Duncan research files of |
1820 York Co. VA Census
Pg.156 Wm. Duncan 100010 - 00100
1830-1870 York Co. VA census
No Duncan indexed
York Co. VA Wills and Inventories
Vol.15, 1715-1720 - much of index missing, no D names (FHL film 34,408)
Vol.16, 1720-1729 - much of index missing, no Duncan (3 "D" names) (FHL film 34,409)
Vol.17 -- no Vol. 17 on film
Vol.18, 1732-1740 - no Duncan (FHL film 34,410)
Vol.19, 1740-1746 - no Duncan (FHL film 34,411)
Vol.20, 1745-1759:
20-340: 26 Oct. 1754, inventory of William Duncan, includes Grizzall hairs, plain hairs (and other types of hairs), wig boxes, man's clothing, 2 pair shoes 1 pair buckles; total £28.13.5-1/4. Submitted by Edward Charlton, Richard Gamble, James Currie; returned 20 Jan. 1755 and ordered recorded.
Vol.21, 1760-1771 - no Duncan (FHL film 34,412)
Vol.22, 1771-1783 - no Duncan
York Co. VA Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc. (FHL film 34,404)
Book 6, 1677-1684 - no index
Book 7, 1684-1687 - no Duncan in direct index, no cross-index
York Co. VA Deeds, Orders, Wills, Book 4, 1665-1672 (FHL film 34,397)
4-144: Will of Adam Straughan 13 April 1667; of Maston Parish, York Co. VA, sick condition of body; to my son David Strahan feather bedd & furniture of £5 sterling and two cows with calves by their sides, betwixt the age of 4 and 6 years, to be delivered him when he comes of age; to my daughter Mary Strahan the like portion as is above mentioned to my son David & further if either of them shall die before they come to age, then the other surviving child to possess it, and if they both die before they come to age, then my wife possess and enjoy both their estates. To my daughter Elizabeth Duncomb one three-year-old heifer with calf which is due to me by bill from John Martin to be del. within a year after my decease. To my wife Elizabeth Strahan all my other moveable estate of chattells, household goods, bills, bonds, ... my land only excepted wch. doth belong to my son David Strahan when he shall come to age. Make my wife executrix. /s/ Adam (2) Strahan. Wit. Peter (PP) Glenester, Robt. Cobbs. Proved 24 May 1669.
York Co. VA Deeds and Bonds
#1, 1694-1701 - grantee index; no Duncan (FHL film 34,419)
#2, 1701-1713 - no Duncan
#3 ??
#4, 1729-1740 - no index (FHL film 34,420)
#5, 1741-1754 - grantor, no Duncan
#6, 1755-1763 - no Duncan (FHL film 34,421)
#7, 1763-1769 - no Duncan (FHL film 34,422)
#8, 1769-1777 - no Duncan
York Co. VA Deed Index 1777-1866, and deeds (FHL film 34,423)
8-529: 25 Sept. 1819, Isaac Duncan and wife Eliz. (+) to William Duncan, for $1060, 100 acres in Cos. of York and James City, beg. at Beaver Dams, on road from Williamsburg to York, adj. Richard Hansford. Wit. Robt. H. Lee, Thomas Curtis, John Perrin. (FHL film 34,424)
8-530: 15 Nov. 1819, William Duncan owes Robert McCandlish of Wm.burg $500 due 15 May next and $500 due 15 Nov. next, bond of equal date with his father Isaac Duncan as security, trust deed to Samuel Sheild and Henry Sheild, above land; also tract in York Co., property of Henry Hubberd, on which said Hubberd presently resides, 175 acres, adj. Thomas Griffin, late Wm. Lee, John Moore. Wife Frances Duncan relinquishes dower. (FHL film 34,424)
8-532: 13 March 1819, Henry Hubbard to Samuel Shield, land orig. sold to Robert McCandlish and returned to Hubbard. (FHL film 34,424)
9-28: 15 Nov. 1819, Henry Hubbard and wife Nancy to William Duncan, for $1000, 175 acres in Deed 8-530. Wit. Kemp Charles, Saml. Shields. (FHL film 34,425)
