Planning A Family Reunion

to Homespun-Country Kitchen's

Send us your Reunion Notices
and Reunion Stories & Tips,
and we'll post them on this page!

GIVEN THE MODERN realities of life, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain family bonds. Today's families tend to be widely scattered across the country and even the world. Too often, the physical distance spills over into emotional distance.

Instead of waiting for major events, like weddings and funerals, to get together, more and more families are opting to strengthen and reaffirm their bonds at family reunions. Reunions provide a chance for members to achieve a deeper appreciation for the family as a vital entity. They also give children the opportunity to develop a sense of continuity and belonging as they begin to realize they have ties that extend beyond their little family unit.

--from an article by Joy Hong

The following are a collection of articles, discussion threads, and helpful hints to assist you in planning your own family reunion.

Opening Page Comments - 1 Comments - 2
Questionnaire T-Shirts Making Plans - 1
Making Plans - 2 Family Stories Reunion Tips
Do's and Don't's

This page was last updated June 24, 2002.

Background, welcome sign, and buttons created using original artwork by artist Paula Vaughan, located at