Duncan research files of |
1810-1850 Prince William Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Prince William Co. VA Census
Haymarket P.O.
Pg.436, #124-123, John DUNCAN 35 VA stone mason $15-$135
Mary C. 29 VA
Sarah E. 5, William F. 3 VA
John 7/12 VA
(MAD: 1850 Loudoun Co. VA census)
Tudor Hall P.O.
Pg.478, #344-326, Wm. A. DUNCAN 35 IREland clerk railroad $8000-$1500
Susan A. 35 VA (no ch.)
(MAD: 1850 Alexandria (Arlington) Co. VA census)
1870 Prince William Co. VA Census
Pg.403, #18-18, DUNCAN, John 47 VA (white) farmer $800-$575
Mary C. 40 VA keeping house
Sarah 15, William 13 VA
John 10, Virginia 8 VA
Celia 5, Dida (f) 3 VA
Prince William Co. VA Will Index (FHL film 33,119)
Duncan indexed: C-187, C-189, C-299, C-427, C-260
No Duncan 1800-1850
Prince William Co. VA Will Book C, 1734-1744 (FHL film 33,120)
No Hooper/Hopper will.
John or Jno. Bowie was witness to almost every administrator's bond for many, many pages.
Pg.74-5: In obedience to an order of Prince William Co. Court 7 March 1735, the undersigned subscribers appraised the estate of said John Frost; /s/ Sampson Darrell, John Dunkan, John Ashford; returned 1 April 1736. (no indication of signature by mark)
Pg.100-101: Bond of William Bennet (/s/ Wm. (+) Bennett), John Duncan and Samuel Conner (/s/ Saml. (S) Conner) unto Denis McCarty, Gent., justice, for £50, 28 March 1737. William Bennet is admr. of Elizabeth Brabin. Wit. John Bowie, 28 March 1737. (MAD: not "Iden" Duncan)
Pg.186-7: Bond of Elizabeth (+) Duncan, Daniel (+) Trammel and John (B) Burk unto Denis McCarty, Gen., justice, for £50. 27 Aug. 1739. Elizabeth Duncan is admx. of John Duncan. Wit. Jno. Bowie.
Pg.189-90: Inventory of the estate of John Duncan, dec., made in obedience to order of 27 Aug. 1739. Included 4 cows & 3 Earlings, 2 young stoats, 1 feather bead & covering, 1 flock bead and covering, 1 old gun, 1 parcel of owl putor, ... 1 doz. spoons, parsel of earthen ware, parcel of bottels, 1 old side saddel, ... Total valuation = £18.6.6. /s/ Sampson Darrell, John Musgrove, Henry Tailer. Elizabeth Duncan, admx. 24 Sept. 1739. Elizabeth Duncan returned this inventory and appraisment which was OR.
Pg.260-61: Bond of Thomas (T) Duncom, Benjamin Rush (/s/ Benja. Rush) and John Bush unto Denis McCarty, Gent., justice, for £100, 22 Sept. 1740. Thomas Duncom is admr. of John Duncom, dec. Wit. Jno. Bowie. 22 Sept. 1740. Ack. and OR. (MAD: see Stafford Co. VA, St. Paul's Parish)
Pg.299-300: Inventory of estate of John Duncom, dec. One bed and furniture, one servant man, one horse, one saddle, one parcel of putor and a jugg, one Stillards? drawing knife and hand saw, one trunk, tubb & piggins, one laddo (Caddo?), one runlott, one wedge and old iron, one old bag and old lado and old shoot, Total valuation £24.17.6. /s/ Daniel Marr, William Kendal, Thomas Welch. Thos. (X) Duncomb, admr., signed the inventory. 27 April 1741. Thomas Duncum returned this inventory and appraisment and it was OR.
Pg.427-28: Bond of John (X) Duncan and John Frogg, Gent., unto Robt. Jones, Thomas Harrison, Joseph Blackwell and William Blackwell, Gent., justices, for £100, 25 July 1743. John Duncan is admr. of Daniel McKenzey. 25 July 1743. Ack. and OR.
Pg.458-59, Will of Thomas Jordan dated 16 Feb. 1743/4, which mentions dividing line between him and Rice Duncan, and appoints Daniel Marr and John Duncan his execs. - not copied.
