Duncan research files of |
VA State Land Office Surveys
Book 50, 1808-1809 (FHL film 29,592)
50-335: Surveyed for William Duncan, 50 acres by virtue of entry 22 Feb. 1804 and Land Office Treasury Warrant #1237 issued in exchange on 27 Jan. 1802 in Montgomery Co. on some drains of Sinking Creek, a branch of New River, adj. Obediah Roses land. Feb. 23, 1805. Margin: Now Giles Co., rec. 10 Dec. 1807, Grant issd. Aug. 1, 1809.
Book G, 1817-1819 (FHL film 29,598)
G-383: Surveyed for James Duncan, 37 acres by virtue of two entrys, one for 25 acres 10 Aug. 1815 on part of a Land Office Treasury Warrant for 500 acres #5319 and dated 12 Dec. 1814, the other for 12 acres made 18 Jan. 1817 on part of Land Office Treasury Warrant for 2,000 acres #4648 on 3 Sept. 1810, in Giles Co. on S.side Sinking Creek a branch of New River, adj. William Duncan's land, Anderson's land. Jan. 20, 1817. Margin: Giles Co., Rec. 16 Feb. 1818, Grant issd. Oct. 1, 1818.
G-390: Surveyed for William Duncan, 36 acres by virtue of an entry for 36 acres made 21 Jan. 1817? (faint) by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant for ? acres, #4876 dated 28 March 1812, in Giles Co. on S.side Sinking Creek a branch of New River, adj. said Duncan's land. Jan. 21, 1817. Rec. 16 Feb. 1818, Grant issd. Oct. 1, 1818.
VA State Land Grants (FHL film 29,310)
59-25: Aug. 1, 1809, William Duncan, Giles Co., 50 acres on some drains of Sinking Creek branch of New River.
67-460: Oct. 1, 1818, James Duncan, Giles Co., 37 acres on S.side Sinking Creek branch of New River.
67-499: Oct. 1, 1818, William Duncan, Giles Co., 36 acres S.side Sinking Creek branch of New River.
82-54: Aug. 1, 1833, James Duncan, Giles Co., 25 acres on Sinking Creek.
Giles Co. VA Deed Index 1806-1923 (FHL film 31,727)
A-366: Duncan, Charles from John Peck, 4/18/1815
B-170: Duncan, Landon & al from John Peters, 4/25/1820
B-263: Duncan, William Senr. to Wm. Duncan Jr., 4/24/1821
B-275: Duncan, John Lawson from Wm. Duncan Senr, 4/24/1821
B-434: Duncan, Landon from Thos. Kirk Senr. Exors, 8/27/1822
C-162: Duncan, James from Wm. Duncan's heirs, 4/16/1825
D-24: Duncan, Landon from John Peters Jr. & wf, 1/21/1831
D-229: Duncan, John L. from Isaiah Wilson, 11/17/1832
D-241: Duncan, Lawson from Joseph Rose, 11/15/1832
E-445: Duncan, Braxton from Thos. Farley & wife, 6/13/1839
F-149: Duncan, James to Francis R. Wingo & heirs, 1/9/1841
F-456: Duncan, Braxton to Ralph K. Stafford, 8/26/1839
G-195: Duncan, James & wf. to John Lugar, 12/29/1838
G-237: Duncan, James Allen & al from William Duncan, 3/2/1846
G-283: Duncan, William to William Rock, 6/19/1846
G-316: Duncan, Elisha G. & al from Samuel Pack, comr, 12/6/1846
H-67: Duncan, Phoebe & al from Joseph Hare, 9/15/1847
H-107: Duncan, John L. to William L. Duncan, 8/19/1847
H-108: Duncan, James from John L. Duncan, 8/19/1847
H-234: Duncan, Elisha G. & al from Elijah Davis & al, 8/11/1848
I-132: Duncan, E.G. & wife from R.F. Watts & wife, deed par., 6/23/1852
I-259: Duncan, Elish G. & wf. to R.F. Watts & al, 3/25/1854
K-72: Duncan, Elish G. & al to Joseph Hare, 3/27/1854
later not copied
Giles Co. VA Deeds
A-366: 18 April 1815, John Peck to Charles Duncan, lease of plantation whereon said Duncan now lives, 160 acres, for life; payable annually $100 and the tax. (FHL film 31,727)
B-170: 25 April 1820, John Peters Jr. to Thomas Kirk Senr. & Landon Duncan, both Giles Co., for $611.66, 141 acres in 3 surveys on S. side New River, on Laurel Creek. Wit. Th. Kirk, John Brown, William Tiller. (FHL film 31,727)
B-263: 24 April 1821, William Duncan Sr. to William Duncan Jr., both Giles Co., for $1, the tract on Sinking Creek, one of which tracts contains 150 acres granted to said William Duncan Sr. by patent 30 Dec. 1800, corner of the land he bought of Rector, and also tract of 42 acres granted to William Duncan, assignee of Uriah Rector by patent 24 Aug. 1783, 30 acres of which tract of 42 acres is supposed to be included within the conditional line mentioned in the deed of John Lawson Duncan, land adj. John Lawson Duncan. No wife; no wit. (FHL film 31,727)
