Kiron Kountry 200206 Data Base
bullet Reuben Louden (Private). Parents: S. M. Louden and Lottie Daisy Darling.

bullet S. M. Louden was born about 1880 in Pennsylvania. He was living in 1911 in Castana, Iowa. He died before 1925 in Iowa.

He was married to Mary Mcgee before 1907. Children were: Gladys Louden.

Children were: George Louden, Reuben Louden.

bulletWilliam Louer was born in 1847 in Germany. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet L. E. Louis was born in 1823 in England. He was a laborer in 1860 in Denison Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1860 in Denison P.O., Denison Twp, Crawford Co, Ia.

bullet John A. Lounborg filed citizenship declaration intent on 4 Jan 1876 in Crawford County, Iowa. He was born in Sweden.

bullet A. J. Loux was born in 1855 in Iowa. He was a laborer in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1910 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa.

He was married to -- --- before 1897. Children were: Floyd Loux, Juliette Loux.

bullet Floyd Loux (Private). Parents: A. J. Loux and -- ---.

bullet Julia Loux

She was married to Julius Carstensen before 1919 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Clarence Carstensen.

bullet Juliette Loux (Private). Parents: A. J. Loux and -- ---.

bullet Bertil Lovain

He was married to Lorraine Anderson . Children were: Ruth Ann Lovain, Deborah Lovain, Timothy Lovain, Mary Beth Lovain.

bullet Deborah Lovain Parents: Bertil Lovain and Lorraine Anderson.

Children were: Karin Gustafson , Eric Gustafson, Jonathon Gustafson.

bulletMary Beth Lovain. Parents: Bertil Lovain and Lorraine Anderson.

Children were: Chantel Wakeley , Alyssa Wakeley.

bulletRuth Ann Lovain. Parents: Bertil Lovain and Lorraine Anderson.

Children were: Matthew Werner .

bulletTimothy Lovain was living in 1983 in Seattle, Washington. Parents: Bertil Lovain and Lorraine Anderson.

bullet Al Lovell has reference number 544.

He was married to Sarah E. (Sadie) Lattin before 1917. Children were: Fred Lovell.

bullet Fred Lovell has reference number 1213. Parents: Al Lovell and Sarah E. (Sadie) Lattin.

bullet Rev. P. Lovene

He was married to -- ---.

bullet Vernon Loverde Dr.

He was married to Audre Jean Wiksell on 8 Jun 1967 in Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois. He was divorced from Audre Jean Wiksell. Children were: Loren Zorba Loverde, Antony Loverde.

bullet Howard S. Lovestead attended college at Iowa State College in 1936 in Ames, Iowa.

He was married to Marjorie Linman on 13 Jun 1945 in Methodist Parsonage, Sac City, Iowa.

bullet Anna Maria Lövgren was born on 18 Oct 1768 in Ledingeå, Helgum, Ångermanland, Y, SE. She died on 27 Nov 1858 in Sockenstugan, Helgum, Y. Parents: Erik Lövgren and Anna Andersdotter.

She was married to Jakob Olofsson Hellström on 11 Oct 1789 in Helgum, Ångermanland, Y, SE. Children were: Henrik Jakobsson.

bullet Erik Lövgren was born on 16 Oct 1726 in Nässjö, Ramsele, Ångermanland, Y, SE. He died on 6 Jul 1799 in Helgum, Helgum, Ångermanland, Y, SE. Parents: Israel Olofsson Hoffman and Sara Eriksdotter.

He was married to Anna Andersdotter in 1764 in Helgum, Ångermanland, Y, SE. Children were: Anna Maria Lövgren, Märta Lövgren .

bullet Märta Lövgren died on 18 Sep 1834 in Fors, Jämtland, Z, SE. Parents: Erik Lövgren and Anna Andersdotter.

She was married to Jakob Billström on 26 Dec 1791.

She was married to Lars Höglund in 1809.

bullet Doris Low Parents: Percy Low and Pearl V Lindblom.

bullet Percy Low

He was married to Pearl V Lindblom. Children were: Wayne Low, Doris Low.

bullet Wayne Low Parents: Percy Low and Pearl V Lindblom.

bullet Agnes Loy appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Karoly Szabad Loy

He was married to Juliana Pap . Children were: Szilard Szabad.

bullet Fred Lraphart (Private).

bulletGustaf Lubashder was born in Germany.

He was married to Fredericka Avernheimer before 1861 in Germany. Children were: Gustav (Lubashder?) Lubinsaders.

bullet Kirsmina Lubbon was born in Germany.

She was married to Omano Jansen before 1885 in Illinois. Children were: Anna Jansen.

bullet Gustav (Lubashder?) Lubinsaders was born in 1861 in Germany. He immigrated in 1881 to Kiron Kountry from Germany. He was naturalised in 1886 in Crawford County, Iowa. He was a farm laborer in 1920 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1920 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: Gustaf Lubashder and Fredericka Avernheimer.

bullet Ed Lucas appeared on the census in 1905 in Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Hazel Lucas appeared on the census in 1905 in Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Robert Lucey was living in Rt.1, Sherwood Forest, North Branch, MN 55056 in 1985..

He was married to Karen Gustafson on 1 Oct 1960 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Children were: Todd Lucey, Rene' Lucey, Jolene Lucey.

bullet Vernon L. Ludeman (Private).

bulletJohn Ludermann (Private). Parents: John Ludermann and Anna Kron.

bullet John Ludermann was born in 1875 in Germany.

He was married to Anna Kron before 1896 in Germany. Children were: John Ludermann.

bullet John Ludwig

He was married to Carolyn Slechta in 1944.

bullet Jay Luetje

He was married to Wendy Renee Skarin in Nov 1996.

bullet -- Luetjens

He was married to Elsie Peterson .

bullet Ben W. Luetjens (Private). Parents: Louis Luetjens and Paulina M. Hansen.

bullet Herman Luetjens was born in 1873 in Germany.

He was married to Ella Laumbauch before 1900 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Martha N. Luetjens.

bullet Jaeck Luetjens was born about 1841 in Germany. He was born in Germany.

He was married to Hilda Jahnsen before 1870 in Germany. He was married to Hilda Jahnsen before 1879 in Germany. Children were: Louis Luetjens, Mary Luetjens.

bullet Louis Luetjens was born in 1870 in Germany. He immigrated in 1890 to Iowa from Germany. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: Jaeck Luetjens and Hilda Jahnsen.

He was married to Paulina M. Hansen before 1901 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Louis H. Luetjens, Ben W. Luetjens.

bullet Louis H. Luetjens (Private). Parents: Louis Luetjens and Paulina M. Hansen.

He was married to Loyal Lois S. Hutchinson. Children were: Norma Luetjens.

bullet Martha N. Luetjens (Private). Parents: Herman Luetjens and Ella Laumbauch.

She was married to Henry B. Lackmann before 1920 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Marvin H. Lackmann.

bullet Mary Luetjens was born about 1879 in Germany. She appeared on the census in 1925 in Deloit, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: Jaeck Luetjens and Hilda Jahnsen.

She was married to J. D. Hansen before 1925 in Iowa.

bullet Norma Luetjens Parents: Louis H. Luetjens and Loyal Lois S. Hutchinson.

bullet -- Luft was living in 1911 in Crawford County, Iowa.

He was married to Freda Otto.

bullet Lena Luft

She was married to Ward Holman before 1923. Children were: Arlene Holman.

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