Descendants' Web Pages & E-Mail Addresses
Below are Web Pages of BRUMBACH descendants and researchers: (In parentheses after each name is that person's line of descent from the BRUMBACH emigrant.) (If you are a BRUMBACH descendant or researcher, and would like to have your Web Page address posted here, send us an e-mail to
(Click on the researcher's name below to go to his/her web site.)
BRUMBACH: WorldConnect Genealogy at Rootsweb.
(Almost 3,000 BRUMBACH names!)
BRUMBACH: BRUMBACH Family Tree at Ancestry.
(Descendants of Johannes Heinrich BRUMBACH.)
Many BRUMBACH researchers do not have Web Pages and we are listing their E-Mail addresses here, along with their lines of descent. If you find any that look like matches to your lines, feel free to send them an E-Mail.
(If you are a BRUMBACH descendant or researcher, and would like to have your E-Mail address posted here, send us an e-mail to
(Click on the researcher's name below to send him/her an email message.)
(None have notified me yet.)
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