Duncan research files of |
Loudoun Co. VA Deeds
A-252/3: 13 Feb. 1759, Jacob Lasswell and wife Elizabeth to Joshua Duncan Junr., yeoman, for £42, 296 acres, grant to Lasswell 8 March 1742 in a great branch of Goose Creek called Beaver Dam opposite land called Godfrey's, corner survey made for Lovit Jackson. Wit. J.L. Boggess, Andrew Adam. (FHL film 32,297) (LB: This Joshua Duncan appears to have bought land in the area that Richard and Samuel Dunkin did earlier in Fairfax Co. VA; MAD: Joshua & Elizabeth sold 1767, Deed F-30, and 1795, Deed W-86)
E-223/9: 11 Oct. 1766, Samuel (S on side) Duncan and wife Sarah (S on side) to Stephen Russell, lease for 5 shilling, 100 acres which said Samuel Duncan bought of Samuel Harris Junr. as appears among the records of Fairfax Co., beg. corner 2 small white oaks corner to said Samuel Harris Junr, thence N85E 100 poles to small white oak, thence S18E 160 poles to small black oak and white oak, thence S85W 100 poles to black and white oak, thence N18W 160 poles to beginning, part of 304 acre tract. Wit. Ens. Campbell, Jas. Hatcher, Nehemiah (V on side) Rossell. Release 12 Oct. 1766 for £65. Court 13 Oct. 1766, acknowledged by Samuel; separate examination of Sarah. (FHL film 32,299) (MAD: apparently the Samuel & wife Sarah in Berkley/Craven Co. SC a few months later; note that Joshua Jr. also sold part of his land to Stephen Rossel in 1767, in Deed F-30)
F-30: 7 Aug. 1767, Joshua (I with line in middle) Duncan Jr. and wife Elizabeth (upside down V) to Stephen Rossel, for £100, 202 acres which Joshua bought of Jacob Lasswell (deed A-252), and 2 acres condemned by county court for use as a grist mill adjacent to said tract. Wit. Ens. Campbell, John Vanbushark, John Lewis. (FHL film 32,300)
L-217: 10 March 1777, Amos Donham and Samuel Cox, both Loudoun Co. VA; Amos Donham give and grant to Samuel Cox land adj. Mill Dam of same Samuel Cox which was conveyed to said Amos Dunham by the reverand Amos Thompson, 1 acre; in exchange for 3 acres of land adj. line of Carter, said Cox, Charles corner, the new road, part of larger tract which Samuel Cox purchased from James Caruthers. Both signed. No wit. (FHL film 32,302)
L-341/3: 27 May 1777, George Mason (no wife named or county or dist. given) of SC to Charles Dunkin of Loudoun Co. VA, for £100, 226 acres on Broad Run of Potowmack, grant to Robert Foster, corner for Nelson & Waters, corner to Sampson Turley, corner James Murry, corner Abram Harford. Wit. Benjamin Mason, William Bealy, William Whaley, Margarett Mason, John Benham, Burgess Mason, Margaret (+) Huge. (FHL film 32,302)
M-341: 9 July 1779, Peter Overfield and wife Susannah, to Henry Dunkin, for £1000, 550 acres land on Colo. Blackburn's line, SW corner of tract surveyed for Thomas Johnson, George Burson, Burson's line, Colo. Blackburns line; grant to John Hough 10 March 1763, and sold by John Hough and wife Sarah to Peter Overfield. Wit. Chas. Dunkin, William (+) Boyles, Daniel Turner. (FHL film 32,302; extract also from Louis Boone 1982 with permission to share with others) (MAD: see Deeds R-155 and R-335 and 2Q-417 for Samuel Duncan)
N-67: 21 July 1779, Amos Dunham (sic) and wife Mary (*) to Samuel Cox, Gent., for £20, 3 acres which the said Amos Dunham recd in exchange from the said Samuel Cox by deed 10 March 1777 rec. in Loudoun Co., beginning Carter's line, corner said Cox and Charles Conner's estate, to new road. Wit. Daniel Black, George Squires, Michel Schryock. (FHL film 32,303)
R-155/9: 5 Sept. 1788, Henry Duncan and wife Mille (+) to Jonathan Burson, for £15, 40 acres corner George Burson, Blackburns line, part of a grant to John Hough 10 March 1761 recorded Deed Book I, folio 62. Wit. John Sybold, Jenkin Philips, John Plaster. Produced in Court 14 April 1789. (FHL film 32,305) (MAD: see Deed M-341; note Samuel mar. Anne Burson, dau. of James)
