Eileen Kinnick Diary - 1936 - Week 10

Eileen Kinnick

1936 Diary


Week 10 – Mar 2-8

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1936 Orientation

Eileen was 17 on Dec. 14, 1935
Senior, Coon Rapids (IA) High School

Leo is 1 year older
Buzzy is 10 years younger

Eileen's boyfriend of several years is at college in Mt. Pleasant

Standard Bearers was a Methodist youth activity, at the parsonage.

Rasmus and Louise's house burned down, with seven children ranging from 1 to 16; Karl the oldest at 16.

See more on Louise and Rasmus family


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Monday, March 2, 1936

Nice and warm all day. B. B. practice. Standard Bearer's at Cooley's. I took banana pie. Played Indian Head Penny and guessing games. Home – 9:30.


Tuesday, March 3. 1936

Home Music Elimination contest. Valeria and Bertha won in solo groups. Home about 12:00. Nice out.


Wednesday, March 4, 1936

Louise's house burned clear down. They all came and stayed with us. All but Rasmus – Karl. To bed early.


Thursday, March 5, 1936

Girl's sectional tourney here. We beat Bagley. Louise's still here. Nice out.


Friday, March 6, 1936

We played again and lost to Cooper. Bayard and Gray won their first games.


Saturday, March 7, 1936

In p.m. Guthrie beat Bayard & Cooper beat Gray. At nite Bayard beat Gray and Guthrie beat Cooper. Real grand day and nite. A big moon. Surely lonesome! Louise's still here.


Sunday, March 8, 1936

Rasmus moved nearly all of their things. Decided to stay one more nite. In p.m. to school house to glee club. At nite to Epworth League and then to “Collegiate.” Surely good.

SEE: Movie details: "Collegiate"



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Created by Bill Smith
Page last updated

Feb 2005