Duncan research files of |
New Castle Co. Delaware Will Book K (FHL film 6,539)
Book K, Pg.21: 22 Feb. 1771, will of James (X) Philips Senr of Mill Creek Hundred in Co. of Newcastle on Delaware, yeoman, far advanced years and low state of health; to three of my grandchildren, to wit, my son William son James Philips my daughter Esthers son James Dixson and to my daughter Sarahs son James Young, certain tract of land containing 616 acres lying in VA government as divided by law? porvel? in the year 1768, to wit, to James Philips afs. one lot lying at west end of sd land containing 236 acres; to James Dixon afsd one lot lying in middle of afsd. tract containing 190 acres; one other lot being east end of afsd. tract I give to my daughter Sarah Young during her natural life nothwithstanding anything heretofore mentioned to the contrary and at her decease to her son James Young afsd, containing 190 acres; to my daus. Esther Dixson and Sarah Young, £100, that is £50 to each of them to be paid to them by my son William Phillips within 3 years after my decease, which legacees with what they have already had shall be then fully equal?; to my dau. Elizabeth Pryor; to my granddaughter Hannah Pryor; the remainder to my only son William. Appoint my only son William sole executor. Wit. David Hollingsworth, Philip Dixson, Jacob? Tharples. Proved 23 April 1772. (see Loudoun Co. VA deed T-1)
Clark Co. KY Deeds (FHL film 183,169; from Louis Boone 1984 with permission to share with others)
7-385: 12 May 1810, Samuel Arnett of Clark Co. KY, son of Thomas Arnett decd of KY, to Aaron Burson and John Duncan of Loudoun Co. VA, for $300, all the personal estate and money bequeathed to Samuel Arnett by Samuel Arnett decd. late of Loudoun Co. VA by will dated 18 Dec. 1809. Reg. Clark Co. KY 12 May 1810.
7-386: 12 May 1810, agreement between Samuel Arnett son of Thomas Arnett decd of Clark Co. KY, with Aaron Burson and John Duncan of Loudon (sic) Co. VA; that Aaron Burson and John Duncan produced to Samuel Arnett a copy of the will of Samuel Arnett decd late of Loudon Co. VA, dated 18 Dec. 1809, duly proved in County Court of Loudon, VA, on 18 Jan. 1810, whereby it appears that Samuel Arnett of KY is entitled to receive a legacy from the estate of Samuel Arnett decd supposed to be about $450 out of the personal estate of decedent; now the said Samuel Arnett son of Thomas has sold his interest in the personal estate of said Samuel Arnett decd. to said Aaron Burson and John Duncan with the understanding that if the amount Samuel Arnett of KY is entitled to does not exceed $450 arived (sic) from the personal estate of sd. decedent and cash which sd. decedent might of had laid out or deposited in the hands of any person or which may be in the hands of sd. decedents executors for the sum of $300, the 1/2 paid the ballance to be paid on or before 12 Nov. 1811; and Burson and Duncan agree that in case the legacy above mentioned does not amount to $450, that Samuel Arnett of KY is not to refund any part of the said $300 above mentioned; and Burson and Duncan further agree with Samuel Arnett that if on examination into the amount of the legacy it shall not amount to $450 that they will not plead in bar to the last payment of sd. $300 as it is expressly understood that Burson and Duncan give Arnett that sum of $300 for his chance of the money that may be had of the estate of sd. Samuel Arnett decd and arising from the personal estate which Saml. Arnett of KY may be entitled to by sd. decedent's will; Aaron Burson and John Duncan further agree with Samuel Arnett that if the legacy ... shall amount to more than $450 that Burson and Duncan will receive the same in as speedy a manner as nature of the case will admit and as soon as ... they will pay to Arnett two thirds of what money shall be recovered over $450, Burson and Duncan retaining the other one third; nothing herein construed as to affect any interest Samuel Arnett may be entitled in any landed estate. No wit.
