Eileen Kinnick Diary - 1936 - Family Index

Eileen Kinnick

1936 Diary

Family Index

Weekly Index

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1936 Orientation

Eileen was 17 on Dec. 14, 1935
Senior, Coon Rapids (IA) High School

Leo is 1 year older
Buzzy is 10 years younger

Eileen's boyfriend of several years is at college in Mt. Pleasant


This is a list of extended family members mentiond by Eileen, in the week noted.
This is the first half of 1936 only.
Dick Sorensen (Sorensen first cousin) - 36-14
Edna (aunt - Kinnick side){Mrs. Robert Kinnick} 36-1 -23 -25
Edward (brother, also Buzz, Buzzy, Buss, Bussy) (Often)
Ferne Luse (Sorensen first cousin) 36-26

Gertrude (aunt - Kinnick side){Mrs. Everett Brideson} 36-1 -14 -15 -17 -22 -24 -26
Grandma (Nettie Kinnick) 36- -21 -22 -23 -25 -26
Ida Marie Bell - marries brother Leo in Oct 1937 36-4 -14 -15 -21 -23 -24 -25 -26
Ila Jean 36-4 -8 -14 -22 -24
Karl Nielsen (1st Cousin-Sorenson) 36-10
Leo (older brother) Kinnick (Often)
Leo Williams (1st cousin one generation removed) 36-25
Lillian (aunt - Kinnick side){Mrs. Delbert Ford} 36-1 -15 -21 -22 -23 -26
Louise (aunt - Sorenson side){Mrs. Rasmus Neilsen} 36-1 -10 -11 -12 -15 -23
Lucille (aunt - Kinnick side){Mrs. Wilson Herron 36-1 -19 -22 -23
Lyle (Kinnick first cousin) 36-14 -22

Rasmus Nielsen (uncle-Sorenson side) 36-2 -10 -24
Robert Kinnick (uncle, brother of Dad, Paul) 36-4 -18 -25
Wilbur Herron (Kinnick first cousin) 36-9
Uncle Will, George, Grace and Etta (Kinnick cousins from Illinios) 36-26
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Created by Bill Smith
Page last updated Feb 2005