Duncan research files of |
1820-1860 Randolph Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870-1880 Randolph Co. WV Census
No Duncan indexed
Randolph Co. WV Marriages (from Denzil Mauldin 4/9/1984)
Duncan, Edwin S. to Wilson, Prudence, June 9, 1813, she dau. of Wm. B. Wilson. (MAD: see Harrison Co. WV)
VA State Land Office Index to Surveys; Index #4, 1850-1875, D names (FHL film 29,543)
Book G2, 1855, Part 1st
G2-283: John S. Duncan, 500a (MAD: see Randolph Co. WV)
G2-288: John S. Duncan, 1422-1/2a
VA State Land Office Surveys
Book G2, 1855, Part 1st (FHL film 29,623)
G2(1)-283: Oct. 4, 1849, surveyed for John S. Duncan, 500 acres in Randolph Co. on Mitchels Run a tributary of Currens? Wirth? Creek & incl. Thos. Mitchell's old improvement on E. side of the Rich Mountain by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant of 985 acres #18,755? issd. to said Duncan Oct. 5, 1847, adj. N. side Mitchell Run opposite Samuel Channell's house, top of the mountain.
Florida C. Duncan, devisee? of John S. Duncan decd, for a valuable consideration, assign to Moses Hutton and John S. Hoffman a survey of 500 acres made for John S. Duncan in his lifetime on 1 Oct. 1849 in Randolph Co. on Mitchell Run and direct that a grant for the survey issue to Moses Hutton and John S. Hoffman; 1 May 1855; /s/ Florida C. Duncan; wit. E.S. Duncan, C.M. Duncan; rec. 3 June 1850; Issd. 15 May 1855.
G2(1)-288: June 10, 1850, surveyed for John S. Duncan, 1,422-1/2 acres in Randolph Co., W. of the Rich Mountain, adj. E. fork of Middle Fork at mouth of Schoolcraft run, shank of Sugar Camp Run, N. of the Yankey Road, at corner to Moses Huttons and Thomas B. Scott's survey of 2,918 acres, the Sand Road Camps, by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant #17847 of 3,942 acres issued to Moses Hutton 28 July 1849 and properly assigned, and 480-1/2 acres by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant #16755 of 985a issued to John S. Duncan 5 Oct. 1847.
Floride C. Duncan, devisee? of John S. Duncan decd, for a valuable consideration, assign to Moses Hutton and John S. Hoffman a survey of 1,422-1/2 acres made for John S. Duncan in his lifetime on 10 June 1850 in Randolph Co. on W.side Rich Mountain on Schoolcraft run on left hand fork of Middle Fork, a plat and certificate whereof now in the VA Land Office, and direct that a grant for the survey issue to Moses Hutton and John S. Hoffman; 1 May 1855; /s/ Florida C. Duncan; wit. E.S. Duncan, C.M. Duncan; rec. 26 June 1850; Issd. 15 May 1855.
(W)VA Land Grants (from Charles Gordon 8/1983 with permission to share with others)
Aug. 31, 1848, John S. Duncan, Randolph Co., Cheat Mt.
VA State Land Grants, Mid Valley & Adjacent Areas (from Charles Gordon 8/1983 with permission to share with others)
Sept. 18, 1852, John S. Duncan, Randolph Co., on Cheat Mt.
(W)VA State Land Grants, Mid Valley & Adjacent Areas (index on FHL film 29,316)
107-581: Sept. 18, 1852, John S. Duncan, Randolph Co., 522 acres on W.side Cheat Mtn & on waters of Isners Run.
Aug. 31, 1848, John S. Duncan, Randolph Co., Cheat Mt. (not found; see Harrison Co. WV)
Revolutionary War Rejected Pension Application for Joseph Atkinson, R-292 NC/OH (FHL film 970,087)
Gallia Court of Common Pleas, Oct. term 1851. On this 26 October 1851 appeared in open court Martha Atkinson age 76 years, a resident of Gallia Co. OH, who declared, in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by act of Congress passed 29 July 1848 "for the relief of certain surviving widows of officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army" for the services of her late husband Joseph Atkinson, who was a private in the war of the Revolution from the year 1778 until the termination of the same in the year 1783. That her husband was enlisted at? Hillsborough NC for during (sic) the war, and served under Captain Sith (Sitle?), but in what Regiment or under what Colonel she does not remember to have heard him state, but she distinctly remembers hearing him state that he was at the battle of Guildford Courthouse and at Cross Creek, and when Lord Cornwallis left NC, he was retained there to assist in keeping down the tories, had great trouble in keeping the tories down until Lord Cornwallis surrendered to Gen. Washington in 1781. That her husband has frequently staed during his lifetime that he remained in service until peace was made. She also states she has no documentary evidence in support of her claim, nor can she prove the services aforesaid as the last witness of the same, to wit, Benjamin Williams late pensioner from Gallia Co., departed this life during the year past, and must therefore rely upon the evidence of service to be obtained from the records of the war department. She further declares she was married to Joseph Atkinson on 26 Dec. 1790 by John Douglass, a Justice of the Peace, at Randolph Co. in Virginia, that her maiden name was Martha Dunkin, and that her husband died at Gallia Co. OH on 7 March 1815 aged 55 years. She cannot procure evidence of her marriage from the records of Randolph Co. in Virginia and her family record was burnt in a dwelling house she lost in the year 1817. That she was married to said Atkison (sic) after he left the army but previous to 2 Jan. 1800. She further states she is a widow and has so remained since the death of her husband, and that she has never before made application for a pension. /s/ Martha (X) Atkinson. Wit. Wm. V. Peek. Testimony by John H. Safford and Robert Safford Junr, acquainted with Joseph Atkinson and Martha Atkinson during the lifetime of Joseph, and knew they lived together as husband and wife and was so reputed. Testimony by Peter (X) Blazer and Francis (X) Blazer, acquainted with Joseph and Martha Atkinson during Joseph's lifetime; that since the death of Joseph, Martha was married to Benjamin Collins and in a short time afterwards she had satisfactory evidence that he had a wife living, from that time she withdrew from any connection with him, which was some 20 years since, and since then he died, as all the neighbors believe, consequently she has been a widow since the death of Joseph Atkinson; they have often heard Joseph state he had been in the war of the Revolution and they always believed him to be a man of verasity, indeed they well remember his saying that he was at the battle of Guildford Courthouse in North Carolina, 26 Oct. 1851. Certification by court clerk. Appointment by Martha (X) Atkinson of Lewis Newsom as her attorney, who appointed ?.?.Edwards and Smith his attorneys to obtain the pension. (MAD: no other papers in file; believe this may be Randolph Co. NC instead of Randolph Co. WV but have no proof)
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