R-160/2: 24 April 1787, Agreement; whereas a certain Edmond Sands of Loudoun Co. obtained a patent from proprietors office for land on branches of Goose Creek, which said land Sands conveyed to different purchasers, among them he sold 405 acres to a certain Samuel Piggot of Province of PA whose son John Piggot of Loudoun Co. is now in possession of parcel of said 405 acres; it appearing by a resurvey of said land that a mistake was committed (boundary in error between John Piggott and Samuel Iden; and between John Piggott and William Jansey; deed is to correct the boundary and post bond). /s/ John Piggott, Samuel Iden, William Jansey. Wit. J. Daniel. (FHL film 32,305) (MAD: one John W. Duncan mar. Phoebe Piggott, lived Harrison Co. WV, d. 1830's)
R-335: 14 Nov. 1789, Henry Duncan and wife Amelia to Levin Powell, for £200, 210 acres, corner made for Jonathan Burson for 40 acres sold him in the original line which is also the line of George Burson, corner Colo. Blackburn, etc. Both signed. Wit. John McFarland, Robert Smarr, Samuel Evans, John W. Bronaugh. Deed from Henry Duncan and Milley his wife to Levin Powell produced 14 Nov. 1789; in court 14 Dec. 1789 proved on oaths of wit. Robert Smarr, John McFarland and Samuel Evans. No release of dower by Amelia or Milly Duncan. (FHL film 32,305) (MAD: Henry and Amelia Boyles, to Nelson Co. KY, son of Henry; extract also from Louis Boone 1982 with permission to share with others)
T-1: 4 March 1791, Joshua (+) Duncan Jr. and wife Ruth (examined at home) of Loudoun Co. VA to Edward Lloyd late of State of Maryland, for £75, 62 acres on south side of Beaver Dam run, part of a larger tract granted to James Young by his grandfather James Philips Senr, late of Newcastle in Delaware, and conveyed to said Joshua Duncan Junior by said James Young and John Duncan and Joshua Duncan Sr. by their deed 8 Feb. 1787 and recorded in Loudoun Co. (MAD: no deed found), beg. original line of the whole tract, corner lately made for John Oneale, thence with original line now Frewlon? Tripletts, ... SS of Beaver Dam Run, corner to Lovell Jackson and lately made a corner to the lott which John ONeale purchased of said Joshua Duncan, thence with said ONeales line ... Wit. Jos. Lane, Simon Triplett, Joseph Garrett. Produced in Court 9 May 1791. (FHL film 32,306) (MAD: see New Castle Co. DE Will K-21)
W-86: 16 June 1795, Joshua (I with a line through) Duncan and wife Elizabeth (J) of Loudoun Co. VA to Stephen George Rossell ("Roszell") of Montgomery Co. Maryland, for £150, the residue of 296 acres conveyed by William West to Jacob Laswell 3 March 1742, and by Laswell to said Joshua Duncan, out of which said Joshua Duncan sold to Stephen Rossell, father to the said Stephen George Rossell, 202 acres on 7 Aug. 1767 recorded in Book F, pg.50, and all that tract of land granted to said Joshua Duncan by the proprietor of patents 10 Sept. 1757, reg. in proprietors office in Book I, pg.18, for 72 acres, which residue added to the last recited patent totals 135 acres, beg. wagon road to Williams Gap, corner Michael Grey, now Isaac Nichols, corner Jno. Garrett, Jackson's line, corner Lovell Jackson. Wit. Wm. Bronough, Jos. Lane, Samuel Duncan, Stephin C. Rozell, Sidney (x) McKee. Wife Elizabeth examined at home. (FHL film 32,308)
(not recorded) 5/15/1804, deed from Charles Dunkin to John Johnson proved on oath of Nathaniel Skinner (from County Court Order Book; no deed indexed to John Johnson)
2E-263: 11 June 1804, Robert McCormick to Samuel Dunkin, for £5, 26 acres, part of that tract where McCormick now lives, being that tract leased by Thos. Blackburn to Joseph Hogue 2 Nov. 1771, bounded ... corner to Samuel Dunkin and supposed to be on line of Lovett, part of patent to Richard Blackburn 23 Oct. 1741 and conveyed by him to ... No wit. (FHL film 32,311) (MAD: Samuel son of Joshua Sr.?)
