NameMehitabel X3539
Birth Dateabt 18123539,3540
Birth PlaceColumbia Co., New York
Death DateMay 18, 1898852
Death PlaceSt Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota
Birth Dateabt 18093539
Birth PlaceMassachusetts
Death DateJun 22, 1877733
Death PlaceHancock, Massachusetts
FatherSimon Langworthy (ca 1773) (ca1773-1813)
MotherElizabeth Robbins (1772-1854)
Marr Datebef 1841
ChildrenAugustus R. (~1841-1894)
Notes for Mehitabel X
Census Tracking:
* 1850 - Canaan, Columbia Co., New York
* 1855 State Census of Canaan, Columbia Co., NY
* 1860 - Canaan, Columbia Co., New York
* 1865 State Census of Canaan, Columbia Co., NY
* 1870 - Canaan, Columbia Co., New York
* 1875 State Census of Canaan, Columbia Co., NY
* 1880 - St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota
Note: Living with her son Augustus
* 1885 State Census of Ramsey Co., Minnesota
* 1895 State Census of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota
Note: Living with her daughter-in-law Mary
Last Modified Mar 10, 2016Created Dec 9, 2017 using Reunion for Macintosh