(Do not download from the "Thumbnail", as you will get the reduced-sized picture.)
(Photos of German and Austrian Villages Web Pages, Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 George W. DURMAN.)
(While we allow downloading of these pictures for your enjoyment, and for personal genealogical uses, they are copyrighted material and commercial use of them is FORBIDDEN.)
(The photos shown are "Thumbnails" of the actual photos. If you wish to see them full-sized, LEFT-CLICK on the picture and you will see the photo full-sized. To download, RIGHT-CLICK on the FULL-sizeD photo and select "Save Image as", or whatever command your browser uses. Since each picture will open in its own web page window, to return to this page, just close the page.)
2nd Colony Families Immigrated
John's notes about this Map: This map is taken from a book of 176 pages which covers 'West Germany'. Each page is very limited in extent, and the map shown here is only a fraction of one of the pages. It is divided into four columns, marked by pale blue lines, and headed at the top by the large pale blue letters Id, Ie, If, and Ka. Columns Ie and If are full-width, which is equal to 7.5 miles. Columns Id and Ka are partial-width columns. The map is divided into three rows, marked at the left as 53, 54, and 55. Only row 54 is full height, and it is equal to about 11.5 miles.
(May, 2000)
(File size: 1110 x 1217, 459,640 Bytes)
More notes from John about the Map: Schwaigern is in Section Ka 54, near the top of the section. To place this map within a larger map of Germany, Heilbronn is 7.5 miles east of Schwaigern. Heidelberg is 15 miles northwest of Sinsheim, which is in If 53, near the top of the map. Stuttgart is about 26 miles southeast of the center of this map.
Road System Legend:
Autobahn (German equivalent of Interstate).
Major highway, newer road, not divided, usually bypasses villages.
Workhorse local road used by everything from trucks, trailers, and
cars to kids on bicycles. These would have been the roads used by
our ancestors.
Less frequented road, narrower, but usable.
This map shows some of the villages from whence came many of the Second Colony immigrants, but not all of the villages, by any means. Some came from the north, west, south, and east of this map. A guide to village location of the map follows below:
Bonfeld | Ka 53 | 1 |
B�nningheim | Ka 54 | 2 |
Botemheim | Ka 54 | 3 |
Gemmingen | If 53/54 | 4 |
Gro� Sachsenheim | Ka 55 | 5 |
Neuenb�rg | Ie 54 | 6 |
Oberderdingen | Ie 54 | 7 |
�tisheim | Ie 55 | 8 |
Schwaigern | Ka 54 | 9 |
Sinsheim | If 53 | 10 |
Stetten am Heuchelberg | Ka 54 | 11 |
Sulzfeld | If 54 | 12 |
Zaberfeld | If 54 | 13 |
Note from SgtGeorge: On the map I have identified the 13 villages with large, bright red numbers, corresponding to the guide at the left.
PLEASE NOTE !!!!! This map is LARGE !!!!! It might take several minutes to load in your web browser, especially if you have a slower modem, and don't have at least 128 Megabytes of RAM; however, once it is loaded and you can view it, it will only take a few seconds to download to your computer, since the file is already in your system's memory.
I printed the map, using Paint Shop Pro, on 8� x 11 paper and the resolution and sharpness are excellent. For the best quality, I would suggest you print, at least, at 720 dpi, preferably at 1440. And, in the highest color your computer and printer will allow. If you print on a good parchment, it would be excellent for framing. (If you want the same map without the large, red numbers, let me know and I'll send it to you as an attachment. Just email me at: germannaresearch@comcast.net
(Photos will be shown for many of these villages.)
(If you find errors on this page, please email me.)
Go To Top.
Aufkirchen (2002)
Bergnerzell (2002) Beyerberg (2002) Falkenstein (2002) Fellinghausen (2000) Frankenhofen (2002) Freudenberg (2000) Gemmingen (2000) Gresten (Austria) (2000 & 2002) Guttenberg Castle (2000) Haundorf (2002) Heidelberg (2000) |
H�ffenhardt (2000)
Illenschwang (2000) Illenschwang (2002) Kettenbach (2000) Klings (2002) K�hnhardt (2002) Lambsheim (2002) Marienthal (2002) Mosbach (2002) Neuenb�rg (2000) Oberfischbach (2000) Obermichelbach (2002) |
�tisheim (2000)
R�dgen (2000) Schwaigern (2000) Seiderzell (2002) Siegen (2000) Sulzfeld/Ravensburg (2000) Stetten (2002) Trupbach (2000) Waldbach (2002) Zaberfeld (2002) |
Gaar Family Villages (2002) | Utz Family Villages (2002) |
Map of 2nd Colony Villages in Germany (2000) |
[Germany and Austria Photo Gallery]