Kiron Kountry 200206 Data Base
bullet Thomas W. Down was born on 20 Feb 1872 in El Paso, Illinois. He was living from 1874 to 1938 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa area.

He was married to Emma M. Hanson on 19 Feb 1896 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa.

bullet Robert Downing

He was married to Virginia Lee Jensen on 22 Oct 1978 in Des Moines, Iowa. Children were: Danielle Downing, Johnathan Drew Downing.

bullet Vera Doyen

She was married to Paul Welander.

bullet Harry Doyle appeared on the census in 1905 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Lizzie Doyle was born in 1855 in Illinois. She was a domestic servant in 1870 in Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1870 in Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Frank Dozark died before 1925. He was born in Bohemia, Austria.

He was married to Katie Shupitar before 1890 in Iowa. Children were: William Dozark.

bullet Fred? Dozark was born in Oct 1877 in Iowa. He was a Farmer in 1900. He appeared on the census in Jun 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

He was married to Kate --- in 1899 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

bullet Melvin Dozark was born in 1912 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1920 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He graduated from Kiron High School in 1930 in Kiron, Iowa. He was living in 1980 in 226 North 20th Street, Denison, Iowa 51442. He died before 1998 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Parents: William Dozark and Christina Nissen.

bullet William Dozark (Private). Parents: Frank Dozark and Katie Shupitar.

He was married to Christina Nissen before 1912 in Iowa. Children were: Melvin Dozark.

bullet Joe Draheim

bullet Joyce Drain

She was married to Dennis Eugene Parker. Children were: Mary Elizabeth Parker, April Ann Parker.

bullet Richard Drake has reference number 310.

bulletEmily Dreesen (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet Florence Irene Dreesen (Private). Parents: George J. Dreesen and Helga Christina Ahlquist.

She was married to Harry Rose on 12 Apr 1952. Children were: Margie Ellen Rose, Dale Allen Rose.

bullet Frank Dreesen was born in 1872 in Scott Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. Parents: Peter N. F. Dreesen and Matilda ---.

bullet George Dreesen was born in 1847 in Germany. He was a laborer in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He was living in 1885 in S29 SE4 Hayes.

bullet George J. Dreesen was born on 7 Jul 1895 in Carroll Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Jackson Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He died on 25 Jan 1964 in Carroll, Carroll Co, Iowa. He was buried after 25 Jan 1964 in Westside Cemetery, Westside, Iowa.

He was married to Helga Christina Ahlquist on 6 Jun 1923 in Denison, Crawford Co, Iowa. Children were: Clifford George Dreeson, Florence Irene Dreesen .

bullet Herman Dreesen sr. was born in 1870 in Germany. He immigrated in 1884 to Iowa from Germany. He was naturalised in 1894 in Crawford County, Iowa. He was a farmer in 1920 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1920 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

He was married to Maggie --- before 1898. Children were: Martha Dreesen, John Dreesen, Louis Dreesen, Katie Dreesen, Emily Dreesen, Herman Dreesen jr..

bullet Herman Dreesen jr. (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet John Dreesen was born in 1840 in Germany. He was a laborer in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.

bullet John Dreesen (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet John Johnnie Dreesen was born in 1880 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. Parents: Peter N. F. Dreesen and Matilda ---.

bullet Katie Dreesen (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet Leonard Dreesen (Private).

Children were: Cynthia Lorraine Dreesen, Judith LaMorn Dreesen.

bulletLouis Dreesen (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet Martha Dreesen (Private). Parents: Herman Dreesen sr. and Maggie ---.

bullet Minnie Dreesen was born in 1873 in Scott Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. Parents: Peter N. F. Dreesen and Matilda ---.

She was married to -- Ehrp before 1894 in Iowa. She was divorced from -- Ehrp before 1895 in Ida Co, Iowa. Children were: Wille Ehrp.

bullet Peter N. F. Dreesen was born in 1843 in Germany. He was a retired farmer in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He was living in 1885 in S29 SE4 Hayes. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He attended services of the Lutheran in 1895.

