Duncan research files of |
1850 Upshur Co. TX Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Upshur Co. TX Census
Western Dist., P.O. Coffeeville
Pg.426, #544-520, J.N. DUNCAN (m) 35 TN blk smith $150-150
Mary 33 TN
Lucinda 13, Martin 7 TN
Minerva 4, William 3 TN
W.C. GRIGGS (m) 14 MS
(MAD: indexed as J.W.; John Wiley Duncan, wife Mary McAnally; 1870 Anderson Co. TX census)
1870 Upshur Co. TX Census
Precinct 2, P.O. Coffeeville
Pg.87, #265-273, TILLMAN, Jerry 60 NC (white) at home $0-$860
Sallie 55 TN keeping house
Martha 27 TN at home
Mahala 26 TN at home
Paulla (f) 24 TN at home
Green (m) 23 TN farmer $610-$175
Lee (m) 22 TN farmer $610-175
Effie (f) 13 TN at school
DUNCAN, Wash 20 TN BLACK farming $0-$85
CROSBY, Coleman 34 GA BLACK farming $0-$160
Pg.95, #368-379, DUNCAN, Relin (m) 23 TX farming $300-$200
Elizabeth 20 TX keeping house
Rutha (f) 1 TX at home
(MAD: Roland Duncan, b.1846 per cem. rec.)
Precinct 4, P.O. Calloway
Pg.133, #66-66, ISABEL, B.M. (m) 28 GA farmer $365-$150
Harriet 25 SC K.H.
John 10 GA (ditto)
Allice (f) 3 GA (ditto)
Thomas 1 TX (ditto)
DUNCAN, R.S. (m) 22 KY farming (white)
Pg.135, #105-105, DUNCAN, Jim 22 TN BLACK farming $0-$0
Ellen 20 TX BLACK keeping house
(no children)
Stewart Co. TN Deed (FHL film 554,338)
29-205: 5 April 1876, between heirs & representatives of Wm. T. Duncan decd, and children of heirs, and names of each and every one who is married, to wit: (1) Samuel T. Duncan and wife Margaret; (2) Daniel Duncan and wife Fanny; (3) Sarah Duncan now Frogg and husband Timothy Frogg; (4) Elizabeth Stevenson; (5) Mary J. Tucker; (6) Ann J. Gilbert; (7) The James Duncan children, he being dead, to wit, Wilkins Duncan, Tucker Duncan and wife Willilla, Sooky? Duncan now Henry and her husband Mr. Henry of AR; (8) the John P. Duncan children, to wit, William Duncan, Margaret now Hunt and her husband George Hunt, Anis now Tucker and her husband Franklin Tucker, and Robert Duncan, Eugene Duncan, Ella Duncan, Daniel Duncan, Hubbard Duncan; parties of the 1st part; to James Sumner of Stewart Co. TN, of the other part; for $240, land in Stewart Co. TN on waters of Saline Creek, corner Duncan Stuart's lower 1,000 acre survey. Thomas R. Henry and wife S.M. Henry appeared in Drew Co. AR 1 July 1879; Mrs. M.M. Hunt wife of G.W. Hunt appeared before James M. Duncan, clerk of Hill Co. TX; Sarah F. Duncan, and J.T. Duncan and wife W.E. Duncan appeared in Drew Co. AR; R.F. Tucker and wife A.M. Tucker appeared in Ashley Co. AR; E. Duncan appeared in Summer Co. TN; R.H. Duncan, J.E. Duncan, D.D. Duncan and H.H. Duncan appeared in Camp Co. TX; G.W. Hunt and W.T. Duncan appeared in Hill Co. TX before James M. Duncan, county clerk. Reg. 31 July 1880 in Stewart Co. TN.
1889 "Biographical souvenir of the state of Texas : containing biographical sketches of the representative public and many early settled families" by F. Battey (FHL book 976.4 D3bs and films 547,587 and 599,230 and 1,000,596 item 2; and from Lucille Mehrkam and Evelyn Sigler; sketches alphabetical, good index)
Part of Preface: "No pains have been spared to make the facts to be found within these covers accurate. With but few exceptions the material has been gathered from those most immediately interested and then submitted in type-written form for correction and revision."
Pg.264-5: John W. Duncan, born Hickman Co. TN, March 11, 1825, son of John and Nancy (Myatt) Duncan, grandson of David Duncan, and great-grandson of William Duncan, of pure Scotch descent on both paternal and maternal sides. John Duncan, father of John W., was a machinist, a colonel in State militia of TN, and died in 1867 at age 74 years. His wife, Nancy (Myatt) Duncan, died 1840 at 40 years of age. John W. Duncan was reared and educated in TN, came to TX Dec. 1859, located first Marion Co., then in 1860 to Upshur Co., 3 years later to Anderson Co., 7 years later to Fannin Co. In 1863 enlisted in Conf. army, Co. H, 18th TX Inf., trans-MS department, and served as capt. of Co. H. two years. Blacksmith by trade, became farmer after war. Served as Justice of Peace in Lawrence Co. TN as well as constable. In 1885 appointed postmaster at Bonham, TX. Jan. 26, 1843, at early age of 18, (John W.) Duncan married Miss Mary A. McAnally, dau. of Dr. Martin McAnally; 5 children: Evaline, Minerva, Martin G., Wylie N., and Charles L. He a Mason. (MAD: John W. Duncan mar. Mary A. McAnnally 1/26/1843 Lawrence Co. TN)
Some early Duncans in Upshur Co. TX:
William Duncan, 1836-1837, immigrated to TX between 3/1/1836 and 10/1/1837, had 2nd class grant for land in Upshur Co. (listed on pg.1453, "Abstract of Titled and Patented Lands Compiled From the Records of the General Land Office of the State of Texas" published in Austin in 1860, and indexed by Paul Campbell; published in Vol.3#2 "Texas Heritage Quarterly," from Lucille Mehrkam 2/1984 and CA State Library, Sutro Branch, book F385 T48)
Daniel Duncan, 12 June 1838, received bounty warrant #3822 for 640 acres for service from 10 June to 10 Dec. 1836; 640 acres in Upshur Co. were patented to Justin Castaniae, asgn, on 11 Aug 1846. Pat 84 Vol 3 Abst 140 Glo file Nac Bty 102 1/2 ("Bounty and Donation Land Grants of Texas 1835-1888" by Thomas Lloyd Miller, 1967, for service between 1835 and 1846, from records of the TX General Land Office; from Lucille Mehrkam 1984). Daniel Duncan's bounty grant in Upshur Co. was listed on pg.1454, "Abstract of Titled and Patented Lands Compiled From the Records of the General Land Office of the State of Texas" published in Austin in 1860 (indexed by Paul Campbell; published in Vol.3#2 "Texas Heritage Quarterly," from Lucille Mehrkam 2/1984 and CA State Library, Sutro Branch, book F385 T48)
J.C. Dunkin, 1854, on Scholastic schedule with 1 male and 1 female, Upshur Co. (pg.350, "Texas Scholastics 1854-1855" by Gifford White, 1979, from Lucille Mehrkam 3/1984; FHL book 976.4 J2w)
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