NameFlorence Adelade Langworthy (1874)690,1171
Birth DateNov 18, 18741171,690,2075
Birth PlaceGenesee Co., New York
Death DateFeb 17, 19271171,690
Burial PlaceAlden Cemetery, Alden, New York1171
FatherGeorge H. Langworthy (1845) (1845-1926)
MotherFlorence Amanda Marshall (1850-1923)
Birth Dateca 18721007
Birth PlaceNew York
Marr DateApr 15, 18941661
Marr PlaceAlden, Erie Co., New York
Notes for Florence Adelade Langworthy (1874)
Census Tracking:
* 1875 State Census of Pembroke, Genesee Co., NY
* 1880 - Newstead, Erie Co., NY
* 1892 State Census of Alden, Erie Co., NY
* 1920 - Buffalo, Erie Co., NY
Last Modified Jan 1, 2012Created Dec 9, 2017 using Reunion for Macintosh