Prince William Co. VA Wills (Index 1734-1951 on FHL film 33,119)
H-178: 8 April 1796, Howson Hooe of Prince William Co., VA, sick and weak, ratify all gifts; estate not appraised; son Henry Dade Hooe land; son Robert Howson Hooe; son Howson Hooe; son John, son Dade, dau. Frances, wife Mary; my nine children: Henry Dade Hooe, Robert Howson Hooe, Howson Hooe, John Hooe, Dade Hooe, Ann Peyton, Frances Hooe, Elizabeth Wallace, Mary Wallace. Wit. Jno. Kincheloe?, Moses Wickliff, Benj. Hooe Jr., Basil Brawner. Exec. Henry Dade Hooe. (FHL film 33,121)
Prince William Co. VA County Court Minute books (FHL film 33,129)
Book 1752-1853
Pg.232-3: Court 20 Aug. 1753, Robert Duncan Junr. plaintiff vs. William Shumate defendant, trespass on the case; This day came the said plaintiff by his attorney and the said defendant altho solomnly called came not, judgment is therefore granted the said plaintiff against the said defendant and John Shumate his common bail for what shall appear to be due unless &c.
Benjamen Isbell plaintiff vs. John Duncomb Junr. defendant, Assault & Battery; The aforesaid plaintiff altho solomnly called did not come nor further prosecute his action against the said defendant, therefore it is considered that the said defendant recover against the said plaintiff the sum of five shillings and also his costs by him about his defence in this behalf sustained and the said defendant have thereof execution &c.
William Shumate plaintiff vs. Robert Duncan defendant, Assault and Battery; The defendant hath a special imparlance granted him until the next court.
William Shumate plaintiff vs. John Duncan Junr. defendant, Assault & Battery; This suit is dismissed between the parties being agreed.
John Duncan by Robert Duncan plaintiff vs. William Shumate defendant, Assault & Battery; This suit is dismissed between the parties being agreed.
John Duncan by Robert Duncan plaintiff vs. William Shumate defendant, Trespass on the Case; this suit is dismissed between the parties, being agreed.
Book 1754-1755
Pg.59: 23 April 1854, deed from Robert Duncan to Thomas Grinnan proved by oaths of John Crump Gent., Rodham Tullos and Brereton Jones, witnesses thereto, and admitted to record.
Pg.124: 23 July 1754, Humphrey Pope plaintiff vs. Joseph Duncan defendant, error in arrest of judgment; This day came the parties by their attorneys whereupon all and singular the premises being seen and by the court have fully understood and mature deliberation thereupon had, it is considered that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill but for his false clamour be in mercy and that the said defendant go thereof without day (sic) and further by the court here it is considered that the said defendant recover against the said plaintiff his costs by him about his defence in this behalf sustained and the said defendant have thereof execution &c.
Lazarus Taylor having attended four days as an evidence for Joseph Duncan at the suit of Humphrey Pope ordered the said Joseph Duncan do pay him for the same according to law.
Charles Morgan Junr. having attended twelve days as an evidence for Humphrey Pope against Joseph Duncan ordered the said Humphrey do pay him for the same according to law.
Pg.124-5: 23 July 1754, Samuel More plaintiff vs. Edward Turner defendant, on petition; This suit is continued between the parties until the next court at the plaintiff's costs.
Robert Duncan having attended two days as a witness for Edward Turner at the suit of Samuel More, ordered the said Edward do pay him for the same according to law and for once coming to and returning from this court twenty five miles. (witnesses also James Turner, James Turner Jr., Joshua Jones 25 miles)
Pg.130: 26 Aug. 1754, Robert Duncan attended 1 day as witness for Edward Turner at suit of Samuel More, Edward to pay him for same and for coming once to and returning from this court 25 miles. (also other witnesses)
Pg.180: 27 Nov. 1754, John Duncan plaintiff vs. William Emmons defendant, on attachment; continued to next court. Pg.207, 26 March 1755, case dismissed.
Pg.208: 26 March 1755, John Duncan plaintiff vs. William McClanaham, on attachment; suit dismissed.
Pg.258: 28 May 1755, Robert Duncan Junr. plaintiff vs. William Shumate, defendant, in case; the defendant pleads not guilty which the plaintiff joins and the trial thereof is referred till next court. (have copy page)
William Shumate plaintiff vs. Robert Duncan Junr. defendant, Assault & Battery; The defendant pleads not guilty with leave to give any other special matter in evidence which the pltf. joins, the trial whereof is referred until next court.
