |                   /-John BARRON
        |         /-Oliver Gaines BARRON
        |         |         \-Polly W. HEAD
        \-Mary Jane BARRON
                  |         /-John G. W. BROWN
                  \-Clemantine Ann BROWN
                            \-Sally CARRUTHERS

Descendants of Eunice Gertrude CAMP

1 Eunice Gertrude CAMP
  =Ernie Jackson ROOKS  Marriage: 17 MAR 1912, Carroll Co, GA

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Ancestors of Eva CAMP

                            /-William CAMP
                  /-Benjamin Austin CAMP
                  |         \-Catherine WEBB
        /-William Jefferson CAMP
        |         \-Elizabeth JENNINGS
        \-Mary Darlene VARNER

Descendants of Eva CAMP

1 Eva CAMP
  =James Dewitte ABERCROMBIE

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Florence A. CAMP

Ancestors of Florence A. CAMP

                            /-William CAMP
                  /-Nathan W. CAMP
                  |         \-Catherine WEBB
        /-George Anderson CAMP
        |         \-Lucretia Allen BLALOCK
Florence A. CAMP
        |                   /-Thomas ANGLE
        |         /-Charles Winston ANGLE
        |         |         \-Mary Ann 'Polly' WATKINS
        \-Margaret Rachel ANGLE
                  \-Malissa STICHER

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Frances Fannie Missouri Della CAMP

Descendants of Frances Fannie Missouri Della CAMP

1 Frances Fannie Missouri Della CAMP
  =Emory Otis DAVIS
      2 Orvel Bruce DAVIS
        =Virginia JANNEY
      2 Lila Luvenia DAVIS
        =Arnold Handley BARBER
      2 Ralph Camp DAVIS
        =Irma Elvira RICKS
      2 Mary Will DAVIS
        =James Buck Pierce JACKSON
            3 James Mark JACKSON

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Frances Northern CAMP

Ancestors of Frances Northern CAMP

                            /-Benjamin CAMP
                  /-Andrew CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth DYKES
        /-Wesley CAMP
        |         \-Nancy MADDOX
Frances Northern CAMP
        |                   /-Tobias LASSETER
        |         /-Benjamin LASSETER
        |         |         \-Sarah POWELL
        \-Mariah LASSETER
                  |         /-William HILL
                  \-Elizabeth HILL
                            \-Lydia WHITE

Descendants of Frances Northern CAMP

1 Frances Northern CAMP
      2 William W. SUMMERLIN
      2 Lula SUMMERLIN
      2 Otto E. SUMMERLIN
        =Catherine J. 'Kate' HOLLAND
  =Valentine Wyatt CRAWFORD  Marriage: 2 JUL 1877, Carroll Co, GA
      2 Lucius V. CRAWFORD
      2 John L. CRAWFORD
      2 Sallie CRAWFORD
      2 Ernest H. CRAWFORD
      2 Joseph A. CRAWFORD

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Frances T. CAMP

Ancestors of Frances T. CAMP

                            /-Benjamin CAMP
                  /-Joseph CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth DYKES
        /-Harrison CAMP
        |         |         /-Thomas CAMP
        |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        |                   \-Susan WAGNER
Frances T. CAMP
        \-Matilda T. CARR

Descendants of Frances T. CAMP

1 Frances T. CAMP
  =Jesse COBB

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Francis Marion CAMP

Ancestors of Francis Marion CAMP

                            /-Benjamin CAMP
                  /-Andrew CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth DYKES
        /-Wesley CAMP
        |         \-Nancy MADDOX
Francis Marion CAMP
        |                   /-Tobias LASSETER
        |         /-Benjamin LASSETER
        |         |         \-Sarah POWELL
        \-Mariah LASSETER
                  |         /-William HILL
                  \-Elizabeth HILL
                            \-Lydia WHITE

Descendants of Francis Marion CAMP

1 Francis Marion CAMP
  =Mary Anne WATKINS  Marriage: 21 DEC 1849
      2 Reece W. CAMP
      2 William L. CAMP
      2 Benjamin CAMP

