Eileen Kinnick Diary - 1936 - Week 12

Eileen Kinnick

1936 Diary

Week 12 – Mar 16-22

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1936 Orientation

Eileen was 17 on Dec. 14, 1935
Senior, Coon Rapids (IA) High School

Leo is 1 year older
Buzzy is 10 years younger

Eileen's boyfriend of several years is at college in Mt. Pleasant
Music contest held in Greenfield


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Monday, March 16, 1936

Stayed home at nite and heard Joe Parsons. Dad at School Board.


Tuesday, March 17, 1936

St. Patrick's Day. Mixed Quarette and Chorus practice at school house at night.

[Two years from this day will start a new life for Eileen]


Wednesday, March 18, 1936

Sextette and Mixes Quartette at night. Surely swell out. Rode with Thurman & Kenny – Jean and I. They wouldn't let us out at school house. Were late for practice. Was Rich mad! Medicated cough discs – Dale's.


Thursday, March 19, 1936

Got Glee Club socks in Carroll. Dorothy T., Jean and I went. I got new silk dress. Visited school. Got new felt hat at Bower's. At nite Lillian's came. Got my clothes ready for tomorrow. Went to bed early. Took bath.


Friday, March 20, 1936

Started to Greenfield with Dale at 6:00. Grand time. Superiors in everything but Valeria's Alto Solo. Ate at Hi-Ho café afterwards and came home with folks. Leo there.


Saturday, March 21, 1936

At 7:00 left for Des Moines with Christian to girls state tourney. Ate at Bishop's – Liz, Helen & I. Shopped. In p.m. to games and again at nite. Centerville won. Cumberland - ? Home at 12:30. Slept nearly all the way home.


Sunday, March 22, 1936

Slept late. Curled hair. Folks went to Louise's. I stayed home, listened to radio, wrote letters. At nite to League and then came home and read. Rained at night.

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Created by Bill Smith
Page last updated

6 Feb 2005