Duncan research files of |
Loudoun Co. VA County Court Order Books (each book indexed)
Book A, 1757-1762 (FHL film 32,347):
Pg.89: Court 12 April 1758, Samuel Dunkin, Pltf. vs. William Connell, Deft. Upon an Alla. - agreed. (many similar entries in other cases)
Pg.598: Court 12 May 1762, Samuel Duncan of this county for not rendering a list of his lands to the Clerks office ... for the present year (a list of taxables who did not make return)
Book B, 1762-1765: Indexes poor but readable - no Duncan. (FHL film 32,347)
Book C, 1765-1767; Book D, 1767-1770; Book E, 1770-1773 (FHL film 32,348):
C-290: 10 Aug. 1767, deed from Joshua Duncan and Elizabeth his wife to Stephen Rosszel acknowledged by Joshua and Elizabeth.
Book F, 1773-1776; Book G, 1776-1783 (FHL film 32,349)
F-510: 14 Nov. 1774, ordered that the churchwardens of Cameron Parish bind out Henry Duncomb aged 14 years last September to Arthur Edwards according to law.
G-91: 12 May 1778, ordered that Joshua Duncan be appointed surveyor of the road leading from the forks above the Church to Bacon Forts.
Book H, 1783-1785; Book I, 1785-1786; Book K, 1787-1788 (FHL film 32,350)
H-108: 13 Aug. 1783, Ann Peyton, Wm. Peyton, Francis Peyton, exors. of Craven Peyton decd, vs. ....
K-87: 10 April 1787, ordered that Henry Duncan be appt. overseer of road in room of Isaac Volaw when discharged from that office; the following hands: Isaac V. Lane, Robert Smarr, David Daniel, Benjamin Cummins, James Carter, Abram Cogill, Thomas Reeder, Thomas Lewellen, Thomas Brown, James Hallop?, James Burson, James Burson Jr., Benjamin Burson, John Burson, John Pearsall, Enos Tysan, Thomas Holland.
K-162: 11 June 1787, two deeds from James Young, John Dunkin and Joshua Dunkin to John A. ONeil proved on oaths of witnesses. (MAD: these deeds are NOT recorded in the deed books anywhere near this 1787 date, nor found later in the index either under Duncan or Young or the cross-index to O'Neil or variant spellings; Deeds not recorded with April 1787 deeds either)
K-169: 11 June 1787, Charles Dunkin produced a commission as Ensign in the Militia for this county and was sworn accordingly and ordered certified.
K-489: 8 Feb. 1788, deed from Henry Duncan and Milly his wife to Jonathan Burris proved by oaths of John Planter and Jenkin Phillip.
K-491: 8 Sept. 1788, Coleman Duncan vs. John Bealy and John Royston, defd; Wm. and James Bealy posted bond for defts.
Book L, 1788-1790; Book M, 1790; Book N, 1790-1791 (FHL film 32,351)
L-54: 11 Nov. 1788, Coleman Dunkin vs. John Bealy and John Royston.
L-94: 9 Feb. 1789, ordered that negro Janny property of Charles Duncan be (auth arges?) from the payment of levys and taxes for the future.
L-155: 14 April 1789, ordered that Benjamin Burson, Henry Duncan, Jonathan McVay and Spencer Puvor? or any three of them appraise estate of Andrew Grammer.
L-155: 14 April 1789, indenture of lease & release from Henry Duncan and Milley his wife to Jonathan Burson produced and proved. (MAD: deed R-155)
L-314: 14 Nov. 1789, deed from Henry Duncan and Amelia his wife to Levin Powell produced and proved on oaths of witnesses. (MAD: deed R-335)
N-150: 11 April 1791, deed from Joshua Duncan and wife Ruth to Edward? Loyd produced. (MAD: deed T-1; Joshua Duncan called "Jr." on clerk's examination of his wife Ruth.)
N-173: 9 May 1791, deed from Joshua Duncan and wife Ruth produced. (MAD: deed T-1 again)
Book O, 1791-1792; Book P, 1792-1794; Book Q, 1794-1796 (FHL film 32,352)
O-102: 17 Nov. 1791, George Beaty vs. Joseph C. Asbury, In Trespass; this day came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys and thereupon came also as jury, to wit, Reuben Settle, Zachariah Lyon, John Grove, Samuel Cornich, Alexander Wilson, Elisha Gregg, Joseph Hough, Benjamin Reeve, Isaac Craven, William M Gath (McGath?), John Cartnail and William Smith; ... who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue between the parties joind upon their oath do say that the defendant is not guilty in manner & form as the plaintiff against hath declared; therefore it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff take nothing by his bill but for his false clamour be in mercy &c and that the deft. go hence without say? and recover against the plaintiff his costs by him about his defence in this behalf expended. Ordered that George Beaty pay unto Coleman Duncan 200 lbs of tobacco for his attending this court 8 days as witness for him against Asbury; pay to John Goathy 325 lbs tobacco for 13 days, Mason Johnson 325 lbs ... 13 days (end of page).
