Pioneer Sketches
The Harley Dolan Family

Compiled by Nancy Smith

This page includes sketches I have compiled from my family history research for my own use. I am posting them on the Internet in the interest of sharing this information with interested parties. If you appear to be directly related, based on the information in the the sketches, or have comments to share with me about these sketches, I would be happy to hear from you. I do not do research for others, nor am I particularly interested in speculative relationships or unrelated surname discussions. There are many other worthy sites for these activities. I hope you enjoy reading some of these interesting stories.
Go to Pedigree Page


HARLEY DOLAN, son of James and Nancy (Harrison) Dolan, was born in Waterford TWP, Washington County, Ohio, 1842. Harley was only a toddler when he came with his parents to Iowa. The family arrived 20 April 1844. They soon moved to their farm south of Tipton in Center TWP. His mother (Nancy) died in 1846 and his sister cared for him until James remarried in 1851 to Amanda Stratton.

He may have moved with his sister Malvinna and her husband John Peacok to Missouri , as he is found with them on the 1860 Census Missouri, DeKalb Co. He is also listed on his father's 1860 Census Iowa, Cedar Co., Center TWP.

He enlisted for 3 years in the Fifth Iowa Infantry, Company A on June 24, 1961 at Tipton, IA, age 19, and was mustered July 15, 1861 in Burlington, IA., age 20. His name is listed as Harla in the military records. He was in Hamburg, Tennessee May 1862 when he started suffering from chronic diarrhea. (A common problem because of poor diet and bad conditions for living.) On about 27 June 1862, he became ill and was left at Clear Creek, Mississippi. He was transferred to New House of Refuge,St. Louis Hospital,MO on about 5 August, 1862. Harla was discharged for disability Oct. 16, 1862 in St. Louis, MO.

He probably returned to DeKalb County, MO. His brother-in-Law John Peabody was driving a troop wagon to St. Louis and back.

He married Mary Shaw in Misouri, DeKalb County on 28 July 1864 (Book B. page 149). He is listed in the marriage register for that County and also on IGI marriages.

He returned to Iowa about 1865-1869. He is next found in Kansas on the 1870 Census Cloud Co Elk TWP, Shirley Post Office. He has a wife and 2 children and his sister-in-law Susan Shaw is living with them, as well as Edwin Gardiner a wagon maker from NY. Brother Charles is also found living in Elk TWP, Cloud Co. KS on the 1870 Census.

There is an article in a paper that is possibly about Harley.
"The Harly Dolan and Miss O'Brien contest case has been adjourned to the 20th." Republican Valley Empire 17 June 1871.-- No further info found on that item. There is an O'Brien family listed next to Harley in the Kansas Census 1870 Cloud County, Elk TWP. Elizabeth O'Brien was 27 years old.

He applied for a pension while living in Pine Creek, Butte Co ,CA on 16 June 1880. Application was made in Oroville, CA. Harley's sister Charlotte had also gone to California in 1876-1879.

He left for Washington, Pacific County shortly after that time. He became ill and died in a hospital in South Bend, Pacific Co. Washington. (no burial information). He died on 21 Sept 1881, according to his pension and Mary's widow applications.

John T. Dolan was in that area also.(possible cousin)

His wife Mary E. remarried to John P. Hart 29 April 1888. Omie would have been 8 and living them. He had a son John Hart born 5 January 1878 WA died May 1964.
Mary Shaw Dolan Hart died 12 May 1921 and is buried in Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, WA. John P. Hart died in 1824 and is also buried in Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, WA.

No record is found of a Harley Dolan being buried at Fern Hill Cemetery. (Perhaps he is buried in South Bend, WA., where he died--would have been a veteran of Civil War.)

Children of Harley and Mary Dolan:
1. Mattie born 16 December 1865/66 Iowa
2. Susan Lucinda born 25 June 1869 Iowa
3. Rachel Ann born 10 April 1872 probably Cloud Co., Kansas
4. Omie Agnes born 7 March 1880 Probably Butte Co., California

MATTIE DOLAN, daughter of Harley and Nancy (Shaw) Dolan was born on 16 December 1866. The 1870 Kansas census Cloud County, Elk TWP has age as 4 years and birth state as Iowa. ( May also be Missouri) Her birthday date is listed on her mother's widow Declaration for Pension, War 1861-65 dated 27 April 1887 but no name is listed. If she survived, she would not have been under 16 at her father's death.
She also is not listed on her Grandfather James Dolan's heirs in 1891.
The assumption is made that she died young sometime after June of 1870.

SUSAN LUCINDA DOLAN, daughter of Harley and Nancy E. (Shaw) Dolan was born 25 June 1869. The 1870 Kansas census Cloud county, Elk TWP. , age
at that time as 11/12 with birth month as June.

Susan married probably 1888 or early 1889 possibly to (Charles) Patton.
A Charles Patton is found on the 1880 census Washington, Pacific Co., TWP 13N.R.8W. He is 18 years of age, a logger from (MO?) and living in Henry Scott household.