Book 1755-1757:
Pg.47: 22 March 1756, Charles Duncan and wife Abigail acknowledge deed to George Henry.
(Duncans indexed pg. 65, 77, 82, 271; quit copying)
Virginia Northern Neck Land Grant Books (from microfilm, Library of Virginia, transcriptions from Ronald Cornwell 9/2011 with permission to share; also FHL film 29,512 and extract from Charles Gordon 1983)
Northern Neck Grants D, 1731-1732, p.62, Prince Wm County, Reel 291. JOHN DUNKAN GRANTED 70 ACRES IN PRINCE WM COUNTY 1731
D-62: The Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax of Leids in the County of Kent and Baron of Cameron in Scotland and William Cage of Milgate in the parish of Bearitiad in the said County of Kent Esq. Levisee is trust and sole Executor of the last will and testament of the Right Honerable Catherine Lady Fairfax dec'd. Proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia to all to whom this present writing shall come and greeting. Know ye that for divers good causes and consideration but more especially for and in consideration of the compensation us paid unto our agent and attorney and for the annual rent here after resaved. We have given, granted and confirmed and by these presents for our heirs and assigns and give, grant and confirm unto JOHN DUNKAN of the County of Prince William one certain tract or parcel of land containing seventy acres situated lying and being in the County of Prince William on Moles Branch of Occoquan. Joining to Capt. HOOPERS land and the land of FRANCIS STONE. Bounded as followeth, Beginning at a shrubby white oak near a path corner of FRANCIS STONE and running thence North twenty nine degrees East one hundred and twenty eight to a popular my side of a line of Bull Run thence North one hundred and six poles to a white oak in the line of Mole', thence South twenty two degrees East and one hundred and fifty eight poles to a white oak in a point of a Branch of the North side of Occoquan then North sixty five degrees east sixty six poles to a white oak on the side of a hill forty poles from the line then North twenty eight poles, East forty poles to a hickory near Capt. HOOPERS land thence South twenty degrees, East twenty two poles to one hundred and one hundred and sixty eight poles to the beginning together with all eight numbers and appurtenances there unto belonging royall mines excepted and a full third part of all land, copper, tin, coal iron mines and iron ore that shall perform these to have and to hold the seventy acres of land together with all rights, profits and benefits to the same. Belonging or in any wise appertaining except before excepted to him the said JOHN DUNKAN his heirs and assigns forever the said JOHN DUNKAN his heirs and assigns therefore Yielding and Paying to was our heirs and assigns unto the certain attorney or attorneys of our heirs and assigns proprietors of the said Northern Neck yearly and every year on the feast day of Saint Michael the archangel the fee rent of one shilling sterling money for every fifty acres of land hereby granted and so proportionally for a great quantity provided that the said JOHN DUNKANS his heirs shall not pay the before reserved the annual rent of the same on my part thereof. Shall be behind or unpaid by the space of a whole year after the same shall become void if lawfully demanded that then it shall and maybe lawful for our heir and assigns proprietor of aforesaid our and their certain attorney or attorneys agent or agents into the above granted premises to reenter and hold the same as if this grant had been given at our office in Lancaster County within one said proprietors under our Seal. Witness our agent and attorney fully authorized thereto, dated the twelfth day of September in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King defender of the faith. Domini one thousand seven hundred and thirty one. JOHN DUNKAN his deed for 70 acres of land in Prince William County. Examined. (SOURCE: Northern Neck Grants D, 1731-1732, p.62, Prince Wm County, Reel 291.)
