Family Farms -- John Sparfeldt Family Farm

Kiron Kountry's Family Farms

John Sparfeldt Family Farm -- Stockholm Township section 20

John Sparfeldt emigrated from Ramsele in Ångermanland Sweden and purchased 80 acres in February 1868 in the northwest quarter of Stockholm section 20. He farmed these 80 acres until about 1888 when his son, John Naslund, emigrated with his family to help his father. John Sparfeldt lived his remaining years on the farm and died in 1895. He is buried in the Kiron Cemetery. John Naslund lost his wife in 1892 but he continued on the farm and was joined by his son-in-law, William Clauson, after 1895. John Naslund died on the farm in 1929. William farmed the land aided by his son Clarence until his death in 1949. Clarence farmed the land until he died suddenly in 1957. After that, his daughter became the current owner of the land.

This is Sparfeldt's farm house as it stood in 1908. The family got together to take a picture of their new baby daughter, Mabel Elizabeth Clauson. Grandpa John Naslund, parents William and Anna Clauson, brothers Clarence and John Eldon, and cousins Edith and Ethel Clauson were present.

( additional pictures and story details here )
