Duncan research files of |
Culpeper Co. VA Wills (Culpeper Co. Court House, 1980, from Mildred Hofer with permission to share with others)
Duncan, William; Book "B" page 450 - Feb. 24, 1781; Sons: Charles and James; Rest of estate divided between Rawley, William, John (deceased), Joseph and Charles; Daughter: Anne Roberts or her children; Executors: Son, Joseph and James, John Bradford; Witness: Wm. Hughs, William Browning and Shadrack Browning. Proven Oct. 15, 1781 (per Charles Gordon; proven 15 Oct. 1788 from index cards of Kit Smith 8/1983)
Duncan, Robert R.; Book "D" page 71 - 7th June, 1788; Sons: Robert, Charles, Sammy, Joseph, John, Gollop; Daughters: Phillis Barbee - wife of John Barbee*, Ann Pope - wife of Thomas Pope*, Mary Hackley (1st) Thomas Grinnan (2nd), Lavinia Lightfoot, Rosey Jett; Gr.Gr dau. Lucinda Bradford & dau. of Enoch Bradford; Executors: Son-in-Law, James Jett, John Lightfoot and son Gollop Duncan; Witness: William Lawson, John Amiss, Amos Crane.
* - (MH: John Barbee, Captain, Rev. War Born 11-12-1724, 1st wife Eliz. Welsh, 2nd wife Phillis Duncan Barbee - Died 1801-1805; DAR Patriot Index)
* - (MH: Thomas Pope, Mrner - Born 1715 Died 1821, wife Ann Duncan Pope; DAR Patriot Index)
Duncan, William, Sr.; Book "D" page 335 - May 17, 1790; Wife: Rosanna (Norman); Son: William, James Frederick; Witness: Wm. Hughs, Thomas Hughs, Sarah Hughs. (MH: William Duncan, Sr. Born ca 1726 - Private in Rev. War; Info. from DAR Patriot Index - married Rosanna Norman)
Duncan, Joseph; Book "D" page 356 - 17th August 1801; Wife: Mary (MH: Browning - DAR Patriot Index); Children: Sally, Mary, George, Liney, Elizabeth, Frances, Lucy and Joseph.; Married daughters: Sally Yancy, Liney Johnson, Elizabeth Routs and Lucy Threlkeld.; Executors: George Duncan (son), Benjamin Ferguson; Witnesses: Morgan Wright, Benjamin Ferguson, Richard Jeffries.
Duncan, Frances; Book "D" page 376 - 1802; (MH: Dau. of Joseph Duncan - Bk D p. 356 - 17 Aug 1801); Brother: George; Sisters: Liney Johnson, Lucy Threlkeld, Sally Yancy, Mary Duncan; Brother: Joseph Duncan; Executor: George Duncan (Brother); Witnesses: Benjamin Ferguson, Lucy C. Ferguson, George Duncan.
Duncan, Gollop; Book "H" page 219 - April 3, 1815; Friend: Daniel Ward; Executor: Daniel Ward; Witnesses: Wm. K. Spelman, Conway Spelman, Peter B. Bowen.
Browning, Francis; Book "A" page 242 - 30th Dec. 1760; Wife: All to wife; Court appoints Frances, his wife, Executrix.
Browning, Frances; Book "D" page 60 - Sept. 17, 1792; Son: Shadrack; Executor: Shadrack; Witness: Shadrack Barnes, John Lawlor, James Duncan, Jr. or Sr.
Bywaters, Thomas; Book 1 page 56 - 23 Feb. 1822; Wife: Margaret; Unmarried children; Daughter: Polly, widow of Thomas Amiss; Sons: Thomas, Kelly and Robert; Daughter: Sally; Son: Henderson Read Bywaters heirs or legal representatives; Executors: Henry Bywaters and Burrell Ludwell; Witnesses: Willis Ludwell, James Ludwell, Henry Bywaters.