2E-267: 10 Feb. 1804, Nathaniel Cawford and wife Sarah of Prince Georges Co. Maryland, to Samuel Dunkin, for £5, land leased by Thos. Blackburn to Robert Smith on 2 Nov. 1771, corner Thos. Gregg, Isaac Cogill, Isaac Brown, Saml. Smith Junr., supposed to be 86a but subsequently found to be 88-1/2 acres, part of larger tract. Wit. Wm. Elzey, Thos. Swann, Joseph Lewis Jr. (FHL film 32,311)
2G-425: 8 Sept. 1806, John Burson and wife Catherine to Samuel Dunkin, 50 acres on north branch of Beaver Dam, line between Benjamin and Jonathan Burson, near Stone Quarry and corner to James and Jonathan Burson, corner to Blackburn. No wit. (FHL film 32,312)
2N-474: 15 March 1811, Henry Duncan to Charles Bennet, sheriff of Loudoun Co., all my interest which I have or may have under the will of my father Charles Duncan decd, which interest has this day been delivered in my schedule at the suit of the overseers of the Poor. Wit. Saml. M. Edwards D.C. (FHL film 32,315)
2O-286: Denham, Amos from Carter, John (FHL film 32,315)
??: 28 Aug. 1811, John Duncan from James Graham, 111 acres; wit. Anna Duncan. (from Louis Boone 1984 from FHL film; book and page unknown)
(not found) 8/28/1811, deed to John Duncan from James Graham, 111a; wit. Anna Duncan. (MAD: no James Graham indexed)
??: 28 Aug. 1811, John Duncan and wife Ruth to Aaron Arden, 14 acres of land bought from James Graham. (from Louis Boone 1984 from FHL film; book and page unknown; see 2Q-454)
2P-9: (pages 8 and 9 missed in filming) Pg.10: Samuel Duncan and Anna to James Stewart, wit. Wm. Bronaugh, Saml. Biggs, Stacy Taylor, Nicholas Osburn; commissioners to go to Anna 28 Oct. 1811; she examined 28 Oct. 1811. (FHL film 32,316)
2P-20: 16 April 1812, Samuel Dunkin and Ann his wife to Nancy Graves, for $1, 1/2 acre Stewart's corner, Walker's back line. No wit. Anna examined at home. (FHL film 32,316)
2P-30: 8 Nov. 1811, Samuel Duncan and wife Ann to Thornton Walker, for $5, one acre in a place called Greenville in Loudoun Co., beg. corner Isaac Brown and said Dunkin, line of William Gallehors. No wit. (FHL film 32,316)
2P-328: 16 April 1812, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna to George Tavener Jr., for $2340, 48 acres, land conveyed to Samuel Dunkin by John Burson and wife Eathasine? by deed 8 Sept. 1806, corners of Burson property. Wit. Wm. Bronaugh, William Galleher, Saml. Beavers. Anna examined at home. (FHL film 32,316)
2Q-417: 26 March 1813, John Divers and wife Catherine, Peter Divers, Eli Divers, and Mary Divers to Samuel Dunken, for $4266, 158 acres where John Divers at present resides, land which Peter Overfield decd. purchased of Francis Davis. Wit. Wm. Bronaugh, John Dunkin, John Lovett, James Dunken, William Dunken. (FHL film 32,316) (MAD: see also deed M-341 to Henry Duncan)
2Q-454: 4 Nov. 1813, Aaron Arden and wife Elizabeth (X) to James Trahern, both Loudoun Co. VA, for $1200, 13 acres 3 rods 21 perches on SS Beaver Dam Creek on Sarah Trahern's line, Jonah Farenders line. Wit. William Elliott, Joseph Beard, Anthony Swick?. (FHL film 32,316) (MAD: no other Aaron Arden deed indexed; see Aaron Arden in 1821 Culpeper Co. VA deed) (LB: 8/28/1811, deed produced from John Duncan and wife Ruth to Aaron Arden, 14 acres of land bought from James Graham.)