Mason Co. KY Deed (FHL film 281,809)
55-277/278: 10 Aug. 1846, Sandford J. Ramey and Anna Maria Mason his wife of Loudoun Co. VA to Ann Duncan sister of said Sandford J. Ramey of Mason Co. KY, for love and affection, and $1 paid, convey their interest to a tract or parcel of land in Mason Co. KY to which Sandford J. Ramey and Anna Maria Mason his wife claim by will of Deborah Ramey decd, containing about 50 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Sanford J. Ramey, Anna M. M. Ramey. Ack. 10 Aug. 1846 before David Reece and A.H. Clarke, J.P. in Loudoun Co. VA. Certification by Charles G. Eskridge, Clerk of Loudoun Co. VA Court, 18 Aug. 1846. Recorded Mason Co. KY 27 Aug. 1846. (FHL film 281,809)
St.Louis Co. MO Probate Records (FHL film 1,405,570)
H-394/5: Will of Catharine Duncan of St.Louis Co. MO, 23 July 1857, desire plain tombstones for myself and my sister Susan Duncan; $300 to my niece Elizabeth Orrison (widow of Mathew Orrison) now of Loudoun Co. VA; in the event of her death before the money can be paid her, then that $300 paid to her heir or heirs share alike; $120 paid to Burr Powell (a negro man) of St.Louis Co. MO, once a slave of my sister Susan Duncan, he served longer than she intended him to do; if there is money remaining, then $100 to Cordelia Brent, a negro woman and once my slave, now living in City of St.Louis MO; Mary Jane dau. of Cordelia Brent shall have my bed and bedding and my wearing apparel; Burr Powell shall take my bed, bedding, trunk and clothing and deliver them to Mary Jane Brent; if there is money remaining, then residue to my niece Elizabeth Orrison now residing in Loudoun Co. VA who is the widow of Mathew Orrison, or her child or children share alike; appoint Martial Brotherton of City of St.Louis MO, exec.; my brother Harry Duncan to be profestedly? for all the trouble he has had with me? and his note not to be touched until he is satisfied. The executor must hold said note until he is satisfied. /s/ Catherine (X) Duncan; Wit. James Ramsay, John Stephens, Margaret A. Ramsay; proved 2 Nov. 1867.
St.Louis [MO] Probate Court Digitization Project, 1802-1900; Case Number #1982, Filed 1845, Microfilm Reel C 27547 (Internet images, 12/2004; MAD's extract)
http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/stlprobate/ A collaborative project of the Missouri State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, and the St. Louis Probate Court.
Will of Susanna Duncan of St.Louis County, State of Missouri, desire just debts be paid and funeral expenses out of proceeds and debts due to my estate; to my brother Henry Duncan all my right to ... one horse, also my interest in the cattle; my slave Burr at my decease to serve my sister Catharine Duncan five years, then be free; my slave Lewis at my death to serve my sister Catharine Duncan nine years and 4 months and then be liberated. My slave David at my death to serve my sister Catharine Duncan 12 years, then be free; my sister Catharine Duncan to provide the "nesaries" of life for my brother George Duncan now living in the State of Virginia Loudoun Co. I desire my sister Catharine Duncan to pay my brother Henry Duncan $50 a year for 5 years and if my sister should die before then, my estate shall be bound to pay him the $50 a year for the 5 years and if he should die before the expiration of that time the paying seases. I desire that if my sister Catharine Duncan should die before the expiration of the time that the above mentioned blacks has to serve, that the proceeds of their labour shall be (too dark) if it be nesesary and the law requires it, to assist in (bottom line too dark) (next page) for their liberation then the proffits arising from their labour for the length of time that they may have to serve is to be divided equally between my brother George Duncan in Virginia, my brother Charles Duncan in Ohio, my brother Benjamin Duncan in Missouri, my brother Henry Duncan in Missouri and my nephew Coleman Duncan, a son of my brother William's and also in the State of Missouri, and in the event of the death of any of the above mentioned persons it is to be "dived" among those of the above mentioned that may [be] living at the time. I wish my nephew Coleman Duncan to be my executor and my sister Catharine Duncan to be his security. This 10th March 1843. /s/ Susanne Duncan. P.S. I wish my nephew Coleman Duncan a son of my brother William's to have one horse at my death, namely a dark bay horse. /s/ SD. Wit. Mahala Branery?, George Hume. 24 Oct. 1844, proved by George Hume.
Documents include receipts from Henry Duncan and Catharine Duncan.
(MAD: George Duncan of Loudoun Co. VA, Charles Duncan of Meigs Co. OH, Benjamin Duncan of Marion Co. MO, Henry Duncan of St.Louis MO; children of Charles Duncan died 1807 Loudoun Co. VA & Susan Mason.)
St.Louis [MO] Probate Court Digitization Project, 1802-1900; Case Number #8218, Filed 1867, Microfilm Reel C 32682 (Internet images, 12/2004; MAD's extract)
http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/stlprobate/ A collaborative project of the Missouri State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, and the St. Louis Probate Court.
#8218. DUNCAN, Catherine
I, Catharine Duncan, of County of Saint Louis and State of Missouri, do make and publish this my last will and testament.
And first, my funeral expenses and just debts be fully paid, my body be deacently intered, I also desire plain tombstones for myself and my sister Susan Duncan.