Culpeper Co. VA Will Index 1749-1830 (FHL film 30,931)
B-450: Wm. Duncan, will, 10/15/1781
B-464: Wm. Duncan, inventory, 11/19/1781
C-41: Wm. Duncan, settlement, 10/20/1783
C-353: Chas. Duncan, inventory, 10/10/1789
D-91: Robert Duncan, will, 10/21/1794
D-102: Robert Duncan, inventory, 1/?/1794
D-112: Robert Duncan, settlement estate, 2/17/1794
D-325: William Duncan, will, 9/21/1801
D-352: William Duncan, inventory, 2/15/1802
D-356: Joseph Duncan, will, 2/13?/1802
D-362: Joseph Duncan, inventory, 4/13?/1802
D-373: Joseph Duncan, bill of sale, 6/21?/1802
D-376: Frances Duncan, will, 6/21/1802
D-389: Frances Duncan, inventory, 10/1/1807?
E-229: Joseph Duncan, Exor's acct, 6/1?/1807?
G-182: James Duncan, inventory, missing, 1813-17
G-185: James Duncan, Acct. Sales, missing, 1813-17
H-151: James Duncan Div. of Estate, 9/20/1817?
H-219: Gallop Duncan, will, 8/21/1820
M-214: Wm. Duncan, will, missing, 1830-33
M-270; Wm. Duncan, Inv. & App., missing, 1830-33
M-419: George Duncan, Committee's Acct., missing, 1830-33
N-416: William Duncan, Exor's Acct., 12/21/1835
O-90: George Duncan, Committee's Acct., 9?/19/1836
R-41: John Duncan, will, 7/17/1847
R-63: John Duncan, Appraisement, 11/20/1848
R-63: Peggy Duncan, appraisement, 11/20/1848
R-175: John Duncan, Adm's acct., 11/19/1849
R-175: Peggy Duncan, Adm's Acct, 11/19/1849
Q-210: William Duncan, Acct. Sales, 4/22/1845
Q-212: Lucy Duncan, Acct. Sales, 4/22/1845
Q-215: William Duncan, Exor's Acct., 5/22/1845
Next 1871; quit
Culpeper Co. VA Wills
C-353: Inventory of estate of Charles Duncan, filed 17 Oct. 1789 (sic) by Anthony Hughes, Frans. Covington, William Covington. (Court cert. 19 Oct. 1780.) Includes negro woman, young negro woman, cattle, sheep, hogs, bee hives, ploughs, one womans saddle, one mans saddle, six pewter plates £10, 6 pewter plates £6, 4 pewter plates £6, 3 pewter dishes ... (more not copied; no names listed). (FHL film 30,930)
D-376: 31 March 1802, will of Frances Duncan (signed) of St. Marks Parish, Culpeper Co. VA; to my brother George Duncan my bed & furniture and £7.10; to my sister Liney Jonston one blue ground cake? habit, one striped muslin pr Nancy Jonston; to my sister Lucy Threlkeld one laurkle? staffs peticoat & one blue bordcrid?; to my sister Sally Yancy one chocolate gr.. & habit one yarn peticoat; to my sister Mary Duncan one dimity peticoat and cambrick shaul; balance of my clothing to my sister Betsey Rout; to my brother Joseph one cow; to my sister Mary Duncan £7.10 and all the rest of my estate. Appt. brother George Duncan exec. "her" last will. Wit. Benjamin Fargeson, Lucy C. Fargeson, George Duncan. Proved 23 June 1802. (FHL film 30,932)
D-389: 18 Oct. 1802, appraisal of estate of Frances Duncan: one bed & furniture, 1 cow & calf, 1 piece? chest, 1 womans saddle. /s/ Morgan Wright, Benjamin Fargeson?, Gideon Brown. (FHL film 30,932)
E-229/31: 9 June 1807, Estate of Joseph Duncan, account by Benjamin Ferguson, executor. Includes cash paid James Duncan, George Duncan, Mary Duncan, the heirs of Frances Duncan, John Rout, Allen Johnson, Daniel Threldkeld and many others; identical amounts "for (their) part of said Duncan's estate after payment of debts and specific legacies" paid to Zechorias Yancey, Mary Duncan, Allen Johnson, Daniel Threldkeld, Mary Duncan that part of Jos. Duncan's estate which Frances Duncan decd. was entitled, John Rout, George Duncan, Joseph Duncan. (FHL film 30,932)
