Eileen Kinnick Diary - 1936 - Week 4

Eileen Kinnick

1936 Diary

Week 4 – Jan 20-26

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1936 Orientation

Eileen was 17 on Dec. 14, 1935
Senior, Coon Rapids (IA) High School

Leo is 1 year older
Buzzy is 10 years younger

Eileen's boyfriend of several years is at college in Mt. Pleasant

Eileen was a very good student, see Thursday!

"Jewell boys" were the two doctors in town - see Saturday.



Monday, January 20, 1936

Felt pretty tough in morning. Awful weak. Leo came home all swollen in p.m. Could hardly open my mouth. Had soup for supper. Slept down stairs on cot all night; pretty good night.


Tuesday, January 21, 1936

Real weak. Didn't feel good at all at dinner time. Couldn't eat at all. Cocoa in p.m. Letter from Wallace, Bugger, Fudge. Bussy has them, too. Felt a little better at night. Robert here. He and Dad went to Glidden game. We beat both games. Had cocoa before we went to bed.


Wednesday, January 22, 1936

Terribly weak. Worst I've felt yet. Surely under the weather all day. Could hardly drink thru' straws. Ida here to see Leo at nite. Boys feel pretty good. Bussy especially. Listened to radio a while at night.


Thursday, January 23, 1936

Felt quite a bit better. Got report card – 4 A's. Surely glad over it. Leo didn't feel quite so well and Bussy perfectly all right. Wrote letters at nite. Listened to radio programs. Leo worse at night.


Friday, January 24, 1936

I felt still better. Leo worse. Entertained & played with Bussy. At nite had Thurlow Jewell come ‘cause Leo had such a terrible cough. He said Leo had bronchial pneumonia.

Learn More: http://www.ecureme.com/emyhealth/data/Bronchial_Pneumonia.asp

Saturday, January 25, 1936

Leo not much better, if any. I got up & dressed. Awfully weak. Ila Jean came down for dinner from tourney [sp? – appears there was a basketball tournament]. Ida came to see Leo at nite. He wasn't a bit well. 2 Jewell boys came about 10:00. Said he had pneumonia for sure. Manning beat Coon 2 points in final.


Sunday, January 26, 1936

I got up again & dressed. Leo not much better. Took down one bed. Cleaned house in p.m. Didn't feel well in a.m. Cleaned up at night. Mrs. Cooley came over a minute. I felt pretty good. Listened to Jack Benny & Major Bowes.

SEE: Radio Show Details: Major Bowes Amatuer Hour

SEE: Radio Show Details: Jack Benny Show

Jack Benny

Source: http://www.classicmoviemusicals.com/actorsb.htm
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Created by Bill Smith
Page last updated Feb 2005