Duncan research files of |
1820-1850 Northumberland Co. VA Census
No Duncans
1860 Northumberland Co. VA Census
Heathsville P.O.
Pg.804 #64-64, Richard DAWSON 34 Northumb. VA merchant $2000-$3623
Lucy L. 19 VA
B. DAMERON (f) 55 VA
Lucy 17 VA
Richard JEWEL 25 VA laborer
Elliot DAWSON 2, Ferdinand 8/12 VA
Andrew ROCK 16 VA clerk
James SWAIN 21 VA laborer
John DUNCAN 24 (26?) VA
1870 Northumberland Co. VA Census
Fairfield Twp.
Pg.13, #174-176, CATLETT, John 25 VA MULATTO farmer $0-$0
Hannah 20 VA MULATTO keeping house
Robert J. 2? VA MULATTO at home
DUNCUM, Amanda 18 VA BLACK house keeper
Northumberland Co. VA Index to Wills 1749-1950 (FHL film 32,699)
No Duncan
Northumberland Co. VA Index to Fiduciary Accounts (inv., sales, etc.) 1749-1950 (FHL film 32,701)
No Duncan
Northumberland Co. VA Deeds (Index 1749-1892, FHL film 32,700)
Books skip from 1672 to 1706
no Duncan
Northumberland Co. VA Sales & Division of Land, v.1, 1846-51 (FHL film 32,707)
No Duncan
Northumberland Co. VA Record Book 1710-1713, State Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va. (from Cindy McCachern 12/29/2010 by email with comment that Ann (Dunkin) Cornhill, wife of Dennis Cornhill, did not give a release for the deed and therefore may be deceased)
Pg.144/145: MARGIN: Cornhill Deed Released to Cralle.
This indenture made this Thirty First Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eleven. Between DENNIS CORNHILL late of the County of Westmoreland but now of the County of Stafford in the Colony of Virginia of the one part & JOHN CRALLE of the County of Northumberland of the other part. Thence that the said DENNIS CORNHILL for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings & start to him in hand payd before the ensealing & Delivery here of the received whereof the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL Delivered hereby acknowledged & thereof Doth acquit & Discharge the Sd. Jno. Cralle his Exor. & Administrator by the Sd. Examine Hath given, granted, Bargained & Sold & by these presents Doth give, grant, bargain & sell unto the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his Exec. & Adm. & assigned that ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND be the same more or less situated also lying and being in the PARRISH OF ST STEPHENS & COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND with Sd. Land in part of aforesaid land that was purchased by the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL of one JOHN LEWIS & is bounded by the land of THO. SUDDEN & the land now of DANIEL BEACHAM & the land of THOS SUDDON & the land of JOS. DOAK & WM LYNTON the land of JNO. CRUMP & on another parcel of land belonging to the Sd. CRALLE and this and this Reversion & Reversion of Remainder & Remainders thereof together with a Rents & Serviced and any serviced Performed upon any Leased or Lessor after of the ______ or any part there of to have & to hold the aforesaid ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND be the same more or less with certain and singular viz rights his ______ & appurtanences herein mentioned unto the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his Exor. Egt. Adm. Egt. And assigns from the day of the Dated heretofore During the full End & term of six months from their Sd. He & L Enjudging & fully to be completed Ended to the End that by virtue of the Sd. presents & of the statute for transferring land into possession the Sd. JNO. CRALLE may be in the actual possession of the Sd. Enirsses & be their by Enable to take & accept of a grant & release of the land to him the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs and assignes for Ever In wittnesth whereof of the parties to these (pg.145) & Rents In hand interchangeably Lett their hand and Seales the Day and Year first written above.
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of GEO. ESKRIDGE & HENRY NETHERTON, PATRICK SPENCE.
DENNIS (CD - his mark) CORNHILL Seal (Note: the C was also written backward)
Ded Jany 16, 1711
This deed of Lease was acknowledged in Northumberland County Court by CAPT. DANIEL MCCARTY Attorney of DENNIS CORNHILL unto CAPT. JNO. CRALLE alsoe CAPT. GEO. ESKRIDGE in court made oath that he did see & hear & see the Sd. DENNIS sign & Seal & as his act & Deed acknowledged & the same & the Sd. Deed is recorded.
Teste Thos. Hobson Ct.
Pg.145/146: MARGIN: Cornhill Deed Released to Cralle.
This indenture made this first day of Janey in the year of our lord ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED & ELEVEN between DENNIS CORNHILL late of the County of Westmoreland but now of the County of Stafford of the one part & JNO. CRALLE of the County of Northumberland of the other part. That whereas the aforesaid DENNIS CORNHILL by a certain indenture bearing date the last day of December the year aforesd for the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain & sell unto the Sd. JNO. CRALLE all that ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND be the land more or less. Lying & being in the PARRISH OF ST STEPHENS & County of Northumberland. To witness Sd. land is part of aforesd tract of Land that is & was PURCHASED BY THE SD. DENNIS CORNHILL OF ONE JNO. LEWIS and bounded by the land of THO. SADDON, the land of DANL. BEACHAM, the land of JNO. LUTTRELL, the land of JOS. DOAK & WM LYNTON, the land of JNO. CRUMP, & on another tract of land belonging to the aforesd CRALLE & the reversion & Reversion, Remainder, & Remainders there of together with all Rents & Services Reserved on all or any Lease or Leases of the singular or any part or all there of the Sd. ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND to of all ______ right members & appurtenances & all here ______ thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining to be held by Sd. JNO. CRALLE his Exor. Adm. & assigns from the day of the date thereof until the full end & term of six months from thence next coming Should be fully completed al and ended to the end that the Sd. JNO. CRALLE by virtue thereof the Stated forbearance forcing us or into possession the Sd. JNO. CRALLE might be in the actual possession of the Sd. land & be enabled to be & accopl of a grant & release of ye Land to him the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs & assigns for ever As by him Recorded, Indentured more fully & at large Doth appear now. This Indenture witnesseth that the said DENNIS CORNHILL for & in consideration of sixty pounds sterling & for Divers other good causes considerations their unto moveing Hath granted released & confirmed and by the Sd. Gents grant release & confirm unto the aforesd JNO. CRALLEY his heirs & assigns all the aforesd ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND which all is Right and membesity & appurtenance and every part release thereof. And all the Estate Right title Interest Claim & Domain whosoever of him the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL of WC to the same to have & to hold the aforesd ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND with all the Rights members & appurtenances their to belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs & assigns for ever To the only proper use on behalf of the said JNO. CRALLE his heirs & assigns for evermore And the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL for himto go & his heirs aforesd ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND be the same more or less. & singular the appurtenances thereto belonging to the Sd. JNO. CRALLE & his heirs to the only proper use & behalf of the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs unto assigns for ever agt. him the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL his heirs or any other person or persons & agree to & which the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs and assigns and every of them by the aforesd gents in manner & form following (that is to say) that he the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL at the time of the Ensealing & Delivery of the Sd. hath full power good Right & lawfull authority to grant & convey the aforesd land & assigns unto the aforesd JNO. CRALLE his heirs & assigns in manner & that the Sd JOHN CRALLE his heirs & assigns to every of them. Shall & May by virtue of the Sd. agent at all _____ after possibly & Quietly have hold use occupy possess & enjoy the aforesd land & Emissos with all rights members & appurtenances without any lawfull lott suit denial Interuption Exclaimer or Disturbance of him the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL his heirs & assigns or from any other person or persons whosoever and further the Sd. DENNIS CORNHILL for himself his heirs & Exors Adm. & assigns that he the said DENNIS CORNHILL & his heirs at anytime hereafter upon the Sd. personal ______ of aforesaid JNO. CRALLE his heirs or assigns shall & will make doc. & sale every such further lawfull act & acts & thing or things Dlivers and delivered conveyance & appertainance in the law as by the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs and assigns his or their council learned in the Sd. shall be delivered advised or required for the more better & perfect sure & made & conveying of Sd. & Emissiey to the Sd. JNO. CRALLE his heirs & assigns forever. In witness whereof the ______ to the Sd. & agent have enterchangeably Sett their hand & Seales the Day of year first above written.
Sealed & Delivered in the presence of: GEO. ESKRIDGE, HEN:NETHERTON, PATRICK SPENCE
DENNIS (CD his mark) CORNHILL Seal (Note: Dennis made his C backward in the original document)
Die Janey 16, 1711.
This indenture of deed of release was acknowledged in Northumberland County Court by DENNIS CORNHILL by his attorney CAPT. DANIEL MCCARTY to the use of therein possessed unto CAPT. JNO. CRALLE & is recorded.
Teste Tho. Hobson Ct Cur
Pg.146/147: MARGIN: CORNHILL Pow. Ator. To MCCARTY
Know all men by Agents that I DENNIS CORNHILL of ye County of Stafford have made ordained continued & appointed DANL. MCCARTY gent my true & lawfull attorney for _____ & in my name to acknowledge in the County Court of Northumberland County certain deeds of lease & release the one bearing Date the Day before & the otherwise the Sd. & _____ whereby I have granted and conveyed to JOHN CRALLE gent ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND be the same more or less. Situated, lying & being in the PARISH OF ST. STEPHENS & county aforesaid. Released & confirming with my Sd. attorney shall Doe in about & 4 ______ I had been personally & agent & attorney Sel Sd. JN witness who I have here to Sett this forth day of Janey 1711.
DENNIS (DC his mark ) CORNHILL (Note: Dennis's mark was not turned around on this document.)
Sealed & Delivered in witness of GEO. ESKRIDGE, HON:NETHERTON, PATRICK SPENCE
Die Janey 16, 1711.
Capt. GEO. ESKRIDGE then maybe upon the holy Evangel ______ Northumberland County Court that DENNIS CORNHILL did sign Seal & Acknowledged this ______ to be his act and deed.
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