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Frank CAMP

Ancestors of Frank CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-John Clark CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-William Joseph CAMP
        |         \-Sarah A. ABERCROMBIE
Frank CAMP
        \-Elisabeth SMITH

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Frank B. CAMP

Ancestors of Frank B. CAMP

                            /-James CAMP
                  /-John CAMP
                  |         \- RAGSDALE
        /-Joseph CAMP
        |         \-Winifred MATTOX
Frank B. CAMP
        \-Mary CALLAHAN

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Ancestors of Fred CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-Andrew Garrison CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-Andrew E. CAMP
        |         \-Harriet Lutetia HINTON
        \-Lula THOMLINSON

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Garrison CAMP

Ancestors of Garrison CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-John Clark CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-William Joseph CAMP
        |         \-Sarah A. ABERCROMBIE
Garrison CAMP
        \-Elisabeth SMITH

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Genubath CAMP

Ancestors of Genubath CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-Benjamin CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-John Malcolm Walker CAMP
        |         \-Winifred Washington ARNOLD
Genubath CAMP
        \-Margaret N. WINN

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George Anderson CAMP

Ancestors of George Anderson CAMP

                            /-Joseph CAMP
                  /-William CAMP
                  |         \-Elizabeth CAMP
        /-Nathan W. CAMP
        |         \-Catherine WEBB
George Anderson CAMP
        \-Lucretia Allen BLALOCK

Descendants of George Anderson CAMP

1 George Anderson CAMP
  =Margaret Rachel ANGLE  Marriage: 8 MAR 1880, Douglas Co, GA
      2 George Herbert CAMP
        =Willie EMLEN  Marriage: 25 DEC 1900, Douglas Co, GA
            3 Cora M. CAMP
              =Jefferson Bartow NOLAN
            3 Selma E. CAMP
            3 Herman CAMP
            3 Daisy CAMP
      2 Myrtie L. CAMP
        =Robert L. FOUNTAIN
      2 James Ernest CAMP
        =Vesta Armada FOUNTAIN
      2 Bertie L. CAMP
      2 Florence A. CAMP
      2 Nathan Kinney CAMP
        =Mary LOU
            3 Nathan Kinney CAMP
      2 Annie E. CAMP
        =Robert Eddie FOUNTAIN

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George B. CAMP

Ancestors of George B. CAMP

                            /-Thomas B. CAMP
                  /-Thomas CAMP
                  |         \-Mary Ida MARSHALL
        /-James CAMP
        |         \-Margaret CARNEY
George B. CAMP
        \-Sarah JENNINGS

Descendants of George B. CAMP

1 George B. CAMP
  =Denice CANTRELL

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George Herbert CAMP

Ancestors of George Herbert CAMP

                            /-William CAMP
                  /-Nathan W. CAMP
                  |         \-Catherine WEBB
        /-George Anderson CAMP
        |         \-Lucretia Allen BLALOCK
George Herbert CAMP
        |                   /-Thomas ANGLE
        |         /-Charles Winston ANGLE
        |         |         \-Mary Ann 'Polly' WATKINS
        \-Margaret Rachel ANGLE
                  \-Malissa STICHER

Descendants of George Herbert CAMP

1 George Herbert CAMP
  =Willie EMLEN  Marriage: 25 DEC 1900, Douglas Co, GA
      2 Cora M. CAMP
        =Jefferson Bartow NOLAN
            3 Wilma E. NOLAN
              = KITCHENS
            3 Joseph Boykin NOLAN
              = MARY
              =Bessie Selena Lee ELDRIDGE  Marriage: BET 1937 AND 1938, Turner County, Georgia
            3 Dorothy NOLAN
              = HORN
              =Otis SORROW
            3 La Verne NOLAN
      2 Selma E. CAMP
      2 Herman CAMP
      2 Daisy CAMP

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George W. CAMP

Ancestors of George W. CAMP

        /-Edmond Thomas CAMP
George W. CAMP
        |                   /-Benjamin LASSETER
        |         /-William H. LASSETTER
        |         |         \-Elizabeth HILL
        \-Minerva Caroline LASSETER
                  |         /-John G. W. BROWN
                  \-Parthena L. BROWN
                            \-Sally CARRUTHERS

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