2S-43: 14 Feb. 1814, Mary (X) Davis to Samuel Dunkin, for $1000, 158 acres, her right under will of her grandfather Peter Overfield. Wit. Moses Brown, Samuel Pen, Samuel (X) Beavers. (FHL film 32,317)
2T-26: 6 May 1815, John Dunkin and wife Ruth to Aaron Burson, mortgage, Dunkin owes Philip Fry $1742.25, mortgage of 90-1/4 acres corner George Marks, Benjamin Jenkins line, corner Thomas Trahern, Hanns line, Marks line. Ruth examined at home; no wit. (FHL film 32,318)
2T-38: 2 May 1815, Philip Fry and wife Dolly to John Dunken, for $1986.50, 90-1/2 acres, part of land Fry purchased of James Love; no wit.; Dolly examined at home. (same land as in 2T-26) (FHL film 32,318)
2T-186: 17 Sept. 1815, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna to John McPherson and James McPherson, for $72.69, 1 rod 23 perches land in town of Union, corner Henry Evans, corner Evans and Walker, Graves line, line of Elizabeth Bolin. No wit. (FHL film 32,318)
2T-187: 15 Sept. 1815, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna to Henry Evans, for $70.80, one rod 19 perches in town of Union, corner Samuel Dunkin, Thornton Walker. No wit. (FHL film 32,318)
2T-188: 18 Sept. 1815, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna to Elizabeth Bollin, for $75, 1/2 acre, McPerson's lot, corner Graves, Kent. No wit. (FHL film 32,318)
2T-318: 23 March 1816, John Dunken, yeoman, and wife Ruth to Thomas Trahern, yeoman, in consideration of conveyance of land from Thomas Trahern and wife Ruth this date to said John Dunkin, now Dunken deeds to Trahern 2 acres, 2 rods, 24 poles, part of land from Philip Fry to said Dunkin, corner Grayson's plot of said John Dunkin's land. Wife Ruth examined at home. (FHL film 32,318)
2U-61: 23 March 1816, Thomas Trahern and wife Ruth to John Dunkin, in consideration of lot of land conveyed same date to Trahern from John and Ruth Dunkin, 2 acres 2 rods 24 poles, part of land from Philip Fry to Trahern, corner Grayson's plot of Jno. Dunkins land. (FHL film 32,318)
2U-307: 30 Aug. 1816, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna to Caleb N. Gallaher, for $1, one rod of land in town of Union now occupied by Benjamin Kent, part of land to Samuel Dunkin from Nathaniel Crawford and others, part of a larger tract known as Butterlands, corner Elizabeth Bolon. No wit. (FHL film 32,318)
2V-309: 10 April 1817, Thomas Reid and wife Catherine (X) to Samuel Duncan, for $62.50, land in Union town, part of premises late the property of James Reid deceased, divided among his heirs, this being Lot #3, 1/4 acre. /s/ James Reid, Catherine (X) Reid; receipt for payment signed by Thomas Reid; Thomas and Catherine Reid acknowledged in court. (FHL film 32,319)
2Z-230: 3 April 1817, Samuel and Anna Dunkin to George Marks, "for value received," Lot #3 of James Reed decd, 1/4 acre. (FHL film 32,320)
2Z-234: 1 April 1819, John Marks and wife Lydia to Samuel Dunkin, for $3871.56-1/4, partly paid and balance satisfactorily secured to John Marks and wife Lydia, 59 acres 2 rods and 10 poles deeded to said John Marks by Stephen McPherson and wife Celia; to McPherson by Isaiah Marks and wife; land inherited by Isaiah Marks from his father Elisha Marks and his brother Thomas Marks; (neighbors not copied). No wit. (FHL film 32,320)
3A-119: 10 Nov. 1819, John Dunkin and wife Ruth to John Clark, for $3444, 89 acres 2 rods 24 poles, land sold to John Dunkin by Philip Fry, corner George Marks, Benjamin Jenkins line, corner Thomas Trehorn, Hanns now George Marks line. No wit. (FHL film 32,321)
3A-183: 11 Nov. 1819, John Clarke, yeoman, and wife Emily to Thornton Walker; mortgage of land in 3A-119; Clark owes Duncan. /s/ John Clark, Emily Clark, John Dunkin, Thornton Walker. (FHL film 32,321)
3B-382: 21 Dec. 1820, Samuel Dunkin of Loudoun Co. VA (no wife) to Joseph Janney of town of Alexandria, Dist. of Columbia, mortgage of land sold Dunkin by Nathaniel Crawford and wife Sarah on 18 Feb. 1804; Samuel Dunkin owes Richard H. Henderson of Loudoun Co. VA. (FHL film 32,321)
