Guy Mason Parents: David C. Mason and
Emma Clothier.
R. Mason (Private). Parents: Andrew Jackson Mason
and Mary Florence Willoughby.He was married
to Hildred V. Ives before 1924 in Manilla, Crawford
Co, Iowa. Children were: Robert A. Mason.
Mason was born in Apr 1894 in Crawford County, Iowa. He appeared on the
census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census
in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. He died in Jun 1986. He was buried in
Jun 1986 in Deloit Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa. Parents:
John H. Mason and Ellen Laughery.Children
were: John Mason, James Mason, Joan Mason.
Mason. Parents: David C. Mason and
Emma Clothier.
C. Mason was born in Oct 1859 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1860
in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. He was a school student in
1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1870 in
Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Deloit,
Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: Jesse Mason Sr. and
Eliza A. Johnson.
Mason Sr. was born on 15 May 1813 in Garrett County, Kentucky. He was a
farmer in 1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. He appeared
on the census in 1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. He
was a farmer in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census
in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He died on 25 Oct 1891 in Lamoni,
Iowa. He was buried in Deloit Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa.He was married to
Malinda Edwards in 1832. Children were: Mary Mason
, Sarah Jane Mason,
Martha Elizabeth Mason, Melinda (Jane) Mason
, Margaret Ann Mason,
Angeline Mason. He was married to Eliza A. Johnson
after 1845. Children were: Mathilda E. Mason
, David C. Mason, Jesse
N. Mason, John H. Mason,
Julia A. Mason, Hiram C. Mason,
William Mason, Emma L. Mason,
Andrew Jackson Mason.
N. Mason was born in 1851 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1860 in
Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. He was a farmer in 1870 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa. He was a butcher in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared
on the census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents:
Jesse Mason Sr. and Eliza A. Johnson.He
was married to Merinda S. Dobson before 1876 in
Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. He was divorced from Merinda S. Dobson before 1910
in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Blanche
Mason, Vern Mason,
-- Mason, -- Mason.
H. Mason was born in Nov 1854 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1860
in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. He was a school student in
1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1870 in
Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He was a farm laborer in 1880 in Milford Twp,
Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
He was a laborer in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census
in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: Jesse
Mason Sr. and Eliza A. Johnson.He was married
to Ellen Laughery in 1879 in Iowa. Children were:
Leeman Mason, Merton
Mason, Harvey Mason.
A. Mason was born in Jun 1857 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1860
in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She was a school student
in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1870
in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford
Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1920 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa.
She appeared on the census in 1925 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. She died in
Sep 1952. She was buried in Sep 1952 in Deloit Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa. Parents:
Jesse Mason Sr. and
Eliza A. Johnson.She was married to Francis
Henry Brogden on 29 Jan 1873 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were:
Bertha Brogden, Pearl
Brogden, Gladys Brogden,
Marjorie Brogden, Claude Brogden.
Mason was born in Jun 1880 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1900 in
Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: John H. Mason
and Ellen Laughery.
Ann Mason was born in 1842 in Iowa. She was a housekeeper in 1860 in Boyer
River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census in 1860
in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census
in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was living in 1870 in Boyer River
P.O., Deloit Village, Crawford Co, Ia. She was a keeping house in 1880 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa. She was a seamstress in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared
on the census in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was buried in Deloit
Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa. Parents: Jesse Mason Sr.
and Malinda Edwards.She was married to
Ambrose M. Richardson before 1860 in Iowa. Children were:
Masilla (Mary) Richardson, Adelbert Richardson
, Clara J. Richardson.
Elizabeth Mason was born in 1837 in Illinois. She was a housekeeper in 1860
in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census
in 1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the
census in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was living in 1870 in
Boyer River P.O., Deloit Village, Crawford Co, Ia. She was also known as Eliza
J. (1860) Iowa age 25. Parents: Jesse Mason Sr.
and Malinda Edwards.She was married to
George J. Johnson on 12 Oct 1853 in Mason's Grove, Iowa. Children were:
Elista A. Johnson, George
W. Johnson, Mats F. Johnson,
Knu. W. Johnson, Malilda Johnson,
Amy J. Johnson.
Mason was born in 1833. She died in 1841. Parents:
Jesse Mason Sr. and Malinda Edwards.
E. Mason was born in 1849 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1860 in
Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census in
1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in Jun 1880
in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. She died after Jun 1880 in Deloit, Crawford Co,
Iowa. She was buried after Jun 1880 in Deloit Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa. Parents:
Jesse Mason Sr. and
Eliza A. Johnson.She was married to Robert Richard
Montgomery on 4 Jun 1868 in Crawford County, Iowa. Children were:
Flora Montgomery, Eunice Montgomery,
Lorenzo Montgomery, Clark Montgomery,
Ninus Montgomery, Paul Montgomery,
Maud Montgomery, Edith Matilda Montgomery.
(Jane) Mason was born in 1839 in Illinois. She died in 1840 in Illinois.
Parents: Jesse Mason Sr. and
Malinda Edwards.
Mason (Private). Parents: John H. Mason and
Ellen Laughery.
A. Mason (Private). Parents: Harlo R. Mason
and Hildred V. Ives.
Golda Mason (Private). Parents: Andrew Jackson
Mason and Mary Florence Willoughby.She was
married to Guy L. Buffington before 1919 in Deloit,
Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Opal F. Buffington
, Betty G. Buffington.