Virginia Northern Neck Grant E, 1736-1742, p.218, Reel 291. JOHN DUNCAN'S LAND ADJOINS MORRIS VEALE'S 368 ACRES ON FOX BRANCH OF OCCOQUAN 1740
E-218: The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax and Baron of Cameron in that part of Great Britain called Scotland proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia. To all to whom this present writing shall come sends greetings. Know ye that for good causes for and in consideration of the ?composition for my use paid, And for the annual rent hereafter received I have given granted and confirmed and by them presenter for me my heirs and assigns do give grant and confirm unto MORRIS VEALE of the County of Prince William one certain tract of land situated, lying and being in THE FORK BETWEEN OCCOQUAN AND BULL RUN in the said County of Prince William and bounded according to a survey thereof made by MR. JAMES THOMAS THE YOUNGER pursuant to a Warrant to him directed as followeth: Beginning at (A) a marked Beach corner to the land of MR. THOMAS ____ ?deceased and a red oak marked (W) standing on the upper side of the mouth of a BRANCH FALLING INTO BULL RUN ____ ____ Branch and on the So. side of said run; thence with the run and opposite to the land of PETER SMITH NW ten poles NO. 67 degrees 11 eight poles N 35 11 degrees twenty poles N 25 degrees East one hundred and ten poles N 6 degrees thirty four poles So. 0 degrees 11 fourteen poles So. 85 degrees wt sixteen poles So. 65 degrees No. eighteen poles No. 83 degrees wt. nineteen poles. So. 33 degrees W. twenty four poles No. 37 degrees wt thirty four poles No. 86 degrees wt fourteen poles So. 66 degrees wt twenty poles So. 18 1/2 degrees East twenty four poles So. 3 degrees East twenty nine poles So. twenty nine degrees East sixteen poles So. West sixteen poles to (B) a forked white oak and a maple on the bank of the said BULL RUN thence So. 32 degrees East thirty four poles to a red oak at (C) a little above a small branch thence So. 9 degrees No. up a Bottom twenty eight poles to (D) So. 19 degrees East twenty four poles to (E) a red oak thence So. 21 degrees East one hundren and ninety two poles to a red oak on the No. side of the afoe FOX BRANCH. Opposite to the land of JOHN DUNCAN at (F); thence crossing the said Branch So. 61 degrees East ninety six poles to a maple at (G) on the side of OCCOQUAN nigh a Chesnut white oak corner of the said DUNCAN; then down OCCOQUAN So. 57 degrees twelve poles No. 5 degrees East twenty six poles So. 85 East seven poles to a hickory on the side of OCCOQUAN at (H) then alen the line of the said HOOPER No. 2 degrees No. one hundred ninety five poles to the beginning. Containing THREE HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT ACRES. Together with all rights, members and appurtenances there unto being Royall Mines excepted and full third part of all lead, copper, tinn, coal, iron mines and iron ore that shall defend thereon. To have and to hold the said THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT ACRES of land. Together with all rights, profits and benefits to the same belonging in my appurtenances excepted before excepted. To him the said MORRIS VEALE his heirs and assigns and ever the said MORRIS VEALE his heirs and assigns therefore yielding and paying to my heirs and assigns to my certain attorney or attorney's agent or agents or to the certain attorney or attorneys of my heirs and assigns proprietors of the said Northern neck yearly and every year on the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel the fee rent of one shilling sterling money every fifty acres of land tract granted and so proportionably for a greater or lessor quantity. Provided that if the said MORRIS VEALE his heirs and assignees shall not pay the aforesaid annual rent. So that the same or any part thereof shall be remainder or unpaid by the space of two whole years after the same shall become due of fully demanded that then it shall and may be lawfull for me my heirs or assigns proprietors and assigns a certain attorney or attorneys agent or agents into the above granted premises to reenter and hold the same as if this grant had never pas'd. Given at my office in the County of King George within my said proprietary under my seal. Witness my agent and attorney fully authorized thereto DATED THE EIGHT DAY OF DECEMBER in the fourteenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God Great Britian, France and Ireland Defender of the faith anno Dom ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY. (1740). (signed) WM FAIRFAX. MORRIS VEALE dec'd for 368 acres of land in Prince William County. (SOURCE: Virginia Northern Neck Grant E, 1736-1742, p.218, Reel 291.)
E-522: Pursuant to orders received from the Right Honourable Thomas lord Fairfax proprietor. Surveyed and reserved for his lordship's use a certain tract or parcel of waste and ungranted land and marsh situated lying and being in the County of Prince William known and called by the name of the great marsh to the land of MORGAN DARNELL, thence with the said DARNELL'S line according to his deed So. 6 degrees 30 No. five hundred fifty eight poles to a white oak on a point near the marsh SAID TO BE A STAKE IN THE MARSH IN DARNELL'S AND PRICES DEED but found none, thence the same deed continued three hundred and forty poles to THE MARSH RUN and intersects the line of the late "WILL" THORTON thence No. 33 degrees West with or near the said THORNTON'S line up THE MARSH RUN to a dead white oak under a hill between the marsh and WILLIAM HACKNEY'S SPRING which was the beginning tree of both the said THORNTON TRACTS OF LAND, thence with another of his lines No. 20 degrees: 30 poles Et. Thro the marsh and sunken grounds four hundred and forty poles to a marked maple corner to said THORNTON then crossing THE MARSH RUN So. 76 degrees East thirty four poles to the beginning TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY SIX ACRES. (signed) GEO. BYRN surveyor. Present: MR. JOHN GRANT, CAPT JOHN FROGG. Sworn Chain Carriers: MR. WILLIAM HACKNEY, JOHN DUNCAN OWNER of the adjacent land.