Susan is listed as an heir 5 September 1891 of her Grandfather James Dolan. She is Susan Lucinda Paton 22 years of age birth June 25, Residence: Lebam, Washington. Her sisters Rachel Ann Farrer, and Omi Agnes Dolan are also listed.

Susan is next listed on her mother's Widow Declaration for Pension as Susan L. Patton born June 20, 1869. (Susan L. Patton, who is now married.)
This Declaration was dated 27 April 1887.

On 21 February 1896, she made an affidavit. State of Washington, County of Pacific, In the matter Mary E. Hart. --Susan L. Patton age 26 years, a resident of Frances in the Co of Pacific and state of Washington, whose Post office address is Frances, Pacific County, Wash. She is the daughter of Harla Dolan and Mary E. Dolan(now Mary E. Hart) and she lived at home with her parents until the death of her Father in 1881 and she knows they lived together as man and wife and were never divorced during her life as far back as I can remember which I think I can safely say is as far back as the year 1874. Signed Susan L. Patton.

Mrs. Susie Patton is found on the 1920 Census WA, Yakima Co, Yakima Indian Reservation(parts of) 2/3 February 1920 She is a Mother -in-law , 50 Years of age, born Iowa, and Divorced. She is listed in the Chas E. Stephenson household. A Charles Patton is listed on the 1920 WA, Pacific Co., South Bend City at 602 Water St. He is C.C. Patton, Divorced.58 Years birthplace MN. He is a brother of the head of family A.S. Patton (Alfred)
No further records on Susan as yet!

Children of Charles and Susan Patton:
1. Maude born in 1889

MAUDE PATTON, daughter of (Charles) and Susan (Dolan) Patton was born in 1889 probably in Lebam or Frances, Pacific Co., WA. She had married Chas E. Stephenson born 1886 Iowa by about 1909. They are found on the 1920 Washington census, Yakima Co.,Yakima Indian Reservation(part of). They have 2 children and Mrs. Susie Patton, Mother-in-law is living with them.

Children of Chas E. and Maude Stephenson:
1. Geraldine born in 1910 (10 on 1920 census)
2. Genvieve born in 1913 (7 on 1920 census)

GERALDINE STEPHENSON, daughter of Charles and Maude (Patton) Stephenson was born in about 1910 according to the 1920 census WA, Yakima Co., Yakima Indian Reservation. ----She may have married Dale Cannon Josephson according to the Ancestral File LDS.----

Children of Dale and Geraldine(Stephenson) Josephson:
1. Kirt S. born--Living
2. Rick Lee born--living
3. Kent C. born--living
4. Randall P. born--living
5. Brian Dale born--living
6. Living born--living
7. Living born--living

RACHEL ANN PATTON, daughter of Harley and Mary E. (Shaw), was born 10 April 1872, probably in Cloud County, Kansas.
Rachel is listed on her Mothers's Widow Declaration for Pension as Rachel A. Dolan born 10 November 1872. This Declaration was dated 27 April 1887. Her mother remarried to John P. Hart 29 April 1888.

She is found on the heir list of her Grandfather James Dolan, dated 5 September 1891. Her name is listed as Rachel Ann Farrar, age 19 November 10 birthday, Residence Willipa City, Washington.
We assume she was married to a person named FARRAR before September 1891 and lived with him in Willipa City, WA.

Rachel Ann Dolan married (----) Farrar before September 1891.

(Elmer Farrar 20, logger born in Maine is listed on the 1880 Census Washington Territory, Pacific County, Maselle Precinct T.10N.R.G.W.
living in home of Nathaniel Wentworth -a logger.)

OMIE AGNES DOLAN, daughter of Harley and Mary E.(Shaw) Dolan was born 7 March 1880 (Probably Butte Co., CA) or WA Territory, Pacific Co.
Harley Dolan, her father, applied for a pension while living in Pine Creek, Butte Co. CA on 16 June 1880. He had to go to Oroville to make the application. Omie was born earlier in March 1880.

Omie is listed on her mother's Declaration for Pension dated 27 April 1887. as Omie Agnes Dolan born 7 March 1880.

Her mother remarried 29 April 1888 to John P. Hart. Omie would have been 8 and living them.

Omie is listed on the heir list of her Grandfather James Dolan, dated 5 September 1891. Her name is listed as Omie Agnes Dolan, age 11 born 7 March 1880. Her residence is Willipa City, WA.

Omie's mother filed a Declaration for Pension Of Children Under Sixteen Years of Age for her, on 19 July 1895. Her mother is Omie Agnes Dolan's guardian. They are living in Willapa, Pacific County. WA. (Possible pension number is 426.389)

She is not listed on the 1900 census Washington County, Pacific County, Willipa TWP with her (stepfather) John P. Hart and (mother) Mary E. Hart

This page created 30 Jan 1998. Last updated 30 Jan 1998, by Nancy Smith.