Bayard, neighboring town 36-28 -34 -40 -50
Bryan's Variety Store, she worked there 36-30
Carroll, county seat of Carroll County 36-27 -41 -42 -44 -45 -46 -48 -52 -53
Carrollton, school burned 36-32
Des Moines, capital of Iowa 36-46
Dick & Macs - eating place 36-46
Garsts, department store in town 36-36 -39 -40 -51
Gover Grim's Garage 36-44
Gray, neighboring town 36-48
Guthrie (Center), neighboring town 36-38 -47 -50
Hamburger Shop 36-40
Hutchesons, eating place 36-45 -46
Jefferson - neighboring town 36-46
Jennie's - had hair set there 36-46 -47
Jones - appliance store (?) 39-29 -36
Katz - in Des Moines 36-46
Kitty's & Bertha's 36-40 -45 -53
Kresge's - in Des Moines 36-46
Lincoln & Clyde's, in Carroll 36-45
Lola's and Mila's help 36-50
Manilla 36-41 -51
Manning 36-43 -44
Mountail corner, corner half mile east of farm 36-29
Ollie Betts road 36-41
Sam's - she got haircut there 36-47
Scranton, neighboring town 36-27 -31 -32 -42
Shannon's 36-44
Sherbrings, farmers 36-40
Simpson College, Indianola 36-30
Springbrook Park, Guthrie County 36-27
Spring Lake, Greene County 36-27
Swan Lake, Carroll County 36-42
Textor's Southside Cafe 36-43 -44 -45 -47 -48 -49
Viola, neighboring community 36-52
Vogre, in Manning 36-43
Whitten's, local sundry store 36-50