Eileen Kinnick1936 DiaryWeek 11 – Mar 9-15People | Places | Books | Movies | Music | Key Words | Family | Friends |
Monday, March 9, 1936 Louise's have here to dinner. Left in p.m. At nite gave S.S. plays at church to buy song books. Real swell day. School election. Dad got the most votes. Drove car for first time this spring.
Tuesday, March 10, 1936 Declam. Contest. Had to sing for it. Mixed quartette and sextette. Surely tired. An awful wind. Blew big branches off the trees.
Wednesday, March 11, 1936 [blank space on this day's page]
Thursday, March 12, 1936 Went to Guthrie Center to nite to Ball games. Our boys beat Bayard 43-20. Beth, Marian, Dick, Timmy, Kenny P. and I went in Thomas' car.
Friday, March 13, 1936 Went to “Anne Oakley” with Madonna. Surely was good. Curled her hair after school. SEE: Movie Detail: "Annie Oakley"
Saturday, March 14, 1936 Went to Guthrie Center again at Noon. Our boys beat Redfield in pm. Rode around and listened to radio ‘till time to see Perry-Coon game. They beat us. Kenny, Jay, Dick, Vi, Beth and I were together. Keen time.
Sunday, March 15, 1936 I stayed home alone. Folks went to Louise's. I went to League and come home and read “The Challenge of Love.” SEE: Book detail: "The Challenge of Love"
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Page last updated
6 Feb 2005 |