3B-404: 6 May 1815, Aaron Burson releases John Dunkin and wife Ruth from trust deed (2T-26) now paid in full. (FHL film 32,321)
3D-24: 6 Feb. 1821, Andrew Divon to Samuel Duncan, for $400, 158 acres inherited from the will of his grandfather Peter Overfield. (FHL film 32,322)
3D-27: 2 Feb. 1821, John Johnson and wife Sarah (X) to Thos. H. Wey, both Loudoun Co., for $1 paid and $400 due to Samuel Dunkin, mortgage of land in town of Union, commonwealth aforesaid (VA); a small part was of a lot conveyed by Annah Galleher to said Johnston and a part of which was conveyed by Lewis Hunt and wife Mary on 3 Feb. 1821. No wit. (FHL film 32,322)
3D-29: 14 April 1821, John W. Clark and wife Emily (X) to John Dunkin, all Loudoun Co., for $861, 90-1/4 acres adj. Benjamin Jinkins line, Thomas Trayhorn, Hasin's (Haun's?) line, being the same land purchased by John W. Clark of the said John Dunkin & Ruth his wife by ref. to deed in Clerk's Office. No wit. (FHL film 32,322)
3E-178: 9 March 1822, John Dunkin of Loudoun Co. VA for $1 paid by William Dunkin and in order to secure $100 due to Samuel and Isaac Nichols by note 1 Dec. 1820 with Samuel Dunkin and Aaron Burson securities, and $200 due by note to John B. Dunkin dated 6 Oct. 1820, mortgage to William Dunkin, wagon, harness, 4 horses, 3 beds, large family Bible, books, etc. Wit. Thomas N. Jones. (FHL film 32,322)
3E-351: 19 June 1822, John Johnson, carpenter, of town of Union, Loudoun Co. VA, and wife Sarah, to Lelto? Penitto? of 2nd part and John NTGE Keese of third part; Johnson owes several notes dated 2 Feb. 1821 to 20 Oct. 1824 to Samuel Dunkin for the purchase of a lot in Union now being sold to Keese, ... trust deed (FHL film 32,322; not copied further)
3G-318: 7 Jan. 1824, Samuel Dunkin and wife Ann to Stephen McPherson, for $1786.88, land to Dunkin from John Mack and wife Lydia. (FHL film 32,323)
3G-347: 24 Jan. 1824, George E. Lloyd and wife Ruth of Loudoun Co. VA to Samuel Dunkin, for $1000, lot in town of Union having a brick house in which Samuel Miller keeps store, and also 22 acres in the county adjoining the poor house, which Lloyd purchased from Thomas Kent. Not wit. (FHL film 32,323)
3G-357: 3 Feb. 1827, George Lloyd of Loudoun Co. to William Dunkin of same; for $1 paid by William Dunkin; to indemnify William Dunkin from his securityship for said George Lloyd who owes John Roberts $828.16 ... the firm of Dunkin and Lloyd; trust deed of property. No wit. (FHL film 32,323)
3G-499: 5 May 1824, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna of Loudoun Co. VA to Price Jacobs, for $2048, 89 acres 2 rods 13 poles adj. Henry? Plaster, Cap Mitchel & others, beg. at original line of Elizabeth Hawley?, crossing Benjamin Mitchel's line and corner. No wit. (FHL film 32,323)
3H-224: 5 May 1824, Samuel Duncan and wife Anna to Henry Hutchison, both Loudoun Co., for $2309.15, 100 acres near the town of Union adj. lands of Wm. Bronaugh, Benjamin Mitchell and others, corner to land sold by Dunkin to Jacobs. No wit. (FHL film 32,324)
3I-260: 16 Aug. 1824, John Iden and wife Hannah (x), James Iden and wife Margaret (x), David Daniel and wife Elizabeth, and Samuel Russell, all of Louden Co., to Samuel Dunkin of same, for $1500, lands ... John Iden and wife Hannah their portion of the said Hannah Iden's interest to tract of land of which her father Thomas Russell died owning; James Iden and wife Margaret their portion of Margaret's interest to before-mentioned land; David Daniel and Elizabeth all that land conveyed to David Daniel by his father John Daniel and his wife, and Samuel Russell the shares which was conveyed to him by his brothers Benjamin Russell and Neil Russell by deeds duly recorded. Dowers relinquished. (FHL film 32,324)
3K-111: 4 March 1825, John Dunkin and wife Ruth to David E. Brown, mortgage; Dunkin owes $237.30 from 1 Oct. 1822 to Isaac Brown and Samuel Dunkin due 6 Sept. 1825, and $200 to Samuel Dunkin due in 6 months from 1st day of present month; mortgage of land, part of Philip Fry's tract, corner George Marks, Jackson's line, corner Thos. T/Frayhern, 90-1/4 acres. No wit. (FHL film 32,324)
