NameWilliam V. Langworthy (1783)556
Birth DateApr 1783549
Death DateFeb 14, 1835556,261
Death PlacePortage County, Ohio
FatherJoseph Langworthy (1749) (1749-1824)
MotherLois Lewis (1755-1837)
ChildrenAbigail (1805-1882)
 Alzina (1808-1881)
Birth Dateca 1788557
Birth PlaceRhode Island
Death Date1848556
Death PlaceBrimfield, Ohio
FatherX Weaver
 Ann Aurelia (1816-1886)
 Harriet (1818-1866)
 Cordelia (1818-1818)
 Jane (1821-1848)
 Helen Matilda (1827-1902)
 Alice Agnace (1830-1883)
Notes for William V. Langworthy (1783)
Census Tracking:
* 1814 - Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
Note: This is the 1814 Oneida Co. census of landowners
* 1820 - Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY
* 1830 - Portage Co., Ohio
Last Modified Aug 22, 2005Created Dec 9, 2017 using Reunion for Macintosh