He was married to Matilda --- before 1873 in Iowa. Children were: Frank Dreesen, Minnie Dreesen, John Johnnie Dreesen, Theodore Dreesen.

bullet Theodore Dreesen was born in 1882 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1895 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. Parents: Peter N. F. Dreesen and Matilda ---.

bullet Clifford George Dreeson was born on 30 Jun 1924 in Westside, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Jackson Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He died on 6 Aug 1966 in Westside, Crawford Co, Iowa. He was buried after 6 Aug 1966 in Westside Cemetery, Westside, Iowa. Parents: George J. Dreesen and Helga Christina Ahlquist.

He was married to Bonnie Fauley on 15 Feb 1951. Children were: Gary Lee Dreeson, Randall Clifford Dreeson, Neil Francis Dreeson, Lori Jean Dreeson, Sherri Rae Dreeson.

bullet Stacy Dreeson Parents: Randall Clifford Dreeson and LuAnn Krueger.

bullet Clarence Drehsen

He was married to Ann Reinking.

bullet Anton Drexler was born in Iowa.

He was married to Anna Goedert before 1900 in Iowa. Children were: Frances Drexler.

bullet Frances Drexler (Private). Parents: Anton Drexler and Anna Goedert.

She was married to T. B. Terlisner before 1925 in Iowa.

bullet David Driscoll

He was married to Pamela Swanson. Children were: David Driscoll Junior.

bullet David Driscoll Junior Parents: David Driscoll and Pamela Swanson.

bullet James Driver

He was married to Peggy Jo Fanberg .

bullet Hedda Lovisa Drott was born on 7 Jun 1847 in Västra Husby, Norrköping, Östergötland, E, SE. She died on 5 Jan 1880.

She was married to Wilhelm Samuelsson Möller on 27 Oct 1872 in Västra Husby, Norrköping, Östergötland, E, SE. Children were: Hjalmar Vilhelm Möller, Axel Fredrik Herman Möller, Carl Abin Möller .

bullet Edwin John Druivenga died before 1950. He was born in South Dakota.

He was married to Katharine Brinker. Children were: Marion Druivenga, Helen Joan Druivenga, Fred Druivenga, Kathryn Druivenga, Marie Druivenga, Ruth Druivenga.

bullet Fred Druivenga Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

bullet Helen Joan Druivenga (Private). Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

She was married to Walter Joe Hammerstrom on 24 Mar 1950 in Arthur, Ida Co, Iowa. Children were: Deborah Ruth Hammerstrom, Joann Marie Hammerstrom, Carol Beth Hammerstrom, Jane Kristine Hammerstrom.

bullet Kathryn Druivenga was living in 1999 in Edgerton, Wisconsin. She was born in Arthur, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to Harold Albert Peterson on 29 Dec 1950 in Kiron.

bullet Kathryn Druivenga Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

bullet Marie Druivenga Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

bullet Marion Druivenga Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

bullet Marion J. Druivenga was born on 24 Apr 1909 in Hartford, South Dakota. He died on 5 Jul 1985 in Arthur, Ida Co, Iowa. He was buried after 5 Jul 1985 in Hayes Twp. Cemetery, Ida Co, Ia.. His obituary was read on 11 Jul 1985 in Ida Grove, Ida Co, Iowa.

He was married to Minnie Carolina Wunschel on 9 Apr 1930 in Ida Grove, Ida Co, Iowa. Children were: LaDonna Marie Druivenga, Carolyn Ann Druivenga.

bullet Ruth Druivenga Parents: Edwin John Druivenga and Katharine Brinker.

bullet Patricia Drumm

She was married to Robert Johnson. Children were: Lynell Johnson, Kathleen Johnson.

bullet Mary A. Dry was born in North Carolina.

She was married to Thomas Stricker before 1872 in North Carolina. Children were: William A. Stricker.

bullet Charles Frederick Ducander (Private). Parents: Charles Loranzo Ducander and Ruth Jameson.

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