O-278: 12 June 1792, ordered that Morniss Mefraw, Abraham Wycoff and Thomas Flood pay Charles Duncan 125 lbs tobacco for attending court 5 days as arbitivess (sic?) for them at the suit of Elbzey.
P-5: 11 Dec. 1792, Charles Dunkin surveyor of road from Richard Keens to Baptist meeting house, Pierce Bayly Gent. to allot the hands to work.
P-28: 14 Jan. 1793, Abraham Waiford appointed surveyor of (P-5) road in room of Charles Dunkin; Pierce Bayley to allot hands. Charles Dunkin appointed surveyor of road from his house to Carters line, Pierce Bayley to allot hands.
P-294: 12 Nov. 1793, William Duncan vs. William Stevens bailiff for Thomas Noland defts, in Replevin; ordered dismissed it being agreed by parties.
Q-196: 13 July 1795, deed from Joshua Duncan and wife Elizabeth acknowledged.
Q-362: 12 April 1796, On the motion of Alexander McMaken who made oath and together with Cornelius Shissner (?) Junr. his security who entered into & acknowledged their bond in the penalty of £100, conditioned as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration of the estate of Theodoius Duncan decd. in due form. Elizabeth Duncan widow & relict of the said Theodoius Duncan having under hand relinquished her right of administration to the said McMaken. (Robert Moore 10/31/1999: probably Cornelius Skinner; see Nelson Co. KY)
Q-400: 13 June 1796, Charles Duncan vs. Harry Low, motion for money paid on execution as his security.
Q-436: 18 June 1796, Jamey vs. Charles Dunkin, in debt.
Q-481: 12 Sept. 1796, on motion of Samuel Dunkin ordered that (others) view road.
Book R, 1796-1798; Book S, 1798-1799; Book T, 1799-1800 (FHL film 32,353)
R-57: 13 Feb. 1797, report for road petitioned for by Samuel Duncan ... we have viewed the way for turning the road shown us by Samuel Duncan and find it will not go over so level ground nor so clear of stone as the old road and the distance will be 10 or 12 poles further. If the road should be established as shown by Mr. Duncan it must strike out of the old road just above the upper end of Duncans field and run upon the out edge of a new field of Duncans to the town corner and then the directest way to strike the old road within 20 yards where the road from Snickers Gap to Middleburg comes in. The said new field of Duncans lies upon the old road and is 40 poles in length and 20 poles in breath. Ordered same be established accordingly.
R-68: 14 Feb. 1797, Charles Duncan vs. Harry Lowe. Upon a motion for the amount of an execution passed 10 April 1794 in the name of Mason French assee of Mason Johnston vs. the said H. Lowe and C. Duncan; Lowe failed to appear; Charles Duncan recovered £7.4.3.
R-250: 16 Nov. 1797, ordered that Mary Stoker pay unto John Purley $3.18 for 6 days and Charles Duncan $2.12 for 4 days and ... attendance as witnesses for her at the suit of Cockerill.
S-159: 17 Aug. 1798, ordered that Mary Stoker pay Charles Duncan and William Beavers $2.12 each for 4 days attendance each for her at the suit of Cockerill.
S-239: 14 Nov. 1798, ordered that Mary Stoker pay Charles Duncan and .... (similar to S-159)
Book U, 1800-1801; Book V, 1801-1802; Book W, 1802-1803 (FHL film 32,354)
V-131: 15 Dec. 1801, Charles Duncan paid attendance fees.
Book X, 1804-1805; Book Y, 1805-1806 (no index); Book Z, 1806-1807 (FHL film 32,355)
X-141: 15 May 1804, deed from Charles Dunkin to John Johnson proved on oath of Nathaniel Skinner. (MAD: no deed recorded near this date)
Book 1, 1807-1808; Book 2, 1808-1809 - no Duncan (FHL film 32,356)
Book 3, 1809-1810; Book 4, 1810-1811 (FHL film 32,357)
4-5: 8 Jan. 1810, on motion of Charles Dunkin exor. of Charles Dunkin decd. who was security of Robert Smarr and Sarah Smarr who intermarried with Cornelius Skinner, exors of John Smarr decd, ordered that exors be summoned to give sd. Charles Dunkin exor of Charles Dunkin decd counts? or other lecy? for their faithful administration on sd. decd. estate or deliver same to him for his indemnification.
