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The SCHWYHART Family Resource Page
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[New pages created beginning Dec 2003]
Schwyhart First Cousins Home Page*
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Children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Swineheart*
Susan Schwyhart married Walter W. Kinnick - their story (in 2003 Kinnick Genealogy Book Online)
John Hanson and Sarah E. (Schwyhart) Weedon family
Barbara, b. abt. 1815
John and Margaret (Stoner) Schwyhart family in Ohio, Illinois and Iowa
John and Catherine (Schwyhart) Lewis family
Joseph Z. and Rachel A. (Mercer) Schwyhart family
Jacob and Nancy (Duffey) Schwyhart family
William and Sophia (Unknown) Schwyhart family
I. Anderson H. Schwyhart, b. 1832, OH, d. bef 1882
[Susan, above, and James, in the MO story below, were first
cousins - children of the Zimmerman sisters
who married the Swineheart brothers, Jacob and Joseph - all these first cousins
used the Schwyhart surname, as adults]
Children of Jacob and Sarah (Zimmerman) Swineheart*
Haneh Schwyhart (b. 1815) married a Roberts
John Z. and Elizabeth J. (Unkonwn) Schwyhart family
William Z. and Ruth (Roberts) Schwyhart family
Sarah Schwyart, b. 1822 (later married Thomas McKee, per 1880 census, North Salem, Guernsey Co, OH)(**)
The James M. Schwyhart families in Stone and Taney Co, Missouri (3 pages, with photos)
Isaac and Sarah Ann (Kimble) Schwyhart family
Mary E. Schwyhart, b. 1838
*These sixteen first cousins define the "Schwyhart" surname
** Both this Sarah, and her mother, Sarah (Zimmerman)
[Schuyhart](b. 1792!) listed in 1880 census in McKee household.
Comments sought and welcomed.
Page created 5 Dec 2003, last updated March 2009, by Bill Smith