Drawing of the lay out of land along THE MARSH RUN. Top side of Marsh: MORGAN DARNELL 427 acres now JOHN DUNCAN'S. EDWARD PRICE NOW THE HEIRGIA OF Major Dinnwiddie. Bottom side of Marsh: COLL. THORNTON'S 301 acres. COLL. THORNTON'S 230 acres. By command of his lordship WM FAIRFAX. (SOURCE: Virginia Northern Neck Grants E, 1742, p.522, Reel 291.)
Northern Neck (VA) Land Grants
F-30: 1 Dec. 1742, to Jacob Holtzclaw, 357 acres Prince William Co., branch of Hunger Run, joining Thomas Barton, Edward Feagan, Walker, sd Holtzclaw, Wm.? George Byer. (FHL film 29,513)
F-148: 17 Feb. 1743, Grant to Rice Duncan of Prince William Co., 189 acres in Prince William Co., survey made by Wm. James Thomas the Younger, beg. ... on a hill side above the head of a branch of Licking run, corner to lands of Dennis Connyers, James Withers & Francis Jackson, ... crossing a small branch of great Run, ... on a ridge in the line of Mr. John Hooe, ... line of aforesaid Dennis Connyers. (FHL film 29,513)
Prince William Co. VA Deed Index 1732-1799 (FHL film 33,104; negative copy)
D-65 Duncan, Joseph, lease from David Darnell
D-251 Duncan, Marshal, lease from Daniel Marr
D-345 Duncan, Joseph, comm. from Mary Darnell
D-346 Duncan, John, comm. from Mary Darnell
E-344 Duncan, John, lease from Nathaniel Hedgeman
L-160: Joseph from Wm. Bumburry, lease
Q-607: Samuel from Bertrand Ewill, lease
no Rice Duncan
No other Duncan deeds to 1799; no Duncans 1799-1887
Several Peyton deeds, not checked. (John Peyton d. Fluvanna Co. VA)
Prince William Co. VA Deeds
D-65: 25 March 1739, David Darnall to Joseph Duncan, lease for 5 shillings, 150 acres corner George Whitley's land and John Smith, Jonas Williams line, part of a greator dividant taken up by Morgain Darnall decd 2 March 1722/3. Wit. Hranois? (Hrand?) Founill? (Conroll?) (Cerrill?), Morgain (X) Darnall, John Duncan. D-66, Release. (FHL film 33,105)
D-345: Examination, Mary, wife of David Darnall, re above lease 4 Feb. 1739/40. (FHL film 33,105)
D-346: Examination, Mary, wife of David Darnall, re lease for 427 acres, 4 Feb. 1739/40. (FHL film 33,105)
D-251: This Indenture made this sixteenth day of July and in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine between Danl. Marr of Prince Wm. County & Parish of Lower(?) Hamilton of the one part and Marshal Duncan of the county & parish aforesd. of the other part, witnesseth that the sd. Danl. Marr for the yearly rent hereafter mentioned(?) hath leassed and lett to the sd. Duncan his heirs Exrs. & Admrs. (but not assigns without the sd. Marr's consent) a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the county aforesd. at his marsh containing one hundred acres more or less beginning at a white oak and running from thence to Mons(?) line along his sd. line to F(?). Jn(?) Hoppor's line & from thence to his (?) Bridge & so along this Road & opposite to his sd. beginning white oak and the liborty of the pinsy(?) land for the use of the one hundred acres of land with all rights & priviledges hereunto belonging in as full & ample mannor as the sd. Marr is now possessed of during his natural lives of him the sd. Marshal Duncan Anne his wife & John Duncan his son be the said Marshal Duncan his heirs exrs. Admrs. theretofore yielding and paying yearly by the twenty fifth of March the just quantity of three hundred and fifty pounds of tabo. during the inspecting law & afterwards four hundred pds. tabo. unto the sd. Danl. Marr his heirs exrs. admrs. & assigns and the same payment yearly as aforesd. and his plantation at the expiration of this lease to be left tenantable and in good repair usible(?) is heirs to be any more plantations but are fixed & settled on the land and if his rent is not duly pd. nor sufficient on the land to dis(h?)ain therein such case the sd. Marr his heirs etc(?) may reenter(?) & take possession as if the lease had never been made. In Witness whereof both parties have hereunto set their hands & seals the day & year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the pressence of us, John Bryan, John Marr. /s/ Daniel Marr (seal). Marshall (his mark +) Duncan (seal) At a Court held for Prince William County November 26(?) 1739 Daniel Marr acknowledged the lease to be his act & deed and it was thereupon admitted to record. (FHL film 33,105)
