Eileen Kinnick1936 DiaryWeek 3 - Jan 13-19People | Places | Books | Movies | Music | Key Words | Family | Friends |
Monday, January 13, 1936 Usual happenings. B. B. game with Typist's. Lost. Tulsa beat A. I. B. - - "Sonny" got hurt in ankle. Surely the biggest crowd. I was just about late. Forgot my red jersey.
Tuesday, January 14, 1936 Glee Club after school. Real cold out. After supper went up to Beth's. Typed awhile. Had ice-cream. Thurman, Dick, Doug, Toots, Kenneth there. Beth, Kenneth, Yip and I went riding in Thomas' new car. Radio surely keen.
Wednesday, January 15, 1936 B. B. practice after school. Helen B., Helen J., Mildred & I went up to Beth's afterwards [crossed out "wards"] the church oyster supper. Bussy home from school with abscess in his nose. [Early on, Eileen spelled her brother's name Buss or Bussy, rather than Buzz or Buzzy, which he used all his life... his real name is Edward] Buzzy Thursday, January 16, 1936 Went to school in a.m. to take Lit. test. No one got out of it. Got dress taffeta & sewed in p.m. Quite a bit of snow. Prissy & I went to "Thanks a Million" at nite. She & Bud & I walked home together. Threw snowballs. Surely a grand show. SEE: Movie details:
Friday, January 17, 1936 Snowed hard all day. Served at Priscilla's. Leo got home at nite. Surely surprised he got thru'. Regular blizzard. All but Bussy and I went to show. I popped corn and did dishes.
Saturday, January 18, 1936 Curled hair and finished dress. Neck hurt. B.B. game with Churdan. We lost 3 points. Boys won 21-27. Stayed all night with Madonna.
Sunday, January 19, 1936 Went to Doctor. Had mumps. Real sick at night. I cried and had an awful nite. Went upstairs to bed. Slept pretty fair. LEARN MORE: http://ecureme.com/emyhealth/Pediatrics/Mumps.asp
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Page last updated 6 Feb 2005 |