Kiron Kountry 200206 Data Base
bullet Chet McConnaha was born in Iowa.

He was married to Elnora Correll before 1890 in Iowa. Children were: H. F. McConnaha.

bullet H. F. McConnaha (Private). Parents: Chet McConnaha and Elnora Correll.

He was married to Lola Vaughn before 1925.

bullet William McConnell

He was married to Charlotte Alfrieda Ruthelie Lahrson on 15 Jun 1939 in Omaha, Nebraska.

bullet Neil McCorkendale was born on 17 Jul 1843 in Scotland. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Wheeler Twp, Sac Co, Iowa. He died on 17 May 1896. He was buried after 17 May 1896 in Odebolt Cemetery, Odebolt, Iowa.

He was married to Mary Armour in 1875 in Scotland.

bullet Annie McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Frank McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Gertrud McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Jennie McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Kate McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Kathryn McCormick was born in Ireland.

She was married to Roady Champion before 1870 in Cleveland, Ohio. Children were: Roady A. Champion, Edward L. Champion.

bullet Martin McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Mary McCormick was born in Ireland.

She was married to Peter Dalton before 1851 in Ireland. Children were: Thomas Dalton.

bullet Peter McCormick was born in Mar 1855 in England. He immigrated in 1870 to Iowa from England. He was a Farmer in 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in Jun 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

He was married to Jennie Duffie in 1883 in Iowa. Children were: Gertrud McCormick, Kate McCormick, Martin McCormick, Peter McCormick, Frank McCormick, Jennie McCormick, Annie McCormick.

bullet Peter McCormick (Private). Parents: Peter McCormick and Jennie Duffie.

bullet Anna Caroline McCracken has reference number 588. Parents: Thomas McCracken and Mary Allen.

She was married to John Gilbert Lattin on 21 Feb 1900 in Perry, Noble Co., Oklahoma. Children were: Viola Agnes Lattin , Leota Violet Lattin, Edgar Franklin Lattin, John Everett Lattin , Eli Voil Lattin, Leafa Fern Lattin, Iva Elanore Lattin, Mary Elizabeth Lattin, Frances Louise Lattin .

bullet Linda McCracken

She was married to Adron Bruce Lewis on 25 Nov 1975 in Anchorage, Alaska. Children were: Ryan Lee Lewis.

bullet Thomas McCracken has reference number 1214.

Children were: Anna Caroline McCracken.

bulletMcCubbins? .

He was married to Blanch Taylor.

bullet -- McCue

Children were: Mary McCue.

bulletMary McCue was born in Oct 1850 in New York. She was a Farmwife in 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in Jun 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1905 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: -- McCue and Bridget ---.

She was married to Frank O'Boyle in 1871 in Iowa. Children were: James O'Boyle , Frank O'Boyle, Mary O'Boyle, Thomas O'Boyle, John B. O'Boyle, Patrick J. O'Boyle, Bridget O'Boyle, Maggie O'Boyle, William O'Boyle, Cathrine O'Boyle.

bullet Myrtle McCuffries (Private).

bullet Mava Elizabeth McCutcheon was born on 2 Sep 1909. She died on 16 Jun 1984.

She was married to Sidney David Nordine on 9 Feb 1931.

bullet Curtis McDaniel (Private). Parents: Curtis P. McDaniel and Lena Anderson.

bullet Curtis P. McDaniel

He was married to Lena Anderson before 1923. Children were: Curtis McDaniel, Glenn McDaniel.

bullet Glenn McDaniel (Private). Parents: Curtis P. McDaniel and Lena Anderson.

bullet Pamela McDaniel was living in Sloan, Iowa 51055; 712-428-3518. She attended services of the Nazarene.

She was married to Stephen Mark Nelson on 28 Aug 1982 in Esther, Missouri.

bullet Fred McDermott

He was married to Linda Carlson. Children were: James Andrew McDermott.

bullet James Andrew McDermott was living in 2001 in Fair Oaks, California. Parents: Fred McDermott and Linda Carlson.

bullet -- McDonald

He was married to Fannie --- before 1908. Children were: William Raymond McDonald.

bullet Cecilia McDonald was born in 1879 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John McDonald and Mary ---.

bullet John McDonald was born in 1835 in Ireland. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

He was married to Mary --- before 1869. Children were: Julian McDonald, Maggie McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Mary McDonald, Cecilia McDonald.

bullet Joseph McDonald was born in 1873 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John McDonald and Mary ---.

bullet Judy McDonald Parents: Lloyd McDonald and LaVone ---.

She was married to Tom Bainbridge . Children were: Timi Bainbridge, Tate Kelley Bainbridge.

bullet Julian McDonald was born in 1869 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John McDonald and Mary ---.

bullet Lloyd McDonald

He was married to LaVone ---. Children were: Judy McDonald.

bullet Maggie McDonald was born in 1871 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John McDonald and Mary ---.

bullet Margrate McDonald was born in 1851 in Ireland. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to Charles McCollough before 1863 in Ireland. Children were: John McCollough, Charles McCollough, James McCollough, Samuel McCollough, David D. McCollough, Daniel (Dennis?) McCollough , Patridge McCollough, Marg McCollough, Martin McCollough, William McCollough.

bullet Mary McDonald was born in 1875 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John McDonald and Mary ---.

bullet Richard McDonald

He was married to Pamela A. Turin on 17 Jan 1970 in Fort Morgan, Colorado. He was divorced from Pamela A. Turin after 1971.

bullet William Raymond McDonald was born on 20 Apr 1908 in Madison Co, Iowa. He died in 1988 in Sac City, Sac Co, Iowa. He was buried in Iowa?. Parents: -- McDonald and Fannie ---.

He was married to Jeanette Louise Clarkson before 1942 in Iowa?. Children were: Linda Rae McDonald.

bullet -- McDonnell died before 1900 in Iowa. He was born in Ireland.

He was married to Mary --- in 1865 in Iowa. Children were: John McDonnell, Minnie McDonnell, Alex McDonnell.

bullet Alex McDonnell was born in Feb 1872 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: -- McDonnell and Mary ---.

bullet John McDonnell was born in Feb 1867 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: -- McDonnell and Mary ---.

bullet Minnie McDonnell was born in Aug 1870 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: -- McDonnell and Mary ---.

bullet Patrick Joseph McDonnell

He was married to Katherine Freml.

bullet Sarah E. McDowell was born in 1848 in Missouri.

She was married to Theodore Bateman before 1883 in Missouri. Children were: Ethel Bateman.

bullet Thomas Edward McElherne (Private).

Children were: Jennifer Anne McElherne, James Leslie McElherne.

bulletJohn D. McElhinery.

He was married to Ellen Marie Johnson on 15 May 1954. Children were: Jona Lee McElhinery.

bullet Mary A McElhinney was born on 12 Mar 1879 in Donegal, Ireland. She immigrated in 1899 to Iowa from Ireland. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1905 in Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1910 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was a Farmwife after 1910 in Hawarden, Sioux Co, Iowa. She died on 17 Feb 1974 in Hawarden, Sioux Co, Iowa. She was buried on 17 Feb 1974 in Grace Hill Cemetery, Hawarden, Iowa.

She was married to Charles Otto Swanson about 1902 in Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Delphine Dorothy Swanson, Lloyd G. Swanson , A. Bayard Swanson, Mary Swanson, Lucille Swanson.

bullet -- McElvain was born in Nebraska. Parents: Robert McElvain and Inez England.

She was married to -- --- in ?. Children were: -- ---.

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