E-344: 19 June 1741, Nathaniel Hedgman to John Duncan, lease 200 acres on line between Peter Hedgman and said Nathaniel Hedgeman, crossing a branch. No wife listed for John. Wit. John Carver/Garuer, Thos (TI) Jordan, Joshua Thomas, Vincent (X) Garner. Proved on oath of wit. (FHL film 33,105)
L-160: 26 Dec. 1748, William Bumburry & wife Elizabeth of Stafford Co. VA to Joseph Duncan of Prince William Co., lease 150 acres on roadside near poplar root bridge at a branch of Turkey run, line of Col Page. Mention Joseph Duncom and Ledy his wife. Wit. Weth Conway, Tho. Bunbury Jun., William (X) Duncom. (FHL film 33,106)
Q-607: 1 June 1768, Bertrand Ewell to Samuel (+) Duncan, bricklayer, land near town of Dumfries and on the Beaver Dam run, 100 acres of land contiguous to the coal mine, lease for his life and life of Mary his wife and John Duncan his son to work or prospect the coal area; also lease to Benjamin Beaver, bricklayer, under same terms. Separate lease to Israel Fullsome of Town of Dumfries to dig. Wit. Benjamin Beaver, John Smith. (FHL film 33,107)
Prince William Co. VA Records (FHL film 33,138)
1747 Tithable List - No Duncan
Marriages 1859 on - not checked
Births 1864-1870 - not checked
Deaths 1864-1870 - not checked
Fauquier Co. VA Miscellaneous Records, 1759-1807; bound volume (FHL film 31,160)
Duncan lease to Skinker. This Indenture 19 May 1736 from Thomas Dunken of Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co., planter, to Samuel Skinker of Hanover Parish, County of King George, Gent., for five shillings Sterling money paid ..., all that tract or parcel of land containing 67 acres in the said county of Prince William on a branch of the Marsh Run commonly called Marrs Run, and is bounded as follows: Beg. at a white oak corner to the lands of Charles Morgan, extending N 21 deg. W 28 poles to a red oak corner to the lands of Parson Scott, then binding therewith S 10 deg. W 148 poles to a corner white oak, then S 18 deg. E 26 poles to a live oak on the line of the said Run, then down the said run S 65 deg. W 72 poles to a spanish oak, then N 73 deg. W 31 poles to a pine corner to Dinwiddie's land, finally along a line of the said land N 25 deg. E 246 poles to the first station, together with all rights ... for one year, paying the yearly rent ... Thomas (X) Duncan. Wit. Wm. Hackney, Jeffrey (+) Johnson, Thomas (+) Evans. At a Court held for Prince William Co. July 21, 1736, William Hackney, Jeffrey Johnson and Thomas Evans proved this lease to be the act and deed of Thomas Duncan and it was thereupon admitted to record. (p.133-34)
This indenture 20 May 1736, Thomas Dunkin of Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co., planter, to Samuel Skinker of Hamilton Parish, King George Co., Gent., for £10 current VA money paid before the delivery of these presents, ... all that tract of land containing 67 acres in said Prince William Co. on a branch of the Marsh Run commonly called Marrs Run, and is bounded as follows: Beg. at a white oak corner to the land of Charles Morgan, extending N 21 deg. W 38 (sic) poles to a red oak corner to the land of Parson Scott, then binding therewith S10 deg. W 148 poles to a corner white oak, then S 18 deg. E 26 poles to a live oak on the line of the said Run, then down the said run S 65 deg. W 72 poles to a spanish oak, then N 73 deg. W 31 poles to a pine corner to Dinwiddie's land, finally along a line of the said land N 25 deg. E 246 poles to the first station, together with all rights ... actual possession of said Samuel Skinker by virtue of an indenture of bargain and sale for one year bearing date the day before the date of these presents ... Thomas (T) Duncan. Wit. Wm. Hackney, Jeffrey (+) Johnson, Thomas (+) Evans. Received of Samuel Skinker the sum of £10 ... Thomas (T) Duncan. (same witnesses) At a Court held for Prince William Co. July 21, 1736, William Hackney, Jeffrey Johnson and Thomas Evans proved this lease to be the act and deed of Thomas Duncan and it was thereupon admitted to record. (p.134-37)
Prince William Co. VA Deeds & Wills research
No deed indexed for Robert Duncan to James Furnett (Furnell or Turnell) in Prince William, Fauquier or Culpeper Co. VA (see Fauquier Co. VA Caveat)
No deed indexed for Ned Furnett (Furnell or Turnell) to Prue Benson in Fauquier, Prince William or Culpeper Co. VA; no will found in Fauquier Co. for James Furnett (Furnell etc.)