Jane Mason was born in 1835 in Illinois. She was a housekeeper in 1860 in
Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census in
1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the
census in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was living in 1870 in
Boyer River P.O., Deloit Village, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census
in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1900
in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1910 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She died in Nov 1918 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
She was buried in Nov 1918 in Deloit Cemetery, Deloit, Iowa. Parents:
Jesse Mason Sr. and Malinda Edwards.She
was married to Noah V. Johnson on 12 Oct 1853 in
Mason's Grove, Iowa. Children were: Noah David Johnson
, Jesse Henry Johnson,
William R. Johnson, Eli Alma Johnson,
Sarah Melinda Johnson, Ellen M. Elinor Johnson
, Elmer Levi Johnson,
Emma Louisa Johnson, Mary Jane Johnson,
Celinda Catherine Johnson, Warren E. Johnson
, Elihu T. Johnson,
Morris E. Johnson, Althar Ann Johnson,
Milton A. Johnson.
Mason was born in 1874 in Iowa. He was a school student in 1880 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa.
Mason was born in 1879 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the
census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents:
Jesse N. Mason and Merinda S. Dobson.
C. Mason (Private).Children were: Elsie Mason
Mason was born in 1861 in Crawford County, Iowa. He died in Crawford County,
Iowa. Parents: Jesse Mason Sr. and
Eliza A. Johnson.
E. Mason was born in 1857 in New York. He was a farmer in 1920 in Milford
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1920 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: Edwin Mason and
Francis Baker.He was married to Phoebe A. Chapman
before 1883 in Vail, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were:
Elsie C. Mason.
Mass was born in Germany.He was married to
Catrina Inalman before 1861 in Germany. Children were:
Mary Mass.
Mass was born in 1861 in Germany. She appeared on the census in 1920 in
Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1925 in Deloit, Crawford
Co, Iowa. She died in Feb 1935. She was buried in Feb 1935 in Deloit Cemetery,
Deloit, Iowa. Parents: Eai Mass and
Catrina Inalman.She was married to Andrew Malone
before 1890 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Children were:
Ester Malone. Children were: Richard Maurice
Holihan, John Holihan.
Mastellar. She was married to Frank Monroe
Warrington before 1905. Children were: Violet
Martha Warrington.
W. Masters (Private). Parents: Walter S. Masters
and Anna M. Mahoffey.
Masters was born in Indiana.He was married to
Hattie Bates before 1878 in Illinois. Children were:
Walter S. Masters.
R. Masters (Private). Parents: Walter S. Masters
and Anna M. Mahoffey.
Masters was living in 1941 in Winnebago, Minnesota.He was married to
Anna Elsa Christina Skarin.
P. Masters (Private). Parents: Walter S. Masters
and Anna M. Mahoffey.
R. Masters (Private). Parents: Walter S. Masters
and Anna M. Mahoffey.
S. Masters was born in 1878 in Kansas. He appeared on the census in 1925
in Goodrich Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: James
Masters and Hattie Bates.He was married
to Anna M. Mahoffey before 1903 in Iowa. Children
were: Ruth P. Masters,
Walter R. Masters, Hazel W. Masters,
William E. Masters, James R. Masters.
E. Masters (Private). Parents: Walter S. Masters
and Anna M. Mahoffey.
Matensen appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co,
Matheison (Crook)He was married to Cecilia Larson
in Sweden. Children were: Ole (Crook) Matson,
Swan Olaf Crook.
Bridget Mathers was born in Mar 1848 in Ireland. She immigrated in 1866
to Iowa from Ireland. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Milford Twp, Crawford
Co, Iowa.She was married to Patrick Finneran
before 1870 in Ireland. Children were: Timothy Finneran
, Patrick Finneran Jr.,
William Finneran, Martin Finneran,
Barnard Finneran, Harry Finneran,
Charles Finneran.
MathesonHe was married to Lydia Persdotter Turin
Mathewson was born about 1876 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1880
in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa. Parents: Andrew
Mathewson and Anna ---.
Mathewson was born about 1844 in Sweden. He immigrated between 1867 and
1876 to Iowa from Sweden. He appeared on the census in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury
County, Iowa. He was a carpenter in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa.
He was married to Anna --- before 1866 in Sweden.
Children were: Andrew Mathewson,
August Mathewson, Alfred Mathewson,
Jewell (Jule?) Mathewson.
Mathewson was born about 1866 in Sweden. He immigrated between 1867 and
1876 to Iowa from Sweden. He appeared on the census in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury
County, Iowa. Parents: Andrew Mathewson and
Anna ---.
Mathewson was born about 1854 in Sweden. She immigrated before 1880 to Iowa
from Sweden. She was a servant in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa.
She appeared on the census in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa.
Mathewson was born about 1875 in Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1880
in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa. Parents: Andrew
Mathewson and Anna ---.
(Jule?) Mathewson was born about 1878 in Iowa. He appeared on the census
in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa. Parents:
Andrew Mathewson and Anna ---.
MathiesHe was married to Ann Buchanan.
Victoria Mathieson (Private).Children were: Roger Dean Johnson, Robert
Kenneth Johnson, Charlotte Ann Johnson.
Matre was living in 2002 in Fairfield Bay, Arkansas 72088.Children were:
Steven Matre.
Matre. Parents: James Matre and
Joyce Caroline Nelson.
Matsdotter died in 1692.She was married to
Anders Persson. Children were: Per Andersson
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