NameElizabeth Burdick21
Birth Dateabt 170622
Birth PlaceWesterly, RI
FatherDeacon Robert Burdick (ca1674-)
MotherRebecca Foster (<1681-)
Birth DateMay 10, 171025,26
Birth PlaceLittle Compton, RI
Death Dateaft 177127
FatherAndrew Langworthy (ca 1675) (ca1675-ca1720)
MotherPatience Brownell (-ca1727)
Marr Datebef 172928
ChildrenComfort (1729-)
 Robert (1731-ca1805)
 Elizabeth (1733-)
 Joseph (1735-1823)
 Andrew (1741-1808)
Notes for Elizabeth Burdick
She had been engaged to Joseph’s older brother Robert, but he died young of ‘the bilious colic’.
Last Modified Nov 20, 2010Created Dec 9, 2017 using Reunion for Macintosh