3L-6: 25 Sept. 1825, John Dunkin and wife Ruth of Loudoun Co. VA to Samuel Beck of Frederick Co. VA, for $900, 90 acres where said Dunkin now resides, corner George Marks, Jenkins line, corner Graham. No wit. (FHL film 32,325)
3N-35: 3 (5?) April 1826, Joseph Torreyson, blacksmith, of Union, Loudoun Co. VA, to Samuel Dunkin of same, for $100, lot in town of Union in the division of lands of James Reed decd. allotted to his dau. Mary Brown, being lot #1 in the division, since conveyed to Dunkin and Lloyd and by them to said Terryson, beg. the original corner to William Gallaher dec'd and said James Reed, in Isaac Brown's line, 90-1/4? acres. Wit. (too faint to read). (FHL film 32,325)
3Q-138: 17 March 1828, Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna of Loudoun Co. to Craven Selcott of same, for $150, lot in town of Union which in the division of lands of the late James Reed was allotted to his daughter Mary then wife of Moses Brown, town lot #1, adj. Isaac Brown, William Gallaher and said Reed, the lot assigned to Elizabeth Wilkinson, 1/4 acre. No wit. (FHL film 32,326)
3R-198: 23 Aug. 1828, Charles Duncan and wife Abigal of Wood Co. VA, to Benjamin Bridges and Lewellen Hutchison of Loudoun Co. VA; that Benjamin Bridges and Lewellen Hutchison were bound as securities for him, the said Charles Duncan, as one of the constables of the aforesaid Co. of Loudoun (date of bond blank); that Bridges and Hutchison have sustained losses and are about to sustain losses as securities; that Charles Duncan and wife Abigal for $1 deed to Bridges and Hutchison all their right etc. to land in Loudoun Co. VA, being the same held by Charles Duncan deceased and willed to him the said Charles Duncan and Abigal his wife and others (legatees). (NOT a mortgage) Charles Duncan and Abigal appeared in Wood Co. VA. (FHL film 32,327)
3S-225: 22 June 1829, Samuel Dunkin of Loudoun Co. VA to Samuel Torreyson of same, for $30, land adj. town of Union beg. at corner of lot of Lydia Hutchison, now wife of said Samuel Torreyson, being 7-1/3 poles by 5-1/3 poles, a fraction upwards of 1/4 acre. No wit., no wife. (FHL film 32,327)
3V-127/9: 23 Sept. 1829, Robert Wickleff and wife Agness late Agness Young, Moses Wickleff and wife Nancy late Nancy Young, Benjamin S?. Young and wife Nancy late Nancy Singleton, of Muhlenburg Co. KY, the said Agness, Nancy and Benj. S?. being heirs of Sarah Young decd who was formerly Sarah Singleton, and Nancy Young dau. and heir of John Singleton decd; the said Sarah Young was a sister and heir; also John Singleton was a brother and one of the heirs of Samuel Singleton decd. late of Loudoun Co. VA; we appoint our friend James S.B. Allensworth our attorney regarding the estate of said Samuel Singleton decd. (FHL film 32,328)
3V-129/31: 31 May 1830, Robert Wickleff and wife Agness late Agness Young and Moses Wickleff and wife Nancy late Nancy Young, of Muhlenburg Co. KY, Agness and Nancy being daughters and heirs of Sarah Young late wife of William Young, said Sarah Young decd formerly Sarah Singleton and sister of and one of heirs of Samuel Singleton decd, late of Loudoun Co. VA, appoint friend and brother Benjn. S. Young attorney re estate of Samuel Singleton decd. (FHL film 32,328)
3V-131/3: 4 April 1830, Coleman Duncan and wife Elizabeth late Elizabeth Young, of Logan Co. KY, and James S.B. Allensworth and wife Catharine late Catharine Young of Todd Co. KY, appoint friend Benjamin S. Young of Muhlenburg Co. KY attorney re estate of Samuel Singleton of Loudoun Co. VA who died intestate, leaving an estate in land and negroes, and the wives of said Duncan and Allensworth being the children and heirs of Sarah Young late Sarah Singleton said Sarah being sister and one of legal heirs and reps. of said Samuel Singleton decd. ... Recorded Todd Co. KY 12 April 1830. (FHL film 32,328)