Click here for a more extensive transcript and the surveys from the Fauquier Co. VA Misc. Records 1759-1807.
Fairfax Co. VA Deed (FHL film 31,297)
M-297: 3 Aug. 1773, Gerrard John Dunkin for some time last past of "Roan County in the province of North Carolina but formerly of the County of Fairfax in the Colony of Virginia son and heir at law of Blanchflower Dunkin late of the said County of Fairfax the younger deceased who was son to Blanchflower Dunkin the elder" to David Davies of the County of Fairfax, merchant; George Turbervile late of Westmoreland Co. decd by his indenture to Blanchflower Dunkin the elder then of the county of Prince William, 2 Nov. 1741, sold to said Blanchflower Dunkin the elder 319 acres on Pimmels run in Fairfax Co. "during his natural life and then and thereafter to the use and behoof of John Dunkin and Blanchflower Dunkin sons of the above named Blanchflower party to that deed by Lettice his wife and to their heirs forever to be equally divided between them as by the said Deed" 2 Nov. 1741, recorded in Prince William Co.; "John Dunkin one of the remainder men mentioned in the said deed dyed intestate and without issue and Blanchflower Dunkin the younger the other remainder man is also dead intestate but left issue the above named Gerrard John Dunkin party to these presents his eldest son and heir at law who is entitled to the reversion of the said" 319 acres "after the death of the said Blanchflower Dunkin his grandfather"; the said Gerrard John Duncan being seized in fee of the reversion the whole 319 acres expectant upon the death of his grandfather, for £136, to David Davies, all ... 319 acres either in reversion remainder or otherwise. (includes dower right and title of dower). /s/ Gerard John (X) Dunkin. Wit. Thomas Lloyd, Richard Thompson, John Redman. (No wife mentioned or dower relinquishment). Recorded 18 Oct. 1773 on oath of John Redman and Thomas Lloyd.
Fluvanna Co. VA Deeds (FHL film 31,468)
4-579: 28 March 1806, Mary (X) Duncan to Enoch Hoff, land in County of Prince William for $1 left to her during her life by will of John Peyton decd, late of County of Fluvanna. Wit. John Hoff, Franky Woodson, Elizabeth Hoff, Polley Duncan, John Duncan.
5-191: 27 Sept. 1808, John Duncan and wife Jane (both signed) to Elijah May, will of John Peyton decd willed to John Duncan undivided 1/3 part of 3000 acres in States of Kentucky and Ohio as also a distant chance of one undivided third part of 1000 left by John Peyton to his emancipated slaves (will in Fluvanna Co.), for $500, sell legacy. Wit. John Snead, Robt. Caruthers?, John Quailes, Asa M. Dickensen, Thomas Lee.
"Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in VA - Augusta Co., Vol.I, II & III, 1745-1800" by Lyman Chalkley, c1912-13
Robert Alexander will dated 18 April 1735 Stafford Co., wife Anne, dau. Ann Hooe, son John, dau. Parthenia Massie, son Gerrard, island in Prince William called Hornes (Holmes), dau. Sarah. Proved in Stafford Co. 1753.
"The Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: 1745 to 1800" by Lyman Chalkley is available online at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~chalkley/
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