Eileen Kinnick1936 DiaryWeek 25 – June 15-21People | Places | Books | Movies | Music | Key Words | Family | Friends |
Monday, June 15 ["Rollo Smith" written at top, later - referring to "Rolls" - Eileen went through later, for a class reunion, and added many of these notes] Mom & I didn't go out till after dinner. Betty C. came to have her hair set. Left her music here. Rolls started papering. Played piano and went to bed early. Chased the sows home form Leib's.
Tuesday, June 16 Dad didn't go to bank. Took picnic lunch. Ate on bench & ladders by stair steps. Rolls, Bill etc. all there. Dad and I painted no.n [??]in my room. Leo Wm's came in pm. Bussy & came in pm. Bussy & I came home, cleaned up & went to Bk. Nite. I got supper for folks. Exclusive story. Franchot Tone, Stu Erwin, Madge Evans. Surely good. Took Chevy. Rained & blew in afternoon. SEE: Movie detail: "Exclusive Story"
Wednesday, June 17 Up at 6:30. Got cobs, groceries, did ashes, separator. Took out dinner in V-8. Minced ham sandwiches. On stairs, steps & ladders, Rollo, Triplet, Bill, Bob, Leo, Dad, Buss, Mom & I, 4 cars. Rollo did hall, living room, started kitchen. Dad & I 1st coat upstairs. Edna, Grandma, girls came awhile. I came home & got breaded p. chop supper. Mrs Huff here. About 50 phone calls. Late with dishes.
Thursday, June 18 Up at 6:50. Got groceries, butter. Did dishes, took dinner in V8. Gave upstairs hall 1 st coat. Dad started second coat of mine. Liver worst sandwiches, Rollo ate out there. Finished kitchen, br. ceiling, painted living room & kitchen once. Bill finished in am. Real nice & cool. Dad finished my room. I started Leo's. Came in at 5:00, saw Huff, copied Betty C. songs, cleaned up, up town, got supper. Listened to Bob Burns. Did dishes at 9:00. Robert here. Mom pinched finger. Beef steak.
Friday, June 19 Washed separator, got groceries. Surely hot even in morning. Finished Leo's ww. Painted 1st coat in dining room. Bill finished at noon. I came home at 5, cleaned up & got supper. Had about 20 phone calls. I long distance. Dad went right to sale. Ate hambgs. on porch. Listened to Schmeling K.O. Louis. Surely tired. 100 degrees out. Did dishes about 9:30. 1 st nite I slept on porch. "Listened to Schmeling K.O. Louis." One of few times she mentions any interest in activities/events outside her immediate world. [Schmeling died last week at age 99!!] SEE: Event detail: "Louis vs. Schmeling fight"
Saturday, June 20 Bussy to show. Leo-Ida. [Added at the time, after day space ran our, added at top] Mom went out early & scrubbed floors. I got breakfast. Did shopping. Dad went to bank today. I did pantry w.w. & 2nd in doors of dining room. Puttied. Home at 5:30. Picked peas, cleaned Bussy, got supper, cleaned myself. Got stuff for tomorrow & wiped dishes.
Sunday, June 21 Out to farm at 11:00. Did up work in town. Mom sick at noon. I took her in town after dinner. Buzz to ball game. I cleaned up stairs. Marian there. Grandma to hospital. Have to operate. At nite went to Manning with Bud, Helen B, & Harold J. Skated mostly with Lewis Clausen. Old Dutch man . Studebaker date.
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Feb 2005 |