Book 1812-1813 (FHL film 32,358)
Pg.10: 8 June 1812, deed from Samuel Dunkin and wife Ann to James Stewart; deed from same to Nancy Graves; deed from same to Thornton Walker; produced in court and ordered recorded.
Pg.124: 15 Aug. 1812, deed from John Duncan and Ruth his wife to Aaron Brown ack. firm relinquish (?) and ordered to be certified to the State of Ohio.
Pg.193: 14 Dec. 1812, deed from Saml. Dunkin and wife Anne to George Tavener Junr. proved by wit.
Book 1813-1815:
Pg.300: 9 Aug. 1814, attachment summons, Chs. Dunkin and George Dunkin and --- garnishees; they owe Thos. E. Egnew ... Charles owes $7, George owes 45 cents; they still owe $18; also a book owed Egnew.
Pg.500: 16 June 1815, John Dunkin vs. John L. Berkeley, Survey Obliga and ???
Book 1815-1817:
Pg.30: 11 Sept. 1815, deed from John Duncan and wife Ruth to Philip Fry ...
Pg.88: Deed from Samuel Duncan and wife Anna ...
Pg.90: Deed from Samuel Duncan and wife Anna to Elizabeth ...
Pg.146: Deed from John Duncan and wife Ruth who relinquishes her dower ...
Pg.300: Deed from Samuel Duncan and wife Ann ...
Pg.428: 5 Sept. 1817, James Duncan road overseer from Gores Mile Dam to Stump Tenn?.
Book 1817-22, Book 2, New Series, recopied 1839 (FHL film 32,359)
Pg.126: 12 May 1818, Dunken & Lloyd vs. Thomas Clagett, attachment.
Pg.184: 13 June 1818, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Philip Rozor, debt.
Pg.190: 13 July 1818, Dunkin vs. Colin Thatcher & Wm. Thatcher.
Pg.246: 14 Sept. 1818, Dunkin, Charles appointed constable.
Pg.277: 10 Nov. 1818, Dunkin, John, farmer, obstructed road from Abner Humphreys to Snicker Gap by placing fence within limits of road.
Pg.280: 11 Nov. 1818, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Fredd.
Pg.399&403: 12 March 1819, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Joseph Fredd & Wm. Windred.
Pg.419: 12 April 1819, Dunkin & Lloyd assignees vs. John Daniel, Jonas Potts.
Pg.476: 15 June 1819, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Js. (sic) Massie.
Pg.485: 16 June 1819, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. John Daniel.
Book 1819-20, Book #3 - no index (FHL film 32,359)
Book 1820-22, Book #4 - no index
Book 1822-23, Book #5 - no index (FHL film 32,360)
Book 1824-25, Book #6 - no index
Book 1825-26, Book #7 - no index
Book 1826-28 (FHL film 32,361)
Pg.6: 13 Nov. 1826, Charles Duncan, constable, posted bond of $2,000, security Benjamin Bridges and Lewellen Hutchison.
Pg.29: 15 Nov. 1826, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Whitacre; set aside
Pg.111: 13 March 1827; Harlner? vs. Dunkin; notice proved per affidavit. (two other items) Ordered that Charles Dunkin Constable be summoned to appear in court for assault charges against him.
Pg.125: 15 March 1827, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Hutchison, continued.
Pg.127: 15 March 1827, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Whitacre
Pg.170: 16 May 1827, Susana Dunkin's last will was presented to court by Matthew P. Lee and Joshua Lee.
Pg.204: Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Vickers &c.
Pg.210: 15 June 1827, Charles Dunkin constable of Shelburne Parish summoned here for indictment against him for assault and battery on Wm. Lyne.
Pg.213: Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Hutchison
Pg.261: 14 Aug. 1827, on motion of Susanna Dunkin, one of execs. in will of Susanna Dunkin decd, posted bond $3,000; securities Gustavus A. Moran and Chas. Lee and Catharine Duncan; probate granted; appraisers Nathaniel L. Oden, Joshua Lee, Jno. Bailey, Robert Bailey and Jas. Allen or any three.
Pg.269: Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Hutchison
Pg.342: Dunkin vs. Carter Levi.