3V-133/7: (no date) Whereas deeds have been executed by John Young and other heirs and distributees of the estate of Samuel Singleton decd. for 4-3/4 shares or portions of landed estate of said Samuel, estimated at 339 acres, and distributable among 7 claimants; whereas Enoch Glasscock claims 2-1/4 shares or portions conveyed to him by Presley Gray & others, as to all but the 6th of a portion or the 6th of 1/7 part claimed by Vincent Singleton which is not yet conveyed by him to said Enoch ... said Enoch has obtained from Mary Ann the widow of said Saml. Singleton a deed for her dower interest, by which conveyance a fee simple estate clear of dower interest is vested in the said William Fletcher and Enoch Glasscock but in unequal portions, except the share of Vincent Sigleton which said Glasscock agrees to take into his part as if it was conveyed and in case it never is he is to have no recourse to said Fletcher for any portion of the consideration money on that account; agreement to divide lands ... on Goose Creek ... /s/ William Fletcher, Harriet Fletcher; Enoch Glasscock, Mary Glasscock. Rec. 11 Jan. 1831. (FHL film 32,328)
3V-137/40: 26 June 1830, Robert Wickleff and wife Agnes late Agnes Young, Moses Wickleff and wife Nancy late Nancy Young, by their attorney Benjamin S. Young, and Coleman Duncan and wife Elizabeth late Elizabeth Young, and James S.B. Allensworth and wife Catharine late Catharine Young, by said Benjamin S. Young their attorney, and the said Benjamin S. Young and wife Nancy late Nancy Singleton by her attorney Robert Singleton of Fauquier Co. VA, all others being residents of State of KY, and distributees of estate of late Samuel Singleton; to William Fletcher and Enoch Glasscock of Loudoun Co. VA, for $729.77, all their interest to land on the Ashleys Gap turnpike road a short distance below the Goose Creek Ridge, on which tract the said Samuel Singleton resided at his death, the mansion house being in the County of Fauquier but the quarter part of the tract of land lying in the Co. of Loudoun, which said tract is said to contain about 339 acres, .... Certification in Loudoun Co. VA re power of attorney to Benjamin S. Young; certification in Fauquier Co. re Nancy Young. (FHL film 32,328) (MAD: Coleman & Eliz. Young mar. 1801 Nelson Co. KY)
3W-337: 26 Sept. 1831, Samuel Duncan and wife Ann to Moses Brown, for $3118.75, land on south fork of Beaverdam adj. town of Union on SW side thereof, beg. near the house wherein said Dunkin now lives on W side of main road through Union, corner Gurley? Reader, Cowgill's line, 124 acres and 7 perches exclusive of 2 rods and 32 perches of land which was included in said Dunkins sale to said Brown and at his request conveyed in the other lands to Abner Carter. Anna examined at home. (FHL film 32,328)
3W-384/5: 4 Oct. 1831, Abner Carter and wife Martha E., saddler, of town of Union in Loudoun Co. VA, mortgage to Henry Plaster Jr.; Carter owes Samuel Dunkin several notes payable 1832, 1833 and 1834; mortgage of several lots of land in Loudoun Co. conveyed to Carter by deed of Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna and Joshua B. Dunkin and wife Mary this date; 18+ acres on E side of tract of land on which William Tolliken? died, 12 acres on W side of said tract, 2+ acres conveyed by Crawford & wife to said Dunkin upon which the brick house now occupied by said Carter stands. (FHL film 32,328)
3W-389/90: 27 Sept. 1831, Moses Brown and wife Ann, to George Kean, mortgage; Brown owes Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna for land conveyed to Brown, 124 acres ... (FHL film 32,328)
3W-390/1: 5 Oct. 1831, Richard H. Henderson to Samuel Dunkin; Dunkin gave to Henderson a deed of trust to cover a debt due Joseph Janney for 80 to 90 acres in Loudoun Co., (apparently the mortgage was satisfied) (FHL film 32,328)