B-275: 24 April 1821, William Duncan Sr. to John Lawson Duncan Jr. (sic), both Giles Co., for $100, 62 acres on Sinking Creek, one tract of 50 acres granted to William Duncan 1 Aug. 1809, corner Obadiah Rose' land, and part of another tract which contains 42 acres, 12 acres to John Lawson Duncan, near the line of said William Duncan. No wife; no wit. (FHL film 31,727)
B-434: 27 Aug. 1822, John Kirk and Archibald Clyburn, exec. of will of Thomas Kirk Sr. decd, to Landon Duncan, both Giles Co., for $275, 141 acres on south side of New River below mouth of Wolf Creek of which land said Thomas Kirk Senr. was a joint proprietor with said Landon Duncan and by last will directed the land be sold by his exec; 3 parcels. Wit. Henry Harrison, Hugh Jonston (sic), David French, James Jenks, John McClaugherty. (FHL film 31,727)
C-162: 16 April 1825, Isaac Harless & wife Dicy, John Keffer & wife Sariah, Randolph Hughs & wife Peggy, Mary Duncan, Lausen Duncan & wife Hannah, William Duncan & wife Elizabeth, deed to James Duncan, all Giles Co., for $1, 90 acres on southeast side of Sinking Creek on a line of Peterson Smith's survey, division line between Joseph Anderson and Barnabas and John Lenegan. Testified to before John Kirk and James Wilson, Justices; the wives were examined separately and relinquished dower rights. "This deed of bargain & sale from the heirs of William Duncan decd to James Duncan was acknowledged ... & ordered recorded." (FHL film 31,728)
D-24: 21 Jan. 1831, John Peters and wife Sally to Landon Duncan, all Giles Co. VA, for $1, 30 acres adj. lands of Joshua & Elijah Davis, the east end of a tract of 66 acres bearing date 1791 granted to Isaiah Perdue 1/14/1793. This land was sold to Thomas Kirk Sr. & Landon Duncan joint purchasers in April 1820 by said John Peters Jr. but by reason of a defect in the title made by Isaiah Perdue to John Peters Jnr in the bounds ... reference to Chancery Court Feb. 1830 to clear the title. (FHL film 31,728)
D-229: 17 Nov. 1832, Isaiah Wilson of "Grason" Co. VA to John L. Duncan of Giles Co., for $10, 30 acres tract granted to Isaiah Wilson by patent 17 July 1816, corner Obediah Roses decd and John L. Duncan. No wife; no wit. (FHL film 31,728)
D-241: 15 Nov. 1832, Joseph Rose of Alleghany Co. VA to Lawson Duncan of Giles Co. VA, for $100, 62 acres on Sinking Creek, branch of New River, corner Jacob Johnson, Joseph Rose, Duncan's line. Wit. Michael Aritt?, John Aritt. (FHL film 31,728)
E-445: 3 June 1839, Thomas Farley and wife Matty to Braxton Duncan, all Giles Co., for $400, 2 tracts on east side of Wakers Creek, one a part of orig. grant to Thomas House Napper, 50 acres; the other 50 acres conveyed to Thomas Farly Sr. by John Hoge, James Hoge, William McCoy & Henly Chapman. Wit. Thos. Shannon, David Eaton, Henry Bolton. (FHL film 31,729)
F-149: 9 Jan. 1841, James Duncan and wife Rebecca to Frances R. Wingo & Joseph Eakals, Jr., all Giles Co. VA, for $400, 88 acres on a line called Peterson Smith's survey. No wit. (FHL film 31,729)
F-456: 26 Aug. 1839, Braxton Duncan and wife Araminta of Giles Co. VA to "Ralph Stafford (Ky)" of same, for $400, land in E-445. Title NOT warranted. No wit. (FHL film 31,729)
Vol.G-I 1844-1855 (FHL film 31,730)
G-195: 29 Dec. 1838, James Duncan and wife Rebecca to John Lugar, both Giles Co. VA, for $8 (sic), 2 acres on line between Lugar & Duncan. No wit. (FHL film 31,730)
G-237: 2 March 1846, William Duncan (no wife) of Giles Co. VA to his seven sons, James Allen Duncan, William McHenry Duncan, John Lawson Duncan, Benjamin Duncan, Josephus Duncan, Chester Ballard Duncan, and Elisha White Duncan of same, for $1, 3 tracts total 216 acres on Sinking Creek where Wm. Duncan now lives, one of 150 acres which was conveyed to said Wm. Duncan by Wm. Duncan Sr. 24 April 1821 adj. land Wm. Duncan Sr. bought of Rector, line of Adam Hanns; and 30 acres of another tract of 42 acres in the same deed, which conveyed the above 100 acres (150? acres), the 30 acres is the west end of said 42 acre survey, the remaining 12 acres was conveyed by Wm. Duncan Sr. to John L. Duncan; and 36 acre grant to said William Duncan 1 Oct. 1818 adj. said Duncan's land. No wit. (FHL film 31,730)
G-283: 19 June 1846, William Duncan of Giles Co. VA and wife Elizabeth to William Rock of same, for $20, 10 acres where said Duncan now lives, on N.side of mountain, adj. Abraham Hise's line. No wit.