H-151: 27 Aug. 1819, surveyed for George Duncan, John D. Cronning? and Bryant Obannon, 3 of the commissioners appointed 16 Aug. 1819 to divide real and personal estate of James Duncan decd; sketch of land (very uneven shape; shows widow's dower 107a, and 7 other lots, the whole area 762a). Neighbors Charles Mozinge?, Roberts corner, Baker? corner, east side of Aarons Mountain, James Menefee? corner, Edward Willey corner, Charles Allen corner & line, Grimsley's corner, Charles Bullin? line, Browning's line, old church road, corner to Settle, Elcana? Settle (Little?), Abraham Little, Polly Little ... Dower lot 107? acres; Lot 1, Lewis Duncan, 50 acres; Lot 2, Marshall Duncan, 50 acres; Lot 3, James Duncan, 46 acres; Lot 4, Lucy Duncan, 46 acres; Lot 5, William Duncan, 194 acres; Lot 6, Hiram Duncan, 194 acres; Lot 7, John Duncan, 75 acres. Also division of slaves not copied here. (FHL film 30,933)
H-196: will of Mathew (H) Hawkins Sr., 27 May 1820, revoking all other wills; to my wife Betty Hawkins negro girl Lilly, negro boy Joshua, three beds, bedstead and furniture, (furniture etc.) forever; to my wife for natural life 1/2 tract of land I purchased of Frederick Kobler, the part which falls to her to contain the buildings that is on said land; to my two sons Job Hawkins and James Hawkins in trust for the benefit of my daughter Rebecca Popham and her child or children, the residue of the land I purchased of Frederick Kobler and a negro woman Polly, negro girl Fanney?, and two negro boys Wesley & Howard, after my wifes decease I then leave to my two sons above mentioned in trust for benefit of my daughter Rebecca Popham and her child or children the land which I left to my wife for her life. If my daughter Rebecca leaves no chidren, the the land and negroes to my two sons Job Hawkins and James Hawkins. To my two sons Job Hawkins and James Hawkins 100 acres of land I now live on, being the land I purchased at sheriff's sale, also the land I purchased of John Ball containing 58 acres, the said 158 acres to be equally divided between them. To Humphrey Popham and his wife Betty (my daughter) $1. To Thomas Popham who intermarried with daughter Phebe $1. To Benjamin Duncan and his wife Susanna my daughter $1 and no more. To Hawkins Popham $1. Residue be sold, equally divided among following legatees after deducting $200 from my daughter Mary Lightfoot's part: my wife Betty Hawkins; my son Job Hawkins; the children of my son John Hawkins decd; my son James Hawkins; my grand(son?) Samuel Hawkins, Clarissa Kelby, Sarah Ann Bollinger Kelby, Varinda? Kelby, Melinda Kelby and Julia Franklin Kelby, these six grand children are to have one child's part to be equally divided among them, their brother Samuel Hawkins will receive their respective shares & give to each one third (sic) part; my daughter Mary Lightfoot; and my daughter Rebecca Popham but whatever comes to her part I leave in trust to my two sons aforenamed for the benefit of herself or child or children. Appoint my two sons Job Hawkins & James Hawkins and grandson Augustine Hawkins execs. Wit. John Ball, John Creel.