3W-432: 16 April 1830, Samuel Dunkin Senr. to Charles L. Clowes, for $1000, two brick houses in town of Union, one the large brick house erected and conveyed by George E. Lloyed to Samuel Dunkin situated near the center of town and adj. lands and lots of Joseph A. Lloyd on W side, and Seth Smith and Joseph A. Lloyd on the S and on E by lot now owned by John Anderson of Winchester, & fronting street on N, and now in the occupancy of Thornton Walker and Ann Torreyson; the other erected and formerly owned by Lewis Hunt situated on the same side of the street E of the former, bounded by lots of Samuel Hammontree and Maleton? Baldwin on W, Seth Smith on S, & on E by lot now owned by Joseph A. Lloyd & formerly owned by William Galleher & also fronting the street and now occupied by William C. Fulkerson; the 1st lot containing 1/2 acre; the second 1/4 acre. Added note at side of deed, signed by Chas. L. Clowes, that the sale is contingent on the patent being repealed by Saml. Duncan. Wit. Joseph A. Lloyd, Reuben Triplett, James B. Dunkin. Rec. on oath of Reuben Triplett and J.A. Lloyd 14 Dec. 1830. (FHL film 32,328)
3X-449: 3 Oct. 1831, Samuel Dunkin and wife Ann and Joshua B. Dunkin and wife Mary of Loudoun Co. VA, to Abner Carter, sadler, of town of Union in said Co., for $1523.75, several lots; lot designated in report of Commissioners who divided the lands of William Gallaher decd as cleared land Lots 3, 4, 5, bounded by line of land conveyed by heirs of James Reed to Henry Plaster a corner of Lot #2 now owned by Henry Plaster, corner lot 7 and 8 and 9, corner lot 6 now owned by Seth Smith and William Galleher in separate parcels, corner lot 6, line of land formerly James Reed, 18 acres 3 rods 12 poles; also wood lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, said lot #5 being lot conveyed by Thornton Walker and wife to said Samuel Dunkin by deed 13 April 1830, all included in one survey, corner to a lot conveyed by Eli C. Galleher to Henry Plaster as wood lot #1 in or near Dunkin & Gallehers original line, thence with line of lot 1 to wood lot 6, thence ... in original line of Griggs patent (now Gornley? Reeders line), thence ... to a stone planted by mutual consent of these parties near the house of Samuel Dunkin as in or about the spot where the corner of Greggs? patent stood, thence with original line of Dunkin and Galleher, containing 12 acres and 20 square poles; also another lot on N side of main road leading thru Union including as well 1/2a sold by Samuel Dunkin to said Carter as one rod and 33 poles sold by Moses Brown to said Carter off of the tract purchased from said Dunkin, corner to lot sold by Dunkin & wife to Joseph Gardner, on original line of Dunkin & Galleher, line of land sold by Moses Brown to Dr. John C. Green to line of lot sold by Samuel Dunkin & wife to John and James McPherson, line of lot sold by said Dunkin & wife to Joseph Gardner. All signed. No wit; Anna Dunkin wife of Samuel, and Mary Dunkin wife of Joshua B., relinquished dower rights 4 Oct. 1831. (FHL film 32,329)
4B-106: 14 July 1832, Alexander Anderson of Culpeper Co. VA mortgage to John H. Wood of Culpeper Co. VA; Anderson owes William Dunkin of Franklin Co. VA and Addison Turner of Culpeper Co. VA; release to Robert Anderson 23 Sept. 1833 by James B. Dunkin, agent for William Dunkin. (FHL film 32,330)
4C-293: 1 Dec. 1834, George Keene to Moses Brown; Brown sold Keene land which was conveyed to Brown by deed of Samuel Dunkin and wife Anna, to secure a part of purchase money of said land; money now paid. (FHL film 32,330)
4I-259: 14 July 1836, Benjamin Duncan and Lucinda T. his wife of Marion Co. MO, appoint Henry Shacklett and Susan Berkley of Loudoun Co. VA attorneys to sell land called Jones tract, 219-1/3 acres which was left to Lucinda T. Duncan by George Berkley of Loudoun Co., VA, and also receive Lucinda's share of estate. Reg. Marion Co. MO. (FHL film 32,332)
4L-106: (blank) Oct. 1838, Richard H. Henderson Esq. to Moses Brown and wife Nancy Brown, land Browns had conveyed in 1831 to Henderson to secure a debt from Brown to Samuel Dunkin, it being balance of purchase price of land which was conveyed to Brown by deed of Dunkin and wife about the same time (now paid off). (FHL film 32,333)
5M-398: 6 Oct. 1855, William W. Painter and wife Ann Eliza to Joseph Dunkins, all Loudoun Co. VA, for $140, 10 acres 1 rod 24 perches on E. side Blue Ridge adj. land of Wm. Clendening's heirs, David Shriver and others. No wit. (FHL film 32,342)
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