G-316: 6 Dec. 1846, Samuel Pack commissioner to heirs of James T. Watson decd, per Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, 15 Feb. 1844, in action for relief of James K. Kent and the heirs of James T. Watson decd, of one part, to Elisha G. Duncan and Cefebin Duncan (Cefebin?) of Giles Co. VA of the other part, for $25 paid by Elisha G. Duncan and Cephas? Duncan, 332 acres 1 rod 26 poles incl. 141 acres the property of Landon Duncan which was included within the bounds; the said 332 acres is a part of a patent to Saml. M. Hopkins, on W.side of Nero River near the falls and S.Side East River mountain; adj. 10 acres purchased by Joshua and Elijah Davis of Andrew Johnston, line of Landon Duncan, the Island, mouth of Wolf Creek.
H-67: 15 Sept. 1847, Joseph (H) Hare of Giles Co. VA to Phebe Duncan, wife of Elisha G. Duncan, James F. Hare and Andrew J. Hare, children of William H. Hare and grandchildren of Joseph Hare, all Giles Co. VA, for love and $1, land 1/2 mile NE of Giles courthouse, containing 500 acres, being part of 521 acre grant to late Col. George Davis? 2 April 1810, and upon partition of estate of George Davis was allotted to Juliet F. Gerald wife of Garland S. Gerald, 500 acres of which they sold 30 Dec. 1844 to said Joseph Hare; adj. Oscar F. Johnston, John H. Rutter, Mill Road, Puck (Pack?) and Caperton's land, Guy D. French's land; this land is given as an advancement at the price of $5,800, and if upon settlement of said Joseph Hare's estate, it is greater than what they would be entitled to upon an equal division between his son William and the children of said William and wife Sally, which may then be living, giving to each child an equal share with the father, then the grantees will reimburse their father William H. Hare and their brothers and sisters. No wit. (FHL film 31,730)
H-107: 19 Aug. 1847, John L. Duncan to William L. Duncan, both Giles Co., for $1, 25 acres on a line between James Smith and John L. Duncan. No wit.
H-108: 19 Aug. 1847, John L. Duncan to James Duncan, for $1, 25 acres in the mouth of a hollow. No wit.
H-234: 11 Aug. 1848, Elijah Davis and wife Polly (X) and Joshua Davis and wife Sally (X) to Elisha G. Duncan and Cephas his wife, all Giles Co. VA, for $150, 30 acres on Praim's? mill branch adj. Landon Duncan, on Piney Mountain, branch of East River. Memo: residue of lands held jointly by Elijah and Joshua Davis are now solely owned by Joshua; Elijah and his wife have no interest in them.
I-132: 23 June 1852, Reuben F. Watts and wife Paulina to Elisha G. Duncan and wife Phebe, all Giles Co. VA; that Joseph Hare by deed 15 Sept. 1847 conveyed to Phebe Duncan, Andrew J. Hare and James F. Hare, 500 acres lying near Giles Co. courthouse; that James F. Hare and wife Eliza M., and Andrew J. Hare and wife Wilmirth, by several deeds conveyed their interest to said Reuben F. Watts; deed of partition, 2/3 to Watts and 1/3 to Elisha G. and Phebe Duncan; Watts have two parts, one of 100 acres adj. Pendleton's land, Johnston's line; Elisha G. Duncan's part; the other part of 193 acres; Elisha G. Duncan and wife have 264 acres by estimation. All signed. (FHL film 31,730)
I-359: 25 March 1854, Elish G. Duncan & wife Phebe to Ruben F. Watts and Alexander Mahood, for $3000, 264 acres adj. line of orig. 520 acre survey, corner to 100 acres purchased by R.F. Watts of James Hare, division line between said Duncan and Watts. /s/ Elisha G. Duncan, Phebe L. Duncan. No wit.
Giles Co. VA Will Book (FHL film 31,724 and from Vickie Boatwright 1992 with permission to share with others)
Will Book A, pg.141: This Indenture and bargain of sale and delivery made and entered into this 12 Jan. 1814, between Chloe Duncan and Landon Duncan, both of Giles Co. VA, for $1 paid by Landon Duncan, I the said Chloe Duncan have given, granted, ... to the said Landon Duncan & his heirs forever the following species of property, viz, one sorrell mare 12 years old and 15 hands high, one red cow & her calf, one feather bed & all the furniture belonging to it, one pine chest with all table & kitchen furniture consisting of basons, dishes, plates, knives & forks & tea ware, pots, ovens & all castings with all and singular the articles herein mentioned or in any wise appertaining thereunto, ... for their proper use right & title, and I do hereby renounce all claim or claims to all or any of the aforesaid property, likewise do warrent & defend said property all & singular of them from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever. /s/ Chloe Duncan. Wit. Jas. McClaugherty, Isaac Hale. Giles Co. Court Oct. 1814, deed of personal property from Chloe Duncan to Landon Duncan was proven in court by the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered recorded. (VB: Note 15 Jan. 1814 marriage bond between Thomas Kirk and Chloe Duncan)
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