Articles of Agreement 27 May 1820, between Matthew (H) Hawkins Senr. with his two sons Job Hawkins and James Hawkins (all three signed), in consideration of his maintenance, relinquish right and give possession to his two sons, the right to 264 acres of land that was vested in Matthew Hawkins Senr. by his father in law James Maxwell. Wit. John Ball, John Creel. Court 19 June 1820, will and agreement proved on oaths of witnesses, James Hawkins executor. (FHL film 30,933) (MAD: Kelby children are children of Susanna by her first husband; see marriages in Anderson Co. KY)
H-219: 3 April 1815, will of Gollop Duncan, of Culpeper Co.; to my friend Danil Ward land whereon I now reside, 111 acres, and my four negros namely Moses, James, Jane? & Winifred?, with all the residue of my estate. Appoint friend Daniel Ward executor. Wit. Wm. H. Spelman?, Conway? Spelman?, Peter B. Bowen. Proved 21 Aug. 1820. (FHL film 30.933)
L-214: Robert Bywaters "Copy filed in suit Bywaters vs Bywaters, Box #3" Entry in Will Book L, pg. 214 & other pages (book lost) (MAD: this entry from index only; per "Allied Families of Read, etc." pg.244-5, Robert Bywaters d. 11 Jan. 1829, m. Celia Washburn who d. Feb. 1834. Robert Bywaters' will in Culpeper Co. will book L-214, left $400 to the "children of my daughter Lucy wife of William Duncan".)
N-416: 21 Dec. 1835, estate of William Duncan, settlement by James Stone, exor; amounts paid from 1832 to 1835; incl. Sept. 1834, to Enoch Duncan $100; Oct. 15 1834 to Sophia Smith $100, Oct. 22 to Wm. H. Duncan $45.22; Nov. 4 to Richd. C. Duncan $75, James M. Duncan $183.22, Benj. F. Duncan $75, James M. Duncan $75, Geo. Duncan $75; Nov. 14 to Wm. Dunkin $8, John Deatherage $32.49, Deatherage Wood $21.89; Nov. 22 P.M. Williams $40; Nov. 27 Enoch Duncan $14.39 (& later to Enoch Duncan). Sums paid at other times to others not last name Duncan. (FHL film 30,934)
O-90/93: 19 Sept. 1836, "on motion of" petition of Edward P. Duncan, committee of George Duncan (a lunatic), to settle account. Payments 1833 & later include payments to Edward P. Duncan on bond, George Duncan, Benjamin F. Duncan, James M. Duncan exec. of A. Duncan decd, Margaret Duncan, Hiram Duncan, amounts for medicine, French Brandy, fish, bushels, spirits of turpentine, doctor, Charles Browning's bond for hire of Lewis this year (1836), etc. (FHL film 30,934)
Q-210/12: 22 April 1845, Inventory of property sold at the residence of the late William Duncan decd. by James Stone, exec., 1/22/1834. Sales to Wm. Duncan, Edward Duncan, and many others; sale of negro woman Judy to Robert Browning, negro woman Fanny to William H. Duncan, negro man Edmond to John Roberts, 194a 3 rods 11 poles land to Benjamin Lillard; and many other small items sold to many people. (FHL film 30,935)
Q-212/13: 22 April 1845, inventory of property sold at the late residence of William Duncan decd. belonging to his widow Lucy Duncan decd. by James Slone the exor, 22 Jan. 1834. Sales to several people. Accounting includes cash paid John Deatherage and Enoch Duncan. (FHL film 30,935)
Q-215/16: 22 April 1845, account of James Sloane, exor. of Wm. Duncan decd, 1831-1836. Includes cash paid Wm. H. Duncan on note, Wm. Corley, Enoch Duncan, Wm. J. Menefee, Benjamin Lillard, Benj. F. Duncan, Kesiah Duncan, Robert Browning, and others. (FHL film 30,935)
R-41/42: Will of John Duncan, 9 Sept. 1847, of Culpeper Co. VA, tolerable health of body; to my sister Peggy Duncan all my estate real & personal; County court of Culpeper let her qualify as my executor without security (MAD: dark page, am uncertain about "her"). Wit. Jno. M. Young, George Jeffries, Thomas I. Sudduth. Proved 17 July 1848 on oath of George Jeffries and Thomas J. Sudduth; motion of William Hurt who made oath and entered into bond, he granted letters of administration. (FHL film 30,935)
R-63: 21 July 1848, proved 20 Nov. 1848; appraisement of estate of John Duncan and Peggy Duncan decd. Incl. chest, spinning wheel, farm utensils, kitchen goods, 3 feather beds, 5 counterpins and 2 sheats, small looking glass, cow, windsor chairs, etc. (FHL film 30,935)