Second, it is my will that as soon after my death as can be done, $300 be paid to my niece Elizabeth Orrison (the widow of Matthew Orrison) now of Loudon County in State of Virginia, and in event of her death before the money is paid, then the $300 be paid to her heir or heirs to share and share alike.
Third, as soon after ... $120 be paid to Burr Powell (a negro man) of St.Louis County in the State of Missouri, the said negro was once a slave of my sister Susan Duncan, He served longer than she intended him to do.
Fourth, if there is money remaining after the payments above, as soon after my death as can be done, $100 be paid to Cordelia Brent a negro woman and once my slave, she is now liveing in the City of Saint Louis the state of Missouri.
I direct that Mary Jane daughter of Cordelia Brent shall have my bed and bedding and trunk and also my wearing apparel. It is my wish that Burr Powell shall take my bed, bedding, trunk and cloathing and deliver them to Mary Jane Brent.
Fifth ... (too faded to read), if there is money remaining, ... widow of William ? ...
And lastly I hereby appoint Martial? Brotherton? of the City of ?? state of Missouri? to be executor ... revoking all former wills. 23 Jany? 1857?
I want my brother Henry's woman? to be ???. (set free?)
/s/ Catherine (her X mark) Duncan.
Witness: Janis? Manday?, John Stipiers?, Margaret A?. Ramsay?
State of Missouri, County of St.Louis, SS: Be it remembered that on this 2nd November 1867, before me the clerk of the Probate Court of the County of St.Louis, personally came James Ramsay, John Stephens and Margaret A. Ramsay, who say, we saw Catharine Duncan the testatrix make her mark ... and heard her declare the same to be her last will and testament, ... continues the testimony of the witnesses to the will. 2 Nov. 1867.
Filed and admitted to probate this 2nd day of November 1867 and duly recorded in Book H of Wills on Page 394.
(another document) To the Judge of the Probate Court of the County of St. Louis, having been appointed executor in and by the last will and testament of Catharine Duncan deceased, hereby renounces executorship and declines to qualify, St.Louis Nov. 2, 1867, /s/ Marshall Brotherton.
Inventory includes promissory note made by Henry Duncan Sept. 29, 1858, and joint promissory note made by Burr Powell and Henry Duncan dated March 1, 1866.
Cover of Inventory, filed Nov. 20, 1867, recorded in Book No.2 of Inventory Records on page 208.
Bond of James Ramsay as principal, and William O. Gibson and Henry Duncan as securities, for $2,000, 6 Nov. 1867, James Ramsay to be administrator with the will annexed of Catharine Duncan decd.
Howard Co. MO Deed (FHL film 963,445)
G-82: 27 Aug. 1819, Coleman Duncan, late a matross? in Hobarts' Corps of Light Artillery and now a resident of Loudon Co. VA, to Samuel Hill of Wilson Co. TN, for $100, 160 acres, a portion of the MO Territory appropriated to satisfy military bounties of land provided by Congress, SW 1/4 Sec. 11, T56N R19W, patented 27 Aug. 1819 to said Coleman Duncan, warrant #22413. Wit. Edward Fallon, Hen. Z. Whitcroft. Reg. before Notary Public in Washington, DC.
Chariton Co. MO Deeds (FHL film 975,969)
P-409: 27 Aug. 1819, US Grant to Coleman Duncan, late a matross in Hobert's Corps of Lt. Artillery, per warrant #22413, 160 acres, being the SW 1/4 Sec.11 T56N R19W.
P-410: 27 Aug. 1819, Coleman Duncan late a matross in Holbart's Corp. of Light Artillery and now a resident of Loudon Co. VA, to Samuel Hill of Wilson Co. TN, for $100, all the tract of 160 acres in Missouri Territory in the area for military bounties, the SW 1/4 of Sec.11 T56N R19W, by patent 27 Aug. 1819 granted to said Coleman Duncan, conformably to Warrant #22413. /s/ in City of Washington (DC) by Coleman Duncan; wit. Edward Fallon?, Henry Whitcraft. (next deed is from Hill to someone else; many deeds to and from Hill for military land)
Columbiana Co. OH Deed
2-669: 14 Sept. 1812, John Dunkin of Loudoun Co. [VA] and wife Ruth to Aaron Brown of same, $700, sell land granted Dunkin by patent 23 May 1810, being the NE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.14 Range 3. Wit. was Clerk of Loudoun Co. VA. Rec. 15 Jan. 1813. (FHL film 926,861)
Adams Co. OH Court Documents (from typed material from Virginia Riffle to Iris Grimmett 1990, from Iris 1990 with permission to share with others)
The following items are copied from old papers and documents found in boxes in the little vault, on the floor, in Adams Co. courthouse:
William Dunbar vs. Jonas Dunkin. fi.fa. to March 1801. Territory of the US Northwest of the River Ohio, Adams Co. SS. Sheriff of Adams Co. to require that Jonas Dunkin post bond for $101.17-1/2 which Wm. Dunbar sued him for, 11 Dec. 1800.