9-172: 13 March 1822, William Duncan owes Thomas Allen $410, in trust to William Jones Sen., personal property and crops. Wit. J.J. Duncan, Miles Cary, Mathen ?? W. Mountfortt. (FHL film 34,425)
10-41: 16 Oct. 1823, William Duncan and wife Frances to John Goodall, for $200, 200 acres in York and James City Cos., crossing road from Williamsburg to York, adj. lands of Richard Hansford decd, corner on road commonly called the French Ordinary road, being the same lands conveyed by Carter Burwell decd. to Isaac Duncan. Wit. M. Candlish, Thomas Harwood, Dorothy Harwood. (FHL film 34,425)
10-43: 19 Sept. 1825, William Duncan and wife Frances of York Co. VA to John Bailey of James City Co. and Willis Wootten of Warwick Co., for $400, 200 acres in York Co., corner Thos. Griffin, William Lee decd, Mary Moorcon, where said Duncan now resides. (FHL film 34,425)
10-54: 17 Oct. 1825, Sarvant Jones and wife Nancy to William Duncan, for $170, 50 acres purchased by Jones from Tilmer M. Hubberd trustee for Joseph Nottingham and Richard Bassett, corner Edward Baptist, Ann Soburn, William H. Brummell, and Catharine Melias' estate. No wit. (FHL film 34,425)
10-64: 22 July 1824, William Jones Sen. to William Duncan, trust deed; Duncan owes Thomas Allen $400, mortgaged personal property, mortgage was paid, items now revert to Duncan. (FHL film 34,425)
10-71: 24 Sept. 1825, Miles S. Bryan and wife Frances, Lucy Bryan, Delaware Bryan, Zelsea? (Zehoa?) Whitaker and James Hubbert of York Co. to William Duncan of same, for $295, 84-1/2 acres. (no mention how they got the land; witnesses not copied) (FHL film 34,425)
10-136: 19 July 1826, Thomas Wynne and wife Mary to William Duncan, for $80.25, 26-3/4 acres on road from Warwick line to York town. No wit. (FHL film 34,425)
10-151: 20 March 1826, William Duncan and wife Frances of York Co. to Nathaniel Seburn? of Warwick Co., for $120, 50 acres, corner estate of Ann Seybrun, Wm. H. Burmond?, Catherin Miles. Wit. Kemp Charles, Type L. Charles, M.S. Bryan. (FHL film 34,425)
10-229: 20 March 1827, William Duncan of York Co. owes Richard Coke Jr.; trust deed to Robert W. Candlish, 130 acres land called Flornay/Flowery? Place. (more not copied) (FHL film 34,425)
10-274: 17 Sept. 1827, William Duncan owes Richard Coke Jr. $238, trust deed, entire tract of Flowery Place purchased by Duncan from Miles Bryan and Thos. Wynne. Wit. Jno. F. Bryan, R.W. Whitaker, Jas. Hubberd. (FHL film 34,425)
10-276: 28 Sept. 1827, William Duncan of York Co. to James Duncan and John Duncan, sons of said William, for $1, personal property; said William being about to depart the State of VA on business of consaguiness? and to return at a stated time, deeds to son free from molestation of any person ... No wit. (FHL film 34,425)
10-348: 4 March 1828, recd. of Tilman M. Hubberd $10 for all my claim to land in York Co., 100 acres, which was conveyed by deed of trust to Geo. W. McCandlish as trustee for R. Coke Jr., which deed is assigned to B.P. Lee. /s/ William Duncan. Wit. James Belvin, Wm. Vast, J.R. Nottingham. (FHL film 34,425)
Calendar of VA State Papers (from Mary C. Sweetman 1980 with permission to share with others)
Vol.1, pg.186: "1-14-1716 List of rebel prisoners imported by Captain Edward Trafford in the "Elizabeth & Anne", from Liverpole. These prisoners were probably some of the followers of the Pretender captured at Preston and condemned to be transported to the Colony in Virginia, after having been carried to London for trial. List of rebel prisoners landed at Yorktown. Twenty-nine under indenture. 83 not indented. ... James Malcolm ... Robert Duncan ..."
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