R-175: 20? Nov. 1849, settlement of account of Wm. Hurt, adm. of estates of John & Peggy Duncan decd. Amounts paid to various people, incl. George Sudduth; incl. amount of Anny Duncan's bond with interest and various other bonds. (FHL film 30,935)
Culpeper Co. VA Will Book D (copy of pages from Al Drew 1987, Reel #32; copy from Blanche Fritz 1987; both with permission to share with others)
D-91/3: Will of Robert (R) Duncan, 7 June 1788, of Culpeper Co., Parish of Saint Mark; I formerly gave and delivered to my son Robert Duncan Negro woman Gosha, to my son Charles Duncan negro woman Frambs?, to my son Sammy Duncan negro man Tommy, to my son Joseph Duncan negro woman Mall?, I confirm to each of my sons and their heirs the aforesaid negroes. Regarding my son John Duncan, I did give and deliver unto him in lieu of a negro the sum of £50. To my son Gallop Duncan negro women Judah and Jarby? and their several increase. I formerly lent to my daughter Phillis Barbee wife of John Barbee one negro woman Sarah which has since born a child Jenny, I do now give the negroes to my great granddaughter Lucinda Bradford daughter of Enoch Bradford by his late wife Rosey Bradford who was daughter to my aforesaid daughter Phillis Barbee. I formerly gave to my daughter Ann Pope wife of Thomas Pope one negro boy named Joe, I confirm the said negro Joe to her. I lent to my daughter Mary who was then intermarried with Joseph Hackly one negro girl named Jenny, the said Joseph Hackly departing this life, my said daughter Mary then intermarried with Thomas Grinnan soon after which period I took possession of the said negro Jenny and in lieu of a negro gave and executed a deed for a parcel of land to the said Thomas Grinnan and Mary his wife, and I do declare I never let my said daughter Mary have the said negro Jenny on no other conditions than on loan during pleasure. I formerly gave to my daughter Rosey Jett wife of James Jett, two negroes, one a negro man Will and the other a negro girl Winney, I confirm the said negroes to my daughter Rosey. I formerly gave my daughter Lavina Lightfoot wife of John Lightfoot one negro woman Lucy, I confirm the said Lucy to my daughter Lavina. My wife Ann Duncan keep possession of the house and lot of land whereon I now live during life or widowhood or so long as she may choose to live thereon, then the said lease and lot to pass to my son Gollop Duncan, his heirs or legal representatives. As provision for my wife Ann Duncan's support, the remainder of my negroes, my household furniture, etc., shall be under the direction of my executors, then to be equally divided amongst my eleven following children or their heirs or representatives: Robert Duncan, John Duncan, Charles Duncan, Sammy Duncan, Joseph Duncan, Gollop Duncan, Mary Grinnan, Phillis Barbee, Anne Pope, Rosey Jett and Lavina Lightfoot; and as some difficulty may rise to effect the same, the remainder of my negroes shall be allotted into 11 shares, to be allocated by disinterested people appointed by the court; the remainder sold and money divided amongst my eleven children or legal representatives: Robert Duncan, John Duncan, Charles Duncan, Sammy Duncan, Joseph Duncan, Gollop Duncan, Mary Grinnan, Phillis Barbee, Anne Pope, Rosey Jett and Lavina Lightfoot. The executors shall be paid out of the estate for their work. Appoint son-in-law James Jett and John Lightfoot and son Gollop Duncan executors; if any of them decline, the court may appoint others. Wit. William Lawson, John Amiss, Amos Trane?. Exhibited at court 21 Oct. 1793 by James Jett, one of the executors; proved on oaths of John Amiss and Amos Crane.
Culpeper Co. VA Mixed Records; Inventories, Accounts, Etc. (FHL film 30,938)
Vol. 1, 1811-1827 - no Duncan found (no index)
Vol. 2, 1831-1870 - no Duncan indexed
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