_James HOPPES _______ | _Leo Durwood HOPPES _| | (1893 - ....) | | |_Lizzie COX _________ | | |--Withheld | | _____________________ | | |_Viola THURSTON _____| | |_____________________
[3224] Living Individual - Details withheld
[7821] Living Parent(s) - Details withheld
_____________________ | _Withheld____________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Withheld | | _Dewey RHOADES ______ | | (1898 - 1974) m 1929 |_Withheld____________| | |_Iva Pearl HOPPES ___+ (1905 - 1987) m 1929
[3655] Living Individual - Details withheld
of husband, Glen H. Hoppes, Anderson Herald Bulletin., Thursday, November 21, 1991
of husband, Glen H. Hoppes, Anderson Herald Bulletin., Thursday, November 21, 1991 states Florence Fusion Hoppes, died May 1, 1991
Anderson Herald Bulletin., Thursday, November 21, 1991