Pg.373: Dunkin vs. McPherson
Pg.402: 14 Jan. 1828, Benjamin Duncan & Lucinda his wife late Lucinda Berkley, Henry Thacktell? and Elizabeth his wife late Elizh. Berkeley, and Susanna Berkeley widow of George Berkeley decd, vs. Susanna Berkeley and Geo. William Berkeley infant children of said decedent, in Chy (Chancery). On motion of Plaintiffs, ordered that Charles Lewis be appointed Guardian ad litum to the infant defendants, but he is not to be subject to cost on that account; and on the motion and it appearing to the Court that since the order heretofore made for the division of the slaves and other personal estate of said decedent, Fanny Berkley one of the legatees has departed this life, the said order is set aside, and the defendants appearing and consenting that an order be made on the premises such as the court may deem proper, it is ordered that the slaves and other personal property of George Berkley decd be divided into five equal parts, that one of those parts be allotted to each of the plaintiffs and one to each of the defendants, the plaintiff Susanna to have a life estate only in all that portion allotted to her except 1/5 of the sixth which belonged to her deceased daughter Fanny Berkley; it is further ordered that Johnston Clive and Thomas Dame? and Thos? J. Coleman or any two, do execute this order and report to the court the manner in which they shall have done it.
Book 1829-30 (FHL film 32,361)
Pg.36: 9 June 1829, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Hutchison, refered to umpire.
Pg.47: Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Hutchison, order set aside, judgement confirmed.
Pg.74: 10 Aug. 1829, Samuel Dunkin deed (bill of sale) to Torreyson for lot adj. town of Union recorded 7/29/1829.
Pg.288: 11 March 1830, Dunkin vs. Torrison, judgment for costs.
Book 1830-1832 (FHL film 32,362)
Pg.284: 18 Oct. 1831, trust deed from Abner Carter & wife to H.Y. Plaister for Samuel Duncan recorded.
Pg.284: 18 Oct. 1831, trust deed from R.H. Henderson to Saml. Dunkin recorded.
Pg.284: 18 Oct. 1831, trust deed from Moses Brown & wife to George Keene for S. Duncan recorded.
Pg.284: 18 Oct. 1831, deed of sale from Samuel Duncan and wife to Moses Brown rec. 10/5/1831.
Pg.339: 10 Nov. 1831, Deed from Sam Dunkin to Charles A. Clove? recorded on oath of Joseph A. Lloyd as to James B. Dunkin, in presence of Sam Dunkin, and other subscribing witnesses.
Pg.373: 10 Jan. 1832, on motion of Henry Shocktill? (Shacklett?), ordered Frances W. Tuckell? subst. in lieu of late Rowell to execute decree of court 9 June 1828, suit of Benjamin Dunkin & wife and others against Susannah Berkley and others except in relation of division of property.
Pg.373: 10 Jan. 1832, Samuel Dunkin vs. William Russell & others, com. appt. by court; returned report; final decree tomorrow. (MAD: nothing in minutes Jan. 11)
Pg.408: 15 Feb. 1832, motion of Henry Shacklett, order made Jan. last appt. Frances W. Tuckett coms. in lieu of Wm. A. Powell be set aside. (in margin: Dunkin vs. Berkeley)
Book 1832-1833 (FHL film 32,362)
Pg.58, 9 April 1832, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Brown &c; notice proven per afft. & judgt.
Pg.68: 14 May 1832, deed, Samuel Dunkin & Anna and Joshua B. Dunkin and Mary to Abner Carter rec. 13 April 1832, with cert. of acknowl. & relinq.
Pg.150: 9 July 1832, on motion of Susannah Duncan admx. of Susannah Duncan decd, ordered that Charles Lewis, Robert Bailey and Lewis Grigsby, or any two, settle admr. acct.
Pg.186: 17 Aug. 1832, Bennett for T.E. Thompson vs. Duncan; jury sworn to inquire of damages; verdict for pltf.
Pg.326: 15 Jan. 1833, Dunkin & Lloyd vs. Kele?. James B. Dunkin ...
Pg.327: 15 Jan. 1833, Shank vs. Dunkin & Marks & Low (Lor?) vs. same, upon attachment; on hearing, attachment discharged and judgement for costs.
Book 1834-1836 (FHL film 32,363)
Pg.58: 13 Oct. 1834, Palmer vs. Dunkin, upon attachment; on hearing, attachment granted with costs.
Pg.76: 11 Nov. 1834, similar to pg.58
Pg.100: 12 Jan. 1835, Geo. Keene trustee for Saml. Dunkin to Moses Brown, 2 deeds of release.
Book 1836-1837 (FHL film 32,363)
Pg.90: 14 June 1836, court case
Book 1837-1839 (FHL film 32,363)
Pg.3: 13 Nov. 1837, Benjamin Duncan and wife to Henry Shacklett, power of attorney recorded.
Pg.173: 12 Nov. 1838, Richard H. Henderson, trustee for Saml. Dunkin, to Moses Brown, deed ack. in court 12 Oct. 1838.
Book 1840-1842 (FHL film 32,363)
No Duncan
Book 1842-1843: no important Duncan ref. (FHL film 32,364)
Book 1843-1845: no Duncan (FHL film 32,364)
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