Note on Dunkin. I promise to pay unto William Dunbar on his order the some of Seventy Dollars and two thirds it being due since Nov. last it being for value Recd. of him as witness my hand this 11th day of Sept. 1799. Signed by Jonas Dunkin. Witnesses present: Nathan Rogers & Wm. Markland.
Levin Powell, admr. of William Powell, deceased, vs. Jonas Dunkin. To March 1809. This suit is for £21.9.9 VA currency due 1 Aug. 1807. Jonas Dunkin summoned; he is alleged to owe to William H. Powell, deceased, £40.1.6 VA currency, valued at $133.58-1/3; summons 14 December 1808.
I, Jonas Dunkin, of the County of Loudoun do oblige myself my heirs, executors and administrators to pay or cause to be paid on the 1st of next August to William H. Powell his heirs etc., or assigns, £20. 9 pence in French, English or Spanish gold at 5 sh. 4 pence pennyweight or in silver dollars at 6 sh. each (MAD: no date)
Jonas Dunkin responded that it is not his deed, requests a trial. He will give in evidence a receipt for 1,000 weight of crop tobacco inspected from Joseph Fox on account of Jonas Dunkin, the defendant, on 13 Jan. 1788 rec'd by Wm. H. Powell in his life, and 1,000 weight on 15 Feb. 1790 rec'd by Wm. H. Powell in his life, and will also give proof of the cash value of the Tobacco aforesaid.
5 Nov. 1810, Rec'd of Jonas Dunkin the sum of £29?.18.11 in full of his note given Wm. H. Powell. Mr. Dunkin informs me a suit is brought against him for the full amt of said note in the State of Ohio. /s/ Burr(?) Powell, exor of Levin Powell who was the adm. of William H. Powell. Wits: (?) Gibson and Samuel Dunkin.
Steubenville, OH, Land Office Patents and Receipts (copy of originals from Iris Grimmett 1992 with permission to share info others; IG note: Steubenville office charged $30 for the copies of the receipts; Iris will share copies with other descendants)
Patent #1457, Vol.10, pg.33, Order #163847. Patent to John Dunkin of Loudon Co. VA, who deposited a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Steubenville that he has made full payment for the NE Quarter of Section 18, Township 14, Range 3, of the land directed to be sold at Steubenville by Act of Congress; there is granted by the US to the said John Dunkin, the quarter lot or section. Dated 23 May 1810, in the 34th year of Independence.
Receipt 4061, Receiver's Office at Steubenville, April 22nd 1805, Received of John Dunkin of Loudon Co. VA, $14.61, being a deposit on account of land for which he intends to apply. /s/ Zacha. Biggs, Receiver. (on back: No. 4061, John Dunkin, NE Quarter 18.14.3)
Receipt 4062, Receiver's Office at Steubenville, April 22nd 1805, Received of John Dunkin of Loudon Co. VA, $58.47, which with the sum of $14.61 heretofore paid by him per Receipt 4061 dated April 22nd, 1805, is in full of the first installment of the purchase money of the North East Quarter of Section 18, in Township 14, Range 3, containing 146-16/100 acres at $2 per acre. /s/ Zacha. Biggs, Receiver. (on back: No. 4062, John Dunkin, NE Quarter 18.14.3) (MAD: see Columbiana Co. OH)
Monongalia Co. WV Deed (FHL film 840,574)
6-393: 21? Nov. 1814, Samuel Canby of Campbell Co. KY, to Benjamin Hough, John Hough, Joseph Hough, Sarah Dunkin late Sarah Hough, Elizabeth Gregg late Hough, Ann Jackson late Hough, Mary Jackson late Hough, Ruth Ross late Hough, and Susan Kimber late Hough, sons and daughters and heirs at law of Amos Hough, late of Washington Co. PA, decd and devisees of John Hough late of Loudon Co. VA, decd; for $200, land in Monogalia Co. VA (desc. not copied), 100 acres. Wit. Richd. Northgate, Rt. A. Marten?, Wm. Chesterfield?. Rec. in Campbell Co. KY 26 Dec. 1814; rec. Monongalia Co